[roll] Roll fuchsia [fdio] Use OwnedFd and BorrowedFd to respect IO safety

An upcoming version of Rust for debug builds will check that IO
primitives are respecting IO safety, and disallow I/O on file
descriptors that may be held privately elsewhere in the program.

To support this:

* `fdio::transfer_fd` now takes an `OwnedFd` since it modifies the file
  descriptor table for the descriptor..
* `fdio::create_fd` now returns an `OwnedFd`, since the caller has
  ownership over the returned descriptor.
* `fdio::clone_fd` now takes a `BorrowedFd`, since it does not need
  ownership over the descriptor.
* `fdio::clone_channel` now takes a `BorrowedFd`, since it does not need
  ownership over the descriptor.

Original-Fixed: 338590355
Original-Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/fuchsia/+/1042573
Owners-Override: James Robinson <jamesr@google.com>
Original-Revision: 82f95bdb3b37ab7b1a7035393213437c9fc59d8f
GitOrigin-RevId: 6a4e01ca5d03be0df234c3f264c77ef129e25b0f
Change-Id: I776918a04abfd47f7210bb72294056e3acc99192
diff --git a/stem b/stem
index 3049a34..22faf2c 100644
--- a/stem
+++ b/stem
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-             revision="daf79605d6219820f3568538064de23d7b800964"/>
+             revision="82f95bdb3b37ab7b1a7035393213437c9fc59d8f"/>
     <hook name="install-environment"