Roll Global Integration

GitOrigin-RevId: 1991b402c636db9ccd455e0635b6c64a1032b579
Change-Id: I70f2154988250d74dba55750e7f94f87f9a6844c
diff --git a/infra/config/generated/fuchsia/specs/ci/fuchsia-x64-release-e2e-isolated.textproto b/infra/config/generated/fuchsia/specs/ci/fuchsia-x64-release-e2e-isolated.textproto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff51057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/config/generated/fuchsia/specs/ci/fuchsia-x64-release-e2e-isolated.textproto
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Auto-generated by lucicfg.
+# Do not modify manually.
+# For the schema of this file, see Fuchsia message:
+checkout: <
+  manifest: "flower"
+  project: "integration"
+  remote: ""
+  upload_results: true
+build: <
+  build_type: "release"
+  board: "boards/x64.gni"
+  environment_tags: "e2e-isolated"
+  packages: "//src/sys/pkg:e2e_tests"
+  product: "products/core.gni"
+  run_tests: true
+  target: "x64"
+  variants: "host_asan"
+  upload_results: true
+  include_archives: true
+test: <
+  pave: true
+  pool: "fuchsia.tests"
+  swarming_expiration_timeout_secs: 18000
+  swarming_io_timeout_secs: 1210
+  test_in_shards: true
+  timeout_secs: 2400
+  max_shard_size: 1
+  max_attempts: 1
+  default_service_account: ""
+  per_test_timeout_secs: 1200
+  upload_results: true
+gcs_bucket: "fuchsia-build"
+artifact_gcs_bucket: "fuchsia-artifacts"
diff --git a/infra/config/generated/fuchsia/specs/try/fuchsia-x64-release-e2e-isolated.textproto b/infra/config/generated/fuchsia/specs/try/fuchsia-x64-release-e2e-isolated.textproto
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff51057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra/config/generated/fuchsia/specs/try/fuchsia-x64-release-e2e-isolated.textproto
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Auto-generated by lucicfg.
+# Do not modify manually.
+# For the schema of this file, see Fuchsia message:
+checkout: <
+  manifest: "flower"
+  project: "integration"
+  remote: ""
+  upload_results: true
+build: <
+  build_type: "release"
+  board: "boards/x64.gni"
+  environment_tags: "e2e-isolated"
+  packages: "//src/sys/pkg:e2e_tests"
+  product: "products/core.gni"
+  run_tests: true
+  target: "x64"
+  variants: "host_asan"
+  upload_results: true
+  include_archives: true
+test: <
+  pave: true
+  pool: "fuchsia.tests"
+  swarming_expiration_timeout_secs: 18000
+  swarming_io_timeout_secs: 1210
+  test_in_shards: true
+  timeout_secs: 2400
+  max_shard_size: 1
+  max_attempts: 1
+  default_service_account: ""
+  per_test_timeout_secs: 1200
+  upload_results: true
+gcs_bucket: "fuchsia-build"
+artifact_gcs_bucket: "fuchsia-artifacts"