blob: 95b48f6d7ac32531369490cfd931e3da7c07ee47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipes.fuchsia.release.publish;
message InputProperties {
message ChannelInfo {
// Shortname of the product to publish.
string product_shortname = 1;
// Channel to publish to.
string channel = 2;
// Optional. Channel to switch devices to.
string switch_channel = 3;
// Channel(s) to publish to.
repeated ChannelInfo channels = 1;
// Builders to compute last-known-good-revision, which will be used to derive
// the release version.
// Mutually exclusive with `release_version` and `target_branch`.
repeated string lkg_builders = 2;
// Release version to publish.
// Mutually exclusive with `lkg_builders` or `target_branch`.
string release_version = 3;
// Name of the branch to publish from. Must start with "releases/".
// If specified, the release version corresponding to the branch HEAD is
// published.
// Must be combined with `remote`.
// Mutually exclusive with `lkg_builders` or `release_version`.
string target_branch = 4;
// API host override to pass to publish tool.
string publish_host = 5;
// Rollout percentage from (0, 100].
int32 rollout_pct = 6;
// Whether to request urgent update(s).
bool urgent_update = 7;
// Remote integration manifest repository.
// Must be combined with `target_branch`.
string remote = 8;
// Whether to request to stop all updates to devices.
bool stop_rollout = 9;
// Whether to use GI build or not.
bool no_gi_build = 10;