blob: 8c8096b9714dfb50d567c2c57558b306f818085c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
import "infra/coverage.proto";
import "recipes/fuchsia/fuchsia/spec.proto";
message InputProperties {
// Parent build's buildbucket or led id. This needs to be a string because led
// IDs are not integers.
string parent_id = 1;
// Enable perfcompare mode: Compare performance between the "without CL" and
// "with CL" revisions. This involves building and testing both of those
// revisions.
bool perfcompare = 2;
// Whether to add comments for multipliers on led tasks.
bool comment_led = 3;
// Whether to only run affected tests.
bool affected_tests_only = 4;
// The type of coverage collection this build should do.
infra.coverage.CoverageCollectionType coverage_collection = 5;
// Message containing most properties that are common to most recipes under
// recipes/fuchsia/.
// TODO( Consider merging required spec fields into the top
// level of the properties message. There's nothing special about which fields
// are nested in `spec` versus in the top-level properties; the spec field is
// a vestige from when specs were checked into git rather than passed as
// properties.
recipes.fuchsia.fuchsia.spec.Fuchsia spec = 6;
// If running as an SDK subbuild, the SDK version identifier.
string sdk_id = 7;
// The tools to upload to CAS. This is used by the sdk recipe which gets the
// CAS digests from an output property and uses them in the package_overrides
// it uses for external testing. These tools must be separately configured to
// be built in the fint_params.
repeated string cas_tools = 8;