blob: 342eb4a0defe15699b6bf3108c98726e0afa7dde [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
UPSTREAM_REF = 'master'
class CQResult(object):
"""Represents the result of waiting for CQ to complete."""
# CQ completed successfully.
# CQ tryjobs failed.
# Timed out waiting for CQ to finish.
class AutoRollerApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""API for writing auto-roller recipes."""
def __init__(self, poll_interval_secs, poll_timeout_secs, *args, **kwargs):
# poll_interval_secs and poll_timeout_secs are input properties which come
# from __init__.PROPERTIES in this directory.
super(AutoRollerApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# The name of the link to the Gerrit change created for a roll. This is
# displayed in the CQ failure error message to help others understand where
# to look when debugging failed rolls.
self._gerrit_link_name = 'gerrit link'
self._poll_interval_secs = poll_interval_secs
self._poll_timeout_secs = poll_timeout_secs
def poll_interval_secs(self):
"""Returns how many seconds roll() will wait in between each poll.
Defined by the input property with the same name.
return self._poll_interval_secs
def poll_timeout_secs(self):
"""Returns how many seconds roll() will poll for.
Defined by the input property with the same name.
return self._poll_timeout_secs
def _repo_has_uncommitted_files(self, repo_dir, check_untracked):
"""Checks whether the git repository at repo_dir has any changes.
repo_dir (Path): Path to the git repository.
check_untracked (bool): Whether to include untracked files in the check.
True if there are, and False if not.
args = ['--modified', '--deleted', '--exclude-standard']
if check_untracked:
with self.m.context(cwd=repo_dir):
step_result = self.m.git('ls-files', *args,
name='check for no-op commit',
step_test_data=lambda: self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output('hello'))
step_result.presentation.logs['stdout'] = step_result.stdout.split('\n')
return bool(step_result.stdout.strip())
def _create_and_push_change(self, gerrit_project, repo_dir, commit_message,
"""Creates a Gerrit change containing modified files under repo_dir.
Returns the full (unique) Gerrit change ID for the newly created change.
with self.m.context(cwd=repo_dir):
# Generate a change ID from this change based on the diff by first running
# `git diff` and extracting the output. Then, include information about the
# committer. Finally, execute `git hash-object` on that output.
# We generate our own change ID because it allows us to create the Gerrit
# change via `git push` as opposed to using the API to create a change and
# then pushing the actual git commit. Creating a change via the API can
# create a race condition, as Gerrit's backend propagates information
# asynchronously, and so `git push` may fail. This is generally handled
# with retries, and so for the gerrit recipe module this is OK since the
# underlying client can retry, but we cannot easily retry a git push.
# Note that the Gerrit allows one to generate their own
# change ID of any form, we simply choose to loosely follow Gerrit's
# default which is a hash of the commit information (such as the committer's
# personal information) and the diff itself.
# Gerrit-generated change IDs are 40-character hex digests prefixed with
# "I", so we do that here too.
# Compute the git diff for the uncommitted changes in the tree.
diff_step = self.m.git('diff',
step_test_data=lambda: self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output('a diff'))
# TODO(mknyszek): Include the committer's personal information (such as
# the service account email for this recipe run) to the value that's
# hashed in order to reduce the chance that two change IDs conflict. It's OK
# not to include it now because human-created changes will always have the
# change ID based on additional info and rollers do not have conflicting diffs
# (and do not conflict with themselves).
# Hash the diff and commit information.
hash_step = self.m.git('hash-object',
step_test_data=lambda: self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output('abc123'))
change_id = 'I%s' % hash_step.stdout.strip()
# Update message with a Change-Id line and push the roll.
updated_message = commit_message + ("\nChange-Id: %s\n" % change_id)
if commit_untracked:
self.m.git.commit(message=updated_message, all_files=True)
self.m.git.commit(message=updated_message, all_tracked=True)
self.m.git.push('HEAD:refs/for/%s' % UPSTREAM_REF)
# Revive the existing roll attempt.
self.m.gerrit.restore_change('restoring previous roll attempt', change_id)
# Surface a link to the change by querying gerrit for the change ID. If
# it's the only commit with that change ID (highly likely) then it will
# open it automatically. Unfortunately the full change ID doesn't
# exhibit this same behavior, so we avoid using it.
self.m.step.active_result.presentation.links[self._gerrit_link_name] = self._gerrit_link(
# Represents the full (unique) change ID for this change and is necessary
# for any API calls.
return '%s~%s~%s' % (gerrit_project, UPSTREAM_REF, change_id)
def _trigger_cq(self, change_id, dry_run):
"""Triggers CQ for the given change_id."""
# Decide which labels must be set.
# * Dry-run mode: just CQ+1.
# * Production mode: CQ+2 and CR+2 must be set to land the change.
if dry_run:
labels = {'Commit-Queue': 1}
labels = {'Commit-Queue': 2, 'Code-Review': 2}
# Activate CQ.
# This call will return when Gerrit has set our desired labels on the change.
# It will also always set the CQ process in motion.
'submit to commit queue',
def _wait_for_cq(self, change_id, dry_run):
"""Polls gerrit to see if CQ was successful.
Returns a CQResult representing the status of CQ.
# TODO(mknyszek): Figure out a cleaner solution than polling.
for i in range(int(self.poll_timeout_secs/self.poll_interval_secs)):
# Check the status of the CL.
with self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
change = self.m.gerrit.change_details('check if done (%d)' % i, change_id)
# If the CQ label is un-set, then that means either:
# * CQ failed (production mode), or
# * CQ finished (dry-run mode).
# 'recommended' and 'approved' are objects that appear for a label if
# somebody gave the label a positive vote (maximum vote (+2) for approved,
# non-maximum (+1) for 'recommended') and contains the information of one
# reviewer who gave this vote. There are 4 different states for a label in
# this sense: 'rejected', 'approved', 'disliked', and 'recommended'. For a
# given label, only one of these will be shown if the label has any votes
# in priority order 'rejected' > 'approved' > 'disliked' > 'recommended'.
# Unfortunately, this is the absolute simplest way to check this. Gerrit
# provides an 'all' field that contains every vote, but iterating over
# every vote, or operating under the assumption that there's at least one
# causes more error cases.
# Read more at:
# In dry-run mode...
if dry_run:
# If CQ drops the CQ+1 label (i.e. 'recommended' state), then that means
# CQ finished trying. CQ will always remove the CQ+1 label when it's
# finished, regardless of success or failure.
if 'recommended' not in change['labels']['Commit-Queue']:
return CQResult.SUCCESS
# In production mode...
# If it merged, we're done!
if change['status'] == 'MERGED':
return CQResult.SUCCESS
# If CQ drops the CQ+2 label at any point (i.e. 'approved' state), then
# that always means CQ has failed. CQ will always remove the CQ+2 label
# when it fails, and it will never remove it on success.
# Note: Because CQ won't unset the the CQ+2 label when it merges, there's
# no chance that we might see that the CL hasn't merged with the CQ+2
# label unset on a successful CQ.
if 'approved' not in change['labels']['Commit-Queue']:
return CQResult.FAILURE
# If none of the terminal conditions above were reached (that is, there were
# no label changes from what we initially set, and the change has not
# merged), then we should wait for |poll_interval_secs| before trying again.
return CQResult.TIMEOUT
def attempt_roll(self, gerrit_project, repo_dir, commit_message, commit_untracked=False,
"""Attempts to submit local edits via the CQ.
It additionally has two modes of operation, dry-run mode and production mode.
The precise steps it performs are as follows:
* Create a patch in Gerrit and grab Change ID
* Create a patch locally with Change ID
* Push local patch to Gerrit
* Production mode:
* Set labels Code-Review+2 and Commit-Queue+2 on Gerrit patch
* Wait for CQ to finish tryjobs and either merge the change or
remove the label Commit-Queue+2 (failed tryjobs)
* Abandon the change if the tryjobs failed
* Dry-run Mode:
* Set label Commit-Queue+1 on Gerrit patch
* Wait for CQ to finish tryjobs and remove label Commit-Queue+1
* Abandon the change to clean up
It assumes that repo_dir contains unstaged changes to only tracked files.
gerrit_project (str): The name of the project to roll to in Gerrit, which
is local to current Gerrit host as defined by For
example, "garnet" would be a valid gerrit_project for
repo_dir (Path): The path to the directory containing a local copy of the
git repo with changes that will be rolled.
commit_message (str): The commit message for the roll. Note that this method will
automatically append a Gerrit Change ID to the change. Also, it may be a
multiline string (embedded newlines are allowed).
commit_untracked (bool): Whether to commit untracked files as well.
dry_run (bool): Whether to execute this method in dry_run mode.
# Check to see if there are actually any changes in repo_dir before
# continuing.
if not self._repo_has_uncommitted_files(repo_dir, commit_untracked):
self.m.step('no changes to roll', None)
# Create the change both locally and remotely and push.
change_id = self._create_and_push_change(
# Trigger CQ for the change ID.
self._trigger_cq(change_id, dry_run)
# Wait for CQ to complete.
result = self._wait_for_cq(change_id, dry_run)
# Interpret the result and finish.
if dry_run and result == CQResult.SUCCESS:
# Only abandon the roll on success if it was a dry-run.
self.m.gerrit.abandon('abandon roll: dry run complete', change_id)
elif result == CQResult.FAILURE:
self._abandon_change_and_fail(reason='CQ failed', change_id=change_id)
elif result == CQResult.TIMEOUT:
self._abandon_change_and_fail(reason='auto-roller timeout', change_id=change_id)
def _abandon_change_and_fail(self, reason, change_id):
self.m.gerrit.abandon('abandon roll: ' + reason, change_id)
gerrit_link = self._gerrit_link(change_id)
self.m.step.active_result.presentation.links[self._gerrit_link_name] = self._gerrit_link(
raise self.m.step.StepFailure(
'Failed to roll changes: {reason}.\n\n'
'See the link titled "{link}" in the build console to access the Gerrit '
'change, and the failed tryjobs.'.format(
reason=reason, link=self._gerrit_link_name,
def _gerrit_link(self, change_id):
return self.m.url.join(, 'q', change_id)