blob: bdfaa0bd008d6dc0558ff667b258f57b56a01162 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipes.fuchsia.tree_closer;
message InputProperties {
// LUCI project containing the specified Milo console.
string project = 1;
// Name of the Milo console to check.
string console_name = 2;
// Don't close the tree if the last status change was more recent than this
// many seconds ago.
int32 grace_period_seconds = 3;
// Close the tree hosted here (e.g. '').
string tree_status_host = 4;
// The password to use for closing the tree.
// TODO: It's not great that we pass around the password in plain text. If
// this ever becomes an issue, we can start using the builder service account
// to authenticate with the status page via proper Oauth.
string tree_status_password = 5;
// Name of the CIPD package for the monorail CLI.
// The full name of the monorail CIPD package is private so we have to pass
// it in as a property.
string monorail_cipd_package = 6;
// Version of the CIPD package for the monorail CLI.
string monorail_cipd_version = 7;
// Components to set for the monorail tree closure bug.
repeated string bug_components = 8;
reserved 9, 10;
// Conditions under which to close the tree.
repeated Rule rules = 11;
message Rule {
// Only count builds that have a failed step whose name matches this regex.
string failed_step_regexp = 1;
// Close the tree if this many builders in the console are failing at the
// same time.
int32 concurrent_failures = 2;
// Close the tree if any builder in the console has failed this many times
// in a row.
int32 consecutive_failures = 3;
// If the build summary matches one of these regexps, then skip it when
// checking tree closure rules.
repeated string summary_regexp_ignore = 12;
// Labels to set for the monorail tree closure bug.
repeated string bug_labels = 13;