blob: 8c20d44f66361a4ee1e453985cf3d11262de1ed6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Launch and retry swarming jobs until they pass or we hit max attempts."""
import itertools
import traceback
import attr
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
class Attempt(object):
"""References a specific attempt of a task."""
index = attr.ib(type=int) # Number of prior attempts.
task_id = attr.ib(type=str)
host = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
task_ui_link = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
# api.swarming.TaskResult from api.swarming.collect() call.
result = attr.ib(default=None)
# This attribute should be set by overrides of Task.process_result(). It
# indicates that even though at the swarming level the task may have
# passed something failed inside that larger task.
failure_reason = attr.ib(type=str, default='')
task_outputs_link = attr.ib(type=str, default=None)
logs = attr.ib(type=dict, default=attr.Factory(dict))
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
# The led module gives the host and the id, but the swarming module
# gives the link and the id. Require the id (since it has no default
# above) and require either the host or task_ui_link attributes.
assert or self.task_ui_link
if not self.task_ui_link:
self.task_ui_link = 'https://%s/task?id=%s' % (, self.task_id)
def name(self):
return 'attempt %d' % self.index
def in_progress(self):
return self.result is None
# TODO(mohrr) add hook for pass/fail beyond swarming task level.
# In some cases may need to examine isolated output to determine pass/fail.
def success(self):
if self.failure_reason:
return False
if not self.result:
return False
return True
except recipe_api.StepFailure:
return False
class Task(object):
"""Metadata about tasks, meant to be subclassed.
Subclasses must define a launch() method. It must launch a task (using
swarming, led, or something else), create an Attempt object, and append
it to self.attempts. The attempt object requires task_id and host from
the swarming or led result and an index equal to the prior length of
In most cases Task.max_attempts should be left alone. If the caller wants
to ensure a task has a larger or smaller number of max attempts than the
default for other tasks, set max_attempts to that number.
def __init__(self, api, name, launch_deadline_time=None):
api: recipe_api.RecipeApiPlain object.
name: str, human readable name of this task
launch_deadline_time: float or int. If set, will keep launching until
this time, ignoring max_attempts.
self._api = api = name
self._launch_deadline_time = launch_deadline_time
self.attempts = []
self.max_attempts = None
def process_result(self):
"""Examine the result in the last attempt for failures.
Subclasses can set self.attempts[-1].failure_reason if they find a
failure inside self.attempts[-1].result. failure_reason should be a
short summary of the failure (< 50 chars).
This is invoked shortly after api.swarming.collect() returns that a
task completed. It cannot assume the swarming task completed
This is a no-op here but can be overridden by subclasses.
def present_status(self, parent_step_presentation, attempt, **kwargs):
"""Present an Attempt while showing progress in launch/collect step.
parent_step_presentation (StepPresentation): will always be for
'passed tasks' or 'failed tasks'
attempt (Attempt): the Attempt to present
**kwargs (Dict): pass-through arguments for subclasses
This method will be invoked to show details of an Attempt. This base
class method just creates a link to the swarming results from the task,
but subclasses are free to create a step with much more elaborate
details of results.
This is only invoked for completed tasks. Identical code is used for
incomplete tasks, except it's not in Task so it can't be overridden, so
subclasses don't need to handle incomplete tasks.
del kwargs # Unused.
name = '%s (%s)' % (,
parent_step_presentation.links[name] = attempt.task_ui_link
def present_attempt(self, task_step_presentation, attempt, **kwargs):
"""Present an Attempt when summarizing results at the end of the run.
task_step_presentation (StepPresentation): assuming present() was not
overridden, this will always be for a step titled after the current
attempt (Attempt): the Attempt to present
**kwargs (Dict): pass-through arguments for subclasses
This method will be invoked to show details of an Attempt. This base
class method just creates a link to the swarming results from the task,
but subclasses are free to create a step with much more elaborate
details of results.
del kwargs # Unused.
name = '%s (%s)' % (, 'pass' if attempt.success else 'fail')
task_step_presentation.links[name] = attempt.task_ui_link
def present(self, **kwargs):
"""Present this Task when summarizing results at the end of the run.
**kwargs (Dict): pass-through arguments for subclasses
This method will be invoked to show details of this Task. This base
class method nests with the name of the task and loops over
Attempts, but subclasses are free to do something more elaborate.
with self._api.step.nest( as task_step_presentation:
for attempt in self.attempts:
self.present_attempt(task_step_presentation, attempt, **kwargs)
if self.success:
task_step_presentation.status = self._api.step.SUCCESS
task_step_presentation.status = self._api.step.FAILURE
def should_launch(self):
if self.in_progress:
return False
if self._launch_deadline_time:
return self._api.time.time() < self._launch_deadline_time
return (not self.success) and (len(self.attempts) < self.max_attempts)
def success(self):
return self.attempts and self.attempts[-1].success
def in_progress(self):
return self.attempts and self.attempts[-1].in_progress
def launch(self):
assert False, 'Subclasses must define launch() method.' # pragma: no cover
def result(self):
assert self.attempts
return self.attempts[-1].result
class TriggeredTask(Task):
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
super(TriggeredTask, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._request = request
def launch(self):
assert self._request
metadata = self._api.swarming.trigger('trigger', [self._request])
assert len(metadata) == 1
metadata = metadata[0]
attempt = self._api.swarming_retry.Attempt(
return attempt
class LedTask(Task):
def __init__(self, led_data, *args, **kwargs):
super(LedTask, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._led_data = led_data
def launch(self):
assert self._led_data
res = self._led_data.then('launch')
attempt = self._api.swarming_retry.Attempt(
return attempt
class RetrySwarmingApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""Launch and retry swarming jobs until they pass or we hit max attempts."""
Task = Task # pylint: disable=invalid-name
LedTask = LedTask # pylint: disable=invalid-name
TriggeredTask = TriggeredTask # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Attempt = Attempt # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(RetrySwarmingApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._tasks_by_id = {}
def retry(self, tasks=None):
"""Create an object that will enforce order of calls.
Create an object that will enforce run_tasks is called before
present_tasks and raise_failures and that raise_failures is always
called if run_tasks was called. The two examples below both invoke
raise_failures, but only one does so explicitly.
with api.swarming_retry.retry(tasks) as retry:
with api.swarming_retry.retry(tasks) as retry:
# Not needed because this is handled by the context object.
# retry.raise_failures()
tasks (seq[Task]): tasks to run, present, and check status of
If tasks is None, retry.tasks must be set before calling
class Context(object):
def __init__(self, api, tasks=None):
self._api = api
self.tasks = tasks
self._has_run = self._has_raised = False
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
del exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback # Unused.
if self._has_run and not self._has_raised:
def run_tasks(self, **kwargs):
assert not self._has_run
assert self.tasks
self._api.swarming_retry.run_tasks(self.tasks, **kwargs)
self._has_run = True
def present_tasks(self, **kwargs):
assert self._has_run
self._api.swarming_retry.present_tasks(self.tasks, **kwargs)
def raise_failures(self, **kwargs):
assert self._has_run
self._has_raised = True
self._api.swarming_retry.raise_failures(self.tasks, **kwargs)
return Context(api=self.m, tasks=tasks)
def _is_complete(self, result):
# At the moment results have a bunch of fields set to None if incomplete.
# On the assumption this will be changed at some point I'm also checking
# the state explicitly.
if is None:
return False
return result.state not in {
def _launch(self, tasks):
for task in tasks:
task_name = '%s (attempt %d)' % (, len(task.attempts))
with self.m.step.nest(task_name) as presentation:
attempt = task.launch()
assert attempt.task_id not in self._tasks_by_id
self._tasks_by_id[attempt.task_id] = task
presentation.links['Swarming task'] = attempt.task_ui_link
def _launch_and_collect(self, tasks, collect_timeout, collect_output_dir,
summary_presentation, present):
"""Launch necessary tasks and process those that complete.
Launch any tasks that are not currently running, have not passed,
and have not exceeded max_attempts.
After launching tasks, wait for all tasks to complete (those just
launched as well as those that have been running for awhile), but
timeout after collect_timeout. Summarize the jobs that have just
passed or failed as well as those still running (with swarming
This function is mostly stateless. The caller must pass in the
same arguments for each invocation, and state is kept inside the
tasks themselves.
tasks (list[Task]): tasks to execute
collect_timeout (str): duration to wait for tasks to complete
collect_output_dir (Path or None): output directory to pass to
summary_presentation (StepPresentation): where to attach the
summary for this round of launch/collect.
present (bool): Whether or not to present detailed progress.
Number of jobs still running or to be relaunched. As long as this
is positive the caller should continue calling this method.
summary = []
to_launch = [task for task in tasks if task.should_launch()]
if to_launch:
with self.m.step.nest('launch'):
summary.append('%d launched' % len(to_launch))
results = []
task_ids = [x.attempts[-1].task_id for x in tasks if x.in_progress]
if task_ids:
# If there's only one task there's no need to have a timeout. The timeout
# allows us to check on the status of one task while another is still
# running, and that's not relevant in this case.
if len(task_ids) == 1:
collect_timeout = None
results = self.m.swarming.collect(
# Sometimes collect doesn't respond with all the requested task ids.
# We ignore those tasks for this step, but make sure to run this method
# again, hoping collect will give us data on them the next time around.
# (This also makes testing this module much easier.)
num_missed_by_collect = len(task_ids) - len(results)
incomplete_tasks = []
complete_tasks = []
for result in results:
task = self._tasks_by_id[]
if self._is_complete(result):
task.attempts[-1].result = result
passed_tasks = []
failed_tasks = []
if complete_tasks:
with self.m.step.nest('process results', status='last'):
for task in complete_tasks:
except recipe_api.StepFailure as e:
error_step = self.m.step('exception', None)
error_step.presentation.step_summary_text = str(e)
error_step.presentation.logs['exception'] = (
task.attempts[-1].failure_reason = (
'exception during result processing')
if task.success:
# Add passing step at end so parent step always passes (since
# parent step has status='last'). Any errors will be shown when
# presenting results.
self.m.step('always pass', None)
for list_name, task_list in [
('passed', passed_tasks),
('failed', failed_tasks),
if task_list and present:
with self.m.step.nest('%s tasks' % list_name) as list_step:
for task in task_list:
task.present_status(list_step, task.attempts[-1])
summary.append('%d %s' % (len(task_list), list_name))
if incomplete_tasks and present:
with self.m.step.nest('incomplete tasks') as list_step_presentation:
for task in incomplete_tasks:
# Always do minimal presentation of in-progress Attempts.
name = '%s (%s)' % (, task.attempts[-1].name)
list_step_presentation.links[name] = task.attempts[-1].task_ui_link
summary.append('%d incomplete' % len(incomplete_tasks))
to_be_relaunched = [x for x in tasks if x.should_launch()]
failed_after_max_attempts = [
x for x in tasks
if (not x.success and
not x.in_progress and
len(x.attempts) >= x.max_attempts)
] # yapf: disable
if failed_after_max_attempts:
summary.append('%d failed after max attempts' %
if present:
summary_presentation.step_summary_text = ', '.join(summary)
return len(to_be_relaunched) + len(incomplete_tasks) + num_missed_by_collect
def run_tasks(self,
"""Launch all tasks, retry until max_attempts reached, return results.
tasks (seq[Task]): tasks to execute
max_attempts (int): maximum number of attempts per task (0 means
collect_timeout (str or None): duration to wait for tasks to complete
collect_output_dir (Path or None): output directory to pass to
present (bool): Whether or not to present progress info.
Setting to False may reduce running time and memory usage.
Number of tasks that did not pass.
max_attempts = max_attempts or DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS
collect_timeout = collect_timeout or DEFAULT_COLLECT_TIMEOUT
for task in tasks:
if not task.max_attempts:
task.max_attempts = max_attempts
with self.m.step.nest('launch/collect'), self.m.context(infra_steps=True):
for i in itertools.count(0):
with self.m.step.nest(str(i)) as presentation:
if not self._launch_and_collect(
failed = [x for x in tasks if not x.success]
return len(failed)
def present_tasks(self, tasks, **kwargs):
"""Present results as steps.
Examine tasks for pass/fail status and create step data for displaying
that status. Group all passes under one step and all failures under
another step. Passes that failed at least once are also listed as
tasks (seq[Task]): tasks to examine
**kwargs: extra args handled by subclasses of Task
# TODO(mohrr) add hooks to include task-specific data beyond pass/fail.
passed_tasks = [x for x in tasks if x.success]
failed_tasks = [x for x in tasks if not x.success]
flaked_tasks = []
with self.m.step.nest('passes') as step_presentation:
for task in passed_tasks:
task.present(category='passes', **kwargs)
if len(task.attempts) > 1:
step_presentation.step_summary_text = '%d passed' % len(passed_tasks)
with self.m.step.nest('flakes') as step_presentation:
for task in flaked_tasks:
task.present(category='flakes', **kwargs)
step_presentation.step_summary_text = '%d flaked' % len(flaked_tasks)
with self.m.step.nest('failures') as step_presentation:
for task in failed_tasks:
task.present(category='failures', **kwargs)
step_presentation.step_summary_text = '%d failed' % len(failed_tasks)
if not failed_tasks:
self.m.step('all tasks passed', None) # pragma: no cover
def raise_failures(self, tasks):
"""Raise an exception if any tasks failed.
Examine tasks for pass/fail status. If any failed, raise a StepFailure.
tasks (seq[Task]): tasks to examine
failed = [x for x in tasks if not x.success]
if failed:
raise self.m.step.StepFailure('task(s) failed: %s' %
', '.join( for x in failed))