blob: 8af0e280c46c91df3c5c61bef65c6cabd3226c5a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
DEPS = [
def RunSteps(api):
# Ensure that tar binary is installed.
# Ensuring again should have no effect.
# Prepare files.
temp = api.path.mkdtemp('tar-example')
api.step('touch a', ['touch', temp.join('a')])
api.step('touch b', ['touch', temp.join('b')])
api.file.ensure_directory('mkdirs', temp.join('sub', 'dir'))
api.step('touch c', ['touch', temp.join('sub', 'dir', 'c')])
# Build a tar file.
archive = api.tar.create(temp.join('more.tar.gz'), compression='gzip')
archive.add(temp.join('a'), temp)
with api.context(cwd=temp):
archive.add(temp.join('sub', 'dir', 'c'), temp.join('sub'))
archive.tar('taring more')
# Coverage for 'output' property.
api.step('report', ['echo', archive.path])
# Extract the archive into a directory stripping one path component.
api.tar.extract('untaring', temp.join('output.tar'),
directory=temp.join('output'), strip_components=1)
# List untarped content.
with api.context(cwd=temp.join('output')):
api.step('listing', ['find'])
# Clean up.
api.file.rmtree('rmtree %s' % temp, temp)
def GenTests(api):
for platform in ('linux', 'mac'):
yield api.test(platform) +