[roller] Create a dart module to simplify flutter roller.

Currently flutter runner is doing a lot of work, we are moving dart
functionality to its own module to simplify the flutter roller.

Bug: 36488
Bug: 36497
Change-Id: If8357c3a62da36c431f6fa96e404064590a865ad
diff --git a/recipe_modules/dart_util/__init__.py b/recipe_modules/dart_util/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1191469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipe_modules/dart_util/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+DEPS = [
+    'fuchsia/auto_roller',
+    'fuchsia/buildbucket_util',
+    'fuchsia/gerrit',
+    'fuchsia/git',
+    'fuchsia/jiri',
+    'recipe_engine/buildbucket',
+    'recipe_engine/context',
+    'recipe_engine/file',
+    'recipe_engine/path',
+    'recipe_engine/python',
+    'recipe_engine/raw_io',
+    'recipe_engine/step',
diff --git a/recipe_modules/dart_util/api.py b/recipe_modules/dart_util/api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e623563
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipe_modules/dart_util/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import collections
+import os
+from recipe_engine import recipe_api
+# Used to get the remote for dart sdk
+DART_SDK_PROJECT = 'dart/sdk'
+[roll] Update {deps}
+Cq-Cl-Tag: roller-builder:{builder}
+Cq-Cl-Tag: roller-bid:{build_id}
+CQ-Do-Not-Cancel-Tryjobs: true"""
+class DartApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
+  """APIs to work with Dart repo and Dart packages."""
+  def run_update_3p_packages(self, checkout_root):
+    """Runs update_3p_packages.py in dart 3p repo checkout.
+    Args:
+      checkout_root (Path): The root path to the project checkouts.
+    """
+    self.m.python(
+        'update dart 3p packages',
+        checkout_root.join('scripts', 'dart', 'update_3p_packages.py'),
+        args=['--debug'],
+    )
+  def update_3p_packages(self, checkout_root, dry_run):
+    """Updates fuchsia's third-party dart packages.
+    Args:
+      checkout_root (Path): Root path to checkouts.
+      dry_run (bool): Whether the roll will be allowed to complete or not.
+    Returns:
+      A string with third_party/dart-pkg/pub latest commit hash.
+    """
+    commit_msg = '[roll] Update third-party dart packages'
+    packages_root = checkout_root.join('third_party', 'dart-pkg', 'pub')
+    with self.m.context(cwd=packages_root):
+      # Make sure third_party/dart-pkg is at origin/master before running the
+      # update script to catch any manual commits that extend past the revision at
+      # integration's HEAD.
+      self.m.git('fetch', 'origin')
+      self.m.git('checkout', 'origin/master')
+      current_hash = self.m.git.get_hash()
+      self.run_update_3p_packages(checkout_root)
+      rolled = self.m.auto_roller.attempt_roll(
+          gerrit_project='third_party/dart-pkg/pub',
+          repo_dir=packages_root,
+          commit_message=commit_msg,
+          dry_run=dry_run)
+      if rolled:
+        current_hash = self.m.git.get_hash()
+    self.m.step.active_result.presentation.logs['revision'] = [current_hash]
+    return current_hash
+  def update_pkg_manifest(self, path, checkout_root):
+    """Overwrites a dart third party package manifest.
+    Args:
+      path (Path): A path to the dart/sdk repository.
+      checkout_root (Path): A path to where the integration project
+        was checked out.
+    """
+    manifest_path = checkout_root.join('fuchsia', 'topaz',
+                                       'dart_third_party_pkg')
+    self.m.python(
+        name='update %s' % self.m.path.basename(manifest_path),
+        script=path.join('tools', 'create_pkg_manifest.py'),
+        args=['-d', path.join('DEPS'), '-o', manifest_path],
+    )
+  def checkout(self, path, revision=None):
+    """Get dart/sdk.
+    Args:
+      path (Path): Location where dart source code will be checked out.
+      revision (str): The revision of the source code to check out.
+    """
+    deps_info = self.m.jiri.project([DART_SDK_PROJECT])
+    remote = deps_info.json.output[0]['remote']
+    self.m.git.checkout(
+        url=remote,
+        path=path,
+        ref=revision,
+    )
diff --git a/recipe_modules/dart_util/examples/full.expected/default.json b/recipe_modules/dart_util/examples/full.expected/default.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7664ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipe_modules/dart_util/examples/full.expected/default.json
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+  {
+    "cmd": [],
+    "name": "ensure jiri"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "cipd",
+      "ensure",
+      "-root",
+      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri",
+      "-ensure-file",
+      "fuchsia/tools/jiri/${platform} git_revision:4bbab8725bd3c64b56e70af3d973d526cd894b49",
+      "-json-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json"
+    ],
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "ensure jiri.ensure_installed",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-git_revision:4bb\", @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"fuchsia/tools/jiri/resolved-platform\"@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri/jiri",
+      "project",
+      "-vv",
+      "-time",
+      "-j=50",
+      "-json-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json",
+      "dart/sdk"
+    ],
+    "name": "jiri project",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@[@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  {@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"branches\": [@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"(HEAD detached at c22471f)\"@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ], @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"current_branch\": \"\", @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"name\": \"dart/sdk\", @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"path\": \"path/to/dart/sdk\", @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"remote\": \"https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/dart/sdk\", @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"revision\": \"c22471f4e3f842ae18dd9adec82ed9eb78ed1127\"@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@]@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "vpython",
+      "-u",
+      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
+      "--json-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json",
+      "ensure-directory",
+      "--mode",
+      "0777",
+      "[START_DIR]/dart"
+    ],
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "makedirs"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "init"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "name": "git init"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "remote",
+      "add",
+      "origin",
+      "https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/dart/sdk"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "name": "git remote"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [],
+    "name": "cache"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "vpython",
+      "-u",
+      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
+      "--json-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json",
+      "ensure-directory",
+      "--mode",
+      "0777",
+      "[CACHE]/git/fuchsia.googlesource.com-dart-sdk"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "cache.makedirs",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "init",
+      "--bare"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/git/fuchsia.googlesource.com-dart-sdk",
+    "name": "cache.git init",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "config",
+      "remote.origin.url",
+      "https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/dart/sdk"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/git/fuchsia.googlesource.com-dart-sdk",
+    "name": "cache.remote set-url",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "config",
+      "--replace-all",
+      "remote.origin.fetch",
+      "+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*",
+      "\\+refs/heads/\\*:.*"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/git/fuchsia.googlesource.com-dart-sdk",
+    "name": "cache.git config",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "fetch",
+      "--prune",
+      "--tags",
+      "origin"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[CACHE]/git/fuchsia.googlesource.com-dart-sdk",
+    "name": "cache.git fetch",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "vpython",
+      "-u",
+      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
+      "--json-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json",
+      "ensure-directory",
+      "--mode",
+      "0777",
+      "[START_DIR]/dart/.git/objects/info"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "cache.makedirs object/info",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "vpython",
+      "-u",
+      "RECIPE_MODULE[recipe_engine::file]/resources/fileutil.py",
+      "--json-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json",
+      "copy",
+      "[CACHE]/git/fuchsia.googlesource.com-dart-sdk/objects\n",
+      "[START_DIR]/dart/.git/objects/info/alternates"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "cache.alternates",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@alternates@[CACHE]/git/fuchsia.googlesource.com-dart-sdk/objects@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@alternates@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "fetch",
+      "--tags",
+      "origin",
+      "abc_revision"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "name": "git fetch"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "checkout",
+      "-f",
+      "FETCH_HEAD"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "name": "git checkout"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "rev-parse",
+      "HEAD"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "name": "git rev-parse"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "clean",
+      "-f",
+      "-d",
+      "-x"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "name": "git clean"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [],
+    "name": "submodule"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "submodule",
+      "sync"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "name": "submodule.git submodule sync",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "submodule",
+      "update",
+      "--init"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/dart",
+    "name": "submodule.git submodule update",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "python",
+      "-u",
+      "[START_DIR]/dart/tools/create_pkg_manifest.py",
+      "-d",
+      "[START_DIR]/dart/DEPS",
+      "-o",
+      "[START_DIR]/integration/fuchsia/topaz/dart_third_party_pkg"
+    ],
+    "name": "update dart_third_party_pkg"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "fetch",
+      "origin"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "git fetch (2)"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "checkout",
+      "origin/master"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "git checkout (2)"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "rev-parse",
+      "HEAD"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "git rev-parse (2)"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "python",
+      "-u",
+      "[START_DIR]/scripts/dart/update_3p_packages.py",
+      "--debug"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "update dart 3p packages"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "ls-files",
+      "--modified",
+      "--deleted",
+      "--exclude-standard"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "check for no-op commit",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@stdout@hello@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@stdout@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "diff"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "git diff"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "hash-object",
+      "a diff"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "git hash-object"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "commit",
+      "-m",
+      "[roll] Update third-party dart packages\nChange-Id: Iabc123\n",
+      "-a"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "git commit"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "push",
+      "origin",
+      "HEAD:refs/for/master"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "git push",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_LINK@gerrit link@https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/q/Iabc123@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [],
+    "name": "ensure gerrit"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "cipd",
+      "ensure",
+      "-root",
+      "[START_DIR]/cipd/gerrit",
+      "-ensure-file",
+      "infra/tools/luci/gerrit/${platform} latest",
+      "-json-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "ensure gerrit.ensure_installed",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"\": [@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-latest----------\", @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"package\": \"infra/tools/luci/gerrit/resolved-platform\"@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "[START_DIR]/cipd/gerrit/gerrit",
+      "set-review",
+      "-host",
+      "https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com",
+      "-input",
+      "{\"change_id\": \"third_party/dart-pkg/pub~master~Iabc123\", \"input\": {\"labels\": {\"Commit-Queue\": 1}}, \"revision_id\": \"current\"}",
+      "-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "submit to commit queue",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output (invalid)@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output (exception)@No JSON object could be decoded@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output (exception)@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [],
+    "name": "check for completion"
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "[START_DIR]/cipd/gerrit/gerrit",
+      "change-detail",
+      "-host",
+      "https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com",
+      "-input",
+      "{\"change_id\": \"third_party/dart-pkg/pub~master~Iabc123\"}",
+      "-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "infra_step": true,
+    "name": "check for completion.check if done (0)",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"labels\": {@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"Commit-Queue\": {@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"approved\": {}@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }, @@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"status\": \"MERGED\"@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "[START_DIR]/cipd/gerrit/gerrit",
+      "change-abandon",
+      "-host",
+      "https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com",
+      "-input",
+      "{\"change_id\": \"third_party/dart-pkg/pub~master~Iabc123\"}",
+      "-output",
+      "/path/to/tmp/json"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "abandon roll: dry run complete",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output (invalid)@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output (exception)@No JSON object could be decoded@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output (exception)@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "cmd": [
+      "git",
+      "rev-parse",
+      "HEAD"
+    ],
+    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/third_party/dart-pkg/pub",
+    "name": "git rev-parse (3)",
+    "~followup_annotations": [
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@revision@deadbeef@@@",
+      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@revision@@@"
+    ]
+  },
+  {
+    "name": "$result"
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/dart_util/examples/full.py b/recipe_modules/dart_util/examples/full.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d62f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recipe_modules/dart_util/examples/full.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+DEPS = [
+    'fuchsia/auto_roller',
+    'fuchsia/dart_util',
+    'recipe_engine/path',
+    'recipe_engine/json',
+def RunSteps(api):
+  """Tests for fetching and uploading debug symbols."""
+  dart_path = api.path['start_dir'].join('dart')
+  api.dart_util.checkout(path=dart_path, revision='abc_revision')
+  checkout_root = api.path['start_dir'].join('integration')
+  api.dart_util.update_pkg_manifest(path=dart_path, checkout_root=checkout_root)
+  api.dart_util.update_3p_packages(
+      checkout_root=api.path['start_dir'], dry_run=True)
+def GenTests(api):
+  yield api.test('default') + api.auto_roller.success_step_data()