blob: f0a1fbb68b4c65ada29767d4960ebe52c537f938 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copied from
syntax = "proto3";
package cmd;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// A command to execute locally or remotely.
message Command {
// Identifiers used to identify this command to be passed to RE.
Identifiers identifiers = 1;
// An absolute path to the execution root of the command. All the other paths
// are specified relatively to this path.
string exec_root = 2;
// The command inputs.
InputSpec input = 3;
// The command outputs.
OutputSpec output = 4;
// Command line elements to execute.
repeated string args = 5;
// If > 0, the maximum number of seconds to wait for command execution
// before timing out.
int32 execution_timeout = 6;
// The working directory, relative to the exec root, for the command to run
// in. It must be a directory which exists in the input tree. If it is left
// empty, then the action is run in the exec root.
string working_directory = 7;
// The platform to use for the remote execution.
map<string, string> platform = 8;
// The working directory when executing the command on RE server.
// It's relative to exec root and, if provided, needs to have the same number
// of levels as WorkingDir. If not provided, the remote command is run from
// the WorkingDir
string remote_working_directory = 9;
// Identifiers identifying a command that are passed to the remote server for
// logging.
message Identifiers {
// An optional id to use to identify a command.
string command_id = 1;
// An optional id to use to identify an invocation.
string invocation_id = 2;
// An optional id to use to identify a build.
string correlated_invocations_id = 3;
// An optional tool name to pass to the remote server for logging.
string tool_name = 4;
// An optional tool version to pass to the remote server for logging.
string tool_version = 5;
// An optional ID identifying a particular execution of this command.
string execution_id = 6;
message InputType {
enum Value {
// Any type will match.
// Only directories match.
// Only files match.
FILE = 2;
message ExcludeInput {
// If an input matches this regular expression, ignore it.
string regex = 1;
// If an input path has this type, ignore it.
InputType.Value type = 2;
// VirtualInput represents an input that does not actually exist on disk, but we
// want to stage it on disk for the command execution.
message VirtualInput {
// The path for the input file to be staged at, relative to the ExecRoot.
string path = 1;
// The byte contents of the file to be staged.
bytes contents = 2;
// Whether the file should be staged as executable.
bool is_executable = 3;
// Whether the input is an empty directory.
bool is_empty_directory = 4;
message SymlinkBehaviorType {
enum Value {
// Use Client.TreeSymlinkOpts or default if it is not set.
// Resolves symlinks.
// Preserve symlinks as-is.
message InputSpec {
// Input paths (files or directories) that need to be uploaded to the remote
// server for the command execution.
// Note: a known limitation of the first version of the proxy is that for any
// *directory* inputs, the contents of the directory will only be read once,
// and then cached throughout the proxy lifetime. Any subsequent changes to
// the directory will therefore not be captured.
repeated string inputs = 2;
// Virtual inputs that need to be staged as if they were present on disk.
repeated VirtualInput virtual_inputs = 5;
// Inputs matching these patterns will be excluded (not uploaded remotely).
repeated ExcludeInput exclude_inputs = 3;
// Environment variables the command relies on.
map<string, string> environment_variables = 4;
// Determines how symlinks should be treated when constructing the input tree.
SymlinkBehaviorType.Value symlink_behavior = 6;
message OutputSpec {
// Output files relative to working directory generated by the command.
repeated string output_files = 1;
// Output directories relative to working directory generated by the command.
repeated string output_directories = 2;
message CommandResultStatus {
enum Value {
// Default case. Should not be used.
// Command executed successfully.
// The command did not execute and a previously cached result was
// retrieved.
// The command executed with a non zero exit code.
// The command timed out.
// The command was interrupted.
// Execution of the command failed due to a remote execution error.
// Execution of the command failed due to a local execution error.
// Result of a command execution returned by the proxy.
message CommandResult {
// Status of the finished run.
CommandResultStatus.Value status = 1;
// Command exit code.
int32 exit_code = 2;
// Optional exception trace or other message that should be displayed.
string msg = 3;
// TimeInterval is used to serialize the SDK TimeInterval struct.
message TimeInterval {
google.protobuf.Timestamp from = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp to = 2;