blob: 519f36316c9e0bcc221965ae75ea5273d578cf60 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from recipe_engine import recipe_test_api
from RECIPE_MODULES.fuchsia.jiri.api import JiriApi
class JiriTestApi(recipe_test_api.RecipeTestApi):
# Exposed for use in examples
RebaseError = JiriApi.RebaseError
def read_manifest_element(
manifest, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
element_type, # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Simulates a call to JiriApi.read_manifest_element.
Use this in-favor of creating testing step data directly in a test case. It
prevents the need for a test_data= parameter JiriApi.read_manfiest_element,
the need to put test code inline with production code, and the need to
understand how the returned step provides output (via step_result.sdout,
step_result.json.output, etc). Calling this is like "injecting a step" into
the execution pipeline.
api (RecipeTestApi): The test api.
test_output (Dict): The data to use as JSON in the step's stdout response.
nesting (str|None): The name of the parent step, if not None.
(See JiriApi for docs on remaining args)
recipe_test_api.TestData simulating a step to read data from a manifest.
# `manifest` and `element_type` are not used by this method. Including them
# as parameters is intentionally done for parity between this method's and
# JiriApi.read_manifest_element's signatures.
step_name = 'read_manifest_%s.jiri manifest' % element_name
if nesting:
step_name = '%s.%s' % (nesting, step_name) # pragma: no cover
step_output = api.json.output(test_output)
return api.step_data(step_name, stdout=step_output)
def read_manifest_project_output(self):
"""A dict simulating output of reading a <project> from a manifest."""
return {
'gerrithost': 'project_gerrit_host',
'githooks': 'project_githooks',
'historydepth': 'project_historydepth',
'name': 'project_name',
'path': 'project_path',
'remote': 'project_remote',
'revision': 'project_revision',
def example_revision(self): # pragma: no cover
return 'c22471f4e3f842ae18dd9adec82ed9eb78ed1127'
def example_snapshot(self):
return """<manifest>
<project name="manifest" path="manifest" remote="" revision="4c2b0da3c06341db5cebe4d02c78c93c3b2bd78b"/>
def example_diff(self):
return {
'new_projects': [{
'name': 'new_test_name',
'path': 'new_test_path',
'remote': 'new_test_remote',
'revision': 'new_test_rev',
'deleted_projects': [{
'name': 'deleted_test_project',
'path': 'deleted_test_path',
'remote': 'deleted_test_remote',
'revision': 'deleted_test_rev',
'updated_projects': [{
'name': 'updated_test_name',
'path': 'updated_test_path',
'remote': 'updated_test_remote',
'revision': 'updated_test_rev',
'old_revision': 'old_test_rev',
'old_path': 'old_test_path',
'cls': [{
'number': 'test_num',
'url': 'test_url',
'commit': 'test_commit',
'subject': 'test_sub',
'has_more_cls': True,
'error': 'error in retrieving CL',
def example_source_manifest(self):
return {
'directories': {
'manifest': {
'git_checkout': {
'repo_url': '',
'revision': '4c2b0da3c06341db5cebe4d02c78c93c3b2bd78b',
def example_resolve_data(self, package):
"""Creates example data for jiri resolve subcommand.
package: A string with the package name to generate data for.
A StepTestData with a multiline string in stdout. The multiline string
has the subdirectory package in one line and the package, platforms and
version in a second line.
test_data = ['@Subdir %s' % package]
if package.endswith('${platform}'):
prefix = package[0:package.index('/${platform}')]
platform_str = ('%s/${platform=linux-amd64,mac-amd64} '
'version:2.5.0' % (prefix))
test_data.append('%s version:2.5.0' % package)
data = '\n'.join(test_data)
return self.m.raw_io.output(data)
def example_edit(self, imports, projects, packages):
"""Creates example JSON output for the Jiri edit subcommand.
The data returned by this command is similar to the data generated when
`Jiri edit` is invoked with the -json-output flag.
imports (List(tuple)): A list of (name, revision) tuples representing
imports to update in the manifest.
projects (List(tuple)): A list of (name, revision) tuples representing
projects to update in the manifest.
packages (List(tuple)): A list of (name, version) tuples representing
packages to update in the manifest.
A dict representing JSON that matches the output of the Jiri edit
subcommand. The dict has the following structure:
'imports': [
'name': ...
'remote': ...
'old_revision': ...
'new_revision': ...
'projects': [
'name': ...
'remote': ...
'path: ...
'old_revision': ...
'new_revision': ...
'packages': [
'name': ...
'old_version': ...
'new_version': ...
Where each entry in imports, projects and packages is a dict representing
an edit to an import, project and package, respectively.
project_edits = []
for project in projects:
name, revision = project
'name': name,
'remote': '',
'path': '/path/to/' + name,
'old_revision': '[OLD_REVISION]',
'new_revision': revision,
import_edits = []
for imp in imports:
name, revision = imp
'name': name,
'remote': '',
'old_revision': '[OLD_REVISION]',
'new_revision': revision,
package_edits = []
for package in packages:
name, version = package
'name': name,
'old_version': '[OLD_VERSION]',
'new_version': version,
return {
'projects': project_edits,
'imports': import_edits,
'packages': package_edits
def project(self, projects):
"""Provides test mock for the `project` method."""
assert projects is not None
return self.m.json.output(projects)
def package(self, packages):
"""Provides test mock for the `package` method."""
assert packages is not None
return self.m.json.output(packages)
def snapshot(self, data):
"""Provides test mock for the `snapshot` method."""
assert data is not None
return self.m.raw_io.output(data, name='snapshot')
def diff(self, diff):
"""Provides test mock for the `diff` method."""
assert diff is not None
return self.m.json.output(diff)
def source_manifest(self, data):
"""Provides test mock for the `source_manifest` method."""
assert data is not None
return self.m.json.output(data, name='source manifest')