blob: 160ad49b803900ba35ef96a9c3c45796634537bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipe_modules.fuchsia.presubmit_util;
message Options {
// Gerrit hostname to test against.
string gerrit_host = 1;
// Gerrit project to test against.
string gerrit_project = 2;
// Timeout for external tests completion.
int32 timeout_secs = 3;
// Builder names of tryjobs to orchestrate.
repeated string tryjobs = 4;
// Alternate Gerrit hostname for searching tryjobs, as they may be
// registered under a different host.
string tryjobs_gerrit_host = 5;
// Test against this ref.
string ref = 6;
// Gerrit label to check for presumbmit status.
string presubmit_status_gerrit_label = 7;