blob: e17610c23c162e9a20038948681e7ebab35ce866 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipes.fuchsia.release.snap_branch;
message InputProperties {
// Revision to cut branch from.
// Mutually exclusive with `lkg_builders` and `source_branch`.
string revision = 1;
// Builders to compute last-known-good-revision to cut branch from.
// Mutually exclusive with `revision` and `source_branch`.
repeated string lkg_builders = 2;
// Name of branch to snap from. Must start with "releases/".
// Mutually exclusive with `revision` and `lkg_builders`.
string source_branch = 3;
// Name of branch to snap. Must start with "releases/".
string target_branch = 4;
// Whether to snap the branch using the "add track" feature.
// See release/ for more details.
bool add_track = 5;
// Enable rollback mode.
bool rollback = 6;
// Enable dryrun mode: do not modify anything remotely.
bool dryrun = 7;
// Integration project name.
string project = 8;
// Remote integration manifest name.
string manifest = 9;
// Remote integration manifest repository.
string remote = 10;
// Downstream builders to display links to.
repeated string downstream_builders = 11;
// Whether to skip snapping if the resolved release version's milestone number
// does not match the milestone number at HEAD.
bool must_match_milestone = 12;
// Whether to snap projects. This should generally be true by default, but may
// be set to false for integration repositories with projects that are
// mirrored and not the source-of-truth.
// TODO( Make this an allowlist rather than a blanket bool
// to enable integration repositories with a mix of mirror and source-of-truth
// projects -- or find a more elegant way to express this in Jiri metadata.
bool snap_projects = 13;
// The increment to be added to a new release version.
int32 release_version_increment = 14;