blob: a20cc78f438f996a6f7234369047b93188c4eb56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
import "";
package infra.fuchsia; // `from PB.infra.fuchsia import Fuchsia`
option go_package = "recipes";
option(luci.file_metadata) = {
doc_url :
// Fuchsia fully describes how to execute a Fuchsia CI/CQ task. It defines the
// schema used by the properties that are consumed by the fuchsia recipes.
// WARNING: This message's schema is used for deserializing jsonpb properties.
// Many of the backwards-compatibility guarantees provided by protobufs only
// apply when using binary encoding, not when using JSON. For example, renaming
// a field or marking a field as "reserved" in this message will break
// deserialization of any JSON protos that have that field set. Be very careful
// when making changes to fields in this message.
message Fuchsia {
// (required) How to obtain the Fuchsia build inputs. See Checkout docs.
Checkout checkout = 1;
// (required) How to build Fuchsia. See Build docs.
Build build = 2;
// How to test Fuchsia. See Test docs.
Test test = 3;
// The GCS bucket to upload results to.
// TODO( consider eventually deprecating in favour of
// artifact_gcs_bucket.
string gcs_bucket = 4;
// The GCS bucket to upload build artifacts to.
string artifact_gcs_bucket = 5;
// How to test Fuchsia in external infrastructures. See ExternalTests docs.
ExternalTests external_tests = 6;
// Describes how to fetch the Fuchsia build inputs.
message Checkout {
// Jiri <package> atttribute values indicating additional packages to fetch
// from the input manifest. By default, packages with attribute tags are
// skipped unless one or more of the attribute values are specified here.
repeated string attributes = 1;
// The name of the manifest to import from the integration repository.
string manifest = 2;
// Jiri remote manifest project,
// TODO( This should always be "integration" and is
// redundant because we can select the proper integration repo using the
// build input. Delete this in favor of a hard-coded constant since this
// value will only ever change if we completely restructure our CI/CD model
// or rename the integration repo, and thus this recipe.
string project = 3;
// The remote integration manifest repository.
string remote = 4;
// Whether or not checkout is a release version.
bool is_release_version = 5;
// Whether or not to upload checkout results to cloud storage.
// If true, gcs_bucket must be set.
// TODO( Delete once protos no longer reference it.
bool upload_results = 6;
// The minimum distance between HEAD and a cached checkout revision
// at which we enforce a rebase to HEAD.
int32 min_rebase_distance = 7;
// Describes how to build Fuchsia.
message Build {
// The path within the checkout to a textproto file containing build
// parameters to pass to fint.
string fint_params_path = 1;
// Tags of environments on which the testsharder will key
repeated string environment_tags = 2;
// Whether to run any tests.
bool run_tests = 3;
// Whether build is an SDK subbuild.
bool sdk_subbuild = 4;
// Whether or not to upload build results to cloud storage.
// If true, gcs_bucket must be set.
bool upload_results = 5;
// Whether to sign the artifacts.
bool sign_artifacts = 6;
// The GCS bucket to upload build stats to.
string stats_gcs_bucket = 7;
// How long to wait until timing out `fint build`.
int32 timeout_secs = 8;
// Whether to perform an incremental build.
// TODO(olivernewman): This field no longer affects the behavior of the
// `build` recipe module, only the `checkout` recipe module. Replace it with
// an appropriately named `Checkout` field.
bool incremental = 9;
// Whether to generate codesize report.
bool run_codesize = 10;
// CI bucket of the builder to use for size diffing. This field controls
// whether a size diff will be computed.
string size_diff_ci_bucket = 11;
// CI builder name of the builder to use for size diffing. This can be set
// to override the default of using the current builder's name.
string size_diff_ci_builder = 12;
// The review label to use for size creep exemption. This field controls
// whether size creep budgets are enforced.
string size_creep_label = 13;
// The CIPD package to which assembly inputs should be uploaded. No upload
// will happen if this is empty.
string assembly_artifacts_cipd_package = 14;
// Describes how to test Fuchsia.
message Test {
// Whether to pave images the device for testing. (Ignored if
// device_type == QEMU)
bool pave = 1;
// Swarming pool from which a test task will be drawn
string pool = 2;
// How long to wait for Swarming to find a bot on which to test
int32 swarming_expiration_timeout_secs = 3;
// How long to wait (in seconds) before killing the test
// swarming task if there's no output being produced
int32 swarming_io_timeout_secs = 4;
// How long to wait until timing out on tests.
int32 timeout_secs = 5;
// Target number of tests in a given testing swarming task ("max" name is a
// historical artifact).
// Deprecated in favor of target_shard_duration_secs
int32 max_shard_size = 6;
// Maximum number of attempts to make for each individual shard.
// 1 means that shards will not be retried if they fail.
// If this protobuf field is 0 (the default for this field), the recipe
// will use a non-zero default for the maximum number of attempts.
int32 max_attempts = 7;
// Whether to use runtests by default when running fuchsia tests; if false,
// run_test_component will be used.
bool use_runtests = 8;
// A default service account to attach to test tasks; used for shards that
// do not specify one themselves.
string default_service_account = 9;
// Any test that executes for longer than this will be considered failed.
// 0 means no timeout.
uint32 per_test_timeout_secs = 10;
// Whether or not to upload build results to cloud storage.
// If true, gcs_bucket must be set.
bool upload_results = 11;
// Whether or not to pave using images from GCS.
bool pave_from_gcs = 12;
// Whether the test task needs to require a device with serial, QEMU
// conventionally always having 'serial' enabled.
bool targets_serial = 13;
// If >0, will keep launching tasks until this many seconds have
// elapsed. max_attempts should be set to 1 if this is >0.
uint32 rerun_budget_secs = 14;
// If >0, will distribute tests into shards that are each expected to take
// approximately this duration.
uint32 target_shard_duration_secs = 15;
// Maximum number of shards allowed per test environment. If 0, will not
// pass a max to testsharder (so testsharder will use the hardcoded default
// max). If <0, testsharder will not set a max at all.
int32 max_shards_per_env = 16;
// These two fields specify the names the builder should use when
// uploading performance test results to the Catapult performance
// dashboard. If these are absent, the builder should not upload
// results to Catapult.
// These correspond to the "masters" and "bots" fields described here:
string catapult_dashboard_master = 17;
string catapult_dashboard_bot = 18;
// Kernel command-line arguments to pass on boot.
repeated string zircon_args = 19;
// Maximum number of attempts for running each individual test within a
// Swarming task (shard). A value of 0 is treated as 1.
// Setting this to 0 or 1 disables retries within tasks, but retries of
// whole tasks may still be enabled via retry_task_on_test_failure.
int32 max_attempts_per_test = 20;
// Whether to enable task-level retries for test failures.
bool retry_task_on_test_failure = 21;
// If >0, and the number of affected tests is <= this threshold, then
// the recipe will tell testsharder to multiply the affected tests.
uint32 affected_tests_multiply_threshold = 22;
// Describes how to interact with the GCE Mediator to test Fuchsia on GCE.
message GCEMediator {
// URL of the GCE Mediator endpoint.
string endpoint = 1;
// Cloud project to create Fuchsia VMs in.
string cloud_project = 2;
// TODO( Move this to test specs.
string machine_shape = 3;
GCEMediator gce_mediator = 23;
// Whether to enable using ffx in infra.
bool use_ffx = 24;
// Whether to enable using experimental ffx features in infra.
bool use_ffx_experimental = 25;
// Whether to use CAS to transfer test artifacts.
bool use_cas = 26;
// A list of device types to NOT run tests on.
// This should only be used to avoid running on physical devices where
// there are capacity concerns.
repeated string disabled_device_types = 27;
// Describes how to test Fuchsia in external infrastructures.
message ExternalTests {
// Name of system image under test.
string system_image = 1;
// TAP projects to trigger.
repeated string tap_projects = 2;
// Whether to use staging host for RPCs.
bool use_staging_host = 3;
// How long to wait for external tests to finish.
int32 timeout_secs = 4;