blob: 8e5c72db2801dc4ee44fa4b5650b6943701624a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipes.fuchsia.contrib.icu_chromium_roller;
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "recipe_modules/fuchsia/auto_roller/options.proto";
// Parameters for the recipe defined in
// recipe. All examples given below are values that were current
// or meaningful at the time this file was created. While we think
// they are unlikely to change, changes could happen.
message InputProperties {
// The name of the ICU project in the Fuchsia manifest.
// For example: "chromium/deps/icu@stable".
string icu_project_name = 1;
// The path to the web engine manifest used as a basis for
// resolving ICU dependencies.
// Example values:
// - "integration/internal/third_party/chromium/nest_sd_canary"
// - "integration/internal/third_party/chromium/nest_sd"
string web_engine_manifest_path = 2;
// The project name for the integration repo.
// Example: "integration".
string project = 3;
// The path inside the integration repository
// Example: "fuchsia/minimal".
string manifest = 4;
// A Web engine element that we will use to determine the chromium
// branch currently in use in Fuchsia. It could be any of several,
// we currently pick this one:
// "chrome_internal/fuchsia_nest_sd/web_engine/amd64/web_engine"
string web_engine_element_name = 5;
// The path within `project` with the ICU manifest.
// Example: "integration/fuchsia/third_party/icu".
string icu_manifest = 6;
// General options for creating the roll CL.
// - roll_options.remote is required.
// Example: "sso://turquoise-internal/integration"
recipe_modules.fuchsia.auto_roller.Options roll_options = 7;