blob: 688f4e272f79dd3e6cdccb129ccbddad2eae237c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package recipes.fuchsia.contrib.android_artifact_downloader;
// Specifications of which artifacts to download and any transformations.
message AndroidBuildArtifactSpec {
// The target to download the artifact from.
string target = 1;
// The filepath for the artifact. If the artifact includes the bid this can
// be represented as {bid} and will be replaced at target resolution.
string file_path = 2;
// Which CIPD path to upload this artifact to.
string cipd_path = 3;
// Whether to extract the target from a compressed format.
bool extract = 4;
// When extracting the target, subdir can be used to specify a portion of
// the extracted directory structure to import into the CIPD package.
string extract_subdir = 5;
// Whether to make the file executable.
bool make_executable = 6;
// Paths to include when extracting from an archive.
repeated string include_files = 7;
message InputProperties {
// The Android branch to download the artifacts from.
string branch = 1;
// An array of CIPD packages to be uploaded.
repeated string cipd_pkg_paths = 2;
// An array of specifications designating which artifacts to fetch, bundle
// and upload to CIPD.
repeated AndroidBuildArtifactSpec artifact_specs = 3;
// If dry_run is enabled, the recipe will force a build but not upload to
// CIPD.
bool dry_run = 4;