tree: b0a02dcbd006ee8d20b5be0292662a786ddc8da6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. main.go
  2. make_histogram.go
  3. make_histogram_test.go
  5. upload.go
  6. upload_test.go


A CLI for uploading to the Catapult dashboard.

Example Usage:

Convert Fuchsia performance test output into a HistogramSet for the Catapult dashboard:

catapult make_histogram \
  --datetime=1234455667789 \
  --test-suite=fuchsia.example.benchmark \
  --builder=fuchsia.example.builder \
  --bucket=fuchsia.example.bucket \
  /path/to/test_results.json > histogram_set.json

Upload a file containing a HistogramSet to the Catapult dashboard:

catapult upload \
  --url= \
  --service-account-json=/path/to/acccount.json \

Sample Point Revision Numbers

Specify the revision number corresponding to the given sample data whenever possible using -revision-diagnostic and -revision. Both flags must be specified together or not at all. The revision will show up in a sample point's tooltip and make it easier to debug anomalies.

The value given for -revision-diagnostic must be registered with the Catapult dashboard. Fuchsia's registered values include:

  • fuchsiaZirconRevisions - specifies a Zircon revision
  • fuchsiaGarnetRevisions - specifies a Garnet revision
  • fuchsiaPeridotRevisions - specifies a Peridot revision
  • fuchsiaTopazRevisions - specifies a Topaz revision

TODO(kjharland): Document how new names are registered.