blob: 7b095497c4c154930a3e074b63370f2ec1088f4b [file] [log] [blame]
package main_test
import (
cmd ""
func TestParseFlags(t *testing.T) {
// Parses flags from the given command line args.
parseFlags := func(args []string) error {
// Prepend the command name to args to avoid having to repeat it
// in every test case
args = append([]string{"dump_fuchsia_symbols"}, args...)
_, _, err := cmd.ParseFlags(args)
return err
// Expects command line parsing to succeed. Fails otherwise.
expectSuccess := func(t *testing.T, args []string) {
if err := parseFlags(args); err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to parse command line: %+v, %v", args, err)
// Expects command line parsing to fail. Fails otherwise.
expectFailure := func(t *testing.T, args []string) {
if parseFlags(args) == nil {
t.Errorf("Expected error when parsing %+v. Got nil", args)
t.Run("should succeed if valid arguments are given", func(t *testing.T) {
t.Run("when there are multiple input files", func(t *testing.T) {
expectSuccess(t, []string{
t.Run("when -dry-run=true", func(t *testing.T) {
// explicit "-dry-run=true"
expectSuccess(t, []string{
// Just "-dry-run"
expectSuccess(t, []string{
t.Run("should fail if -out-dir is missing", func(t *testing.T) {
expectFailure(t, []string{
t.Run("should fail if -dump-syms-path is missing", func(t *testing.T) {
expectFailure(t, []string{
t.Run("should fail if input file is missing", func(t *testing.T) {
expectFailure(t, []string{
// Examples-as-tests below this line. "Output:" at the end of each function
// verifies that what is printed on stdout matches the rest of the comment.
// If there is a difference, `go test ./...` will fail.
func ExampleWithOneInputFile() {
// Create a testing input file with fake hash values and binary paths.
inputFile := createTempFile("ids.txt", `
01634b09 /path/to/binaryA.elf
02298167 /path/to/binaryB
025abbbc /path/to/
// Run the command in dry-run mode so that we can verify the list of
// commands that would actually run, given the test input file.
// Output:
// "/path/to/binaryA.elf": "/out/fe9881defb9ed1ddb9a89c38be973515f6ad7f0f.sym",
// "/path/to/binaryB": "/out/f03de72df78157dd14ae1cc031ddba9873947179.sym",
// "/path/to/": "/out/edbe4e45241c98dcde3538160073a0d6b097b780.sym"
func ExampleWithMultipleInputFiles() {
// Create a testing input file with bogus hash values and binary paths.
inputFileA := createTempFile("idsA.txt", `
01634b09 /path/to/binaryA.elf
02298167 /path/to/binaryB
025abbbc /path/to/
// Create a testing input file with bogus hash values and binary paths.
inputFileB := createTempFile("idsB.txt", `
01634b09 /path/to/binaryD
02298167 /path/to/binaryE
025abbbc /path/to/binaryF
// Run the command in dry-run mode so that we can verify the list of
// commands that would actually run, given the test input file.
// Output:
// "/path/to/binaryA.elf": "/out/fe9881defb9ed1ddb9a89c38be973515f6ad7f0f.sym",
// "/path/to/binaryB": "/out/f03de72df78157dd14ae1cc031ddba9873947179.sym",
// "/path/to/": "/out/edbe4e45241c98dcde3538160073a0d6b097b780.sym",
// "/path/to/binaryD": "/out/8541277ee6941ac4c3c9ab2fc68edfb4c420861e.sym",
// "/path/to/binaryE": "/out/906bc6368e6462a6cf7b78328a675ce57ef82209.sym",
// "/path/to/binaryF": "/out/302cb9c3745652180c25e5da2ca3e420b8dd4e25.sym"
func ExampleSkipDuplicatePaths() {
// Create a testing input file with bogus hash values and binary paths.
inputFile := createTempFile("ids.txt", `
01634b09 /path/to/binaryA
02298167 /path/to/binaryA
// Run the command in dry-run mode so that we can verify the list of
// commands that would actually run, given the test input file.
// Output:
// {
// "/path/to/binaryA": "/out/43e5a3c9eb9829f2eb11007223de1fb0b721a909.sym"
// }
// Creates a temp file with the given name and contents for testing.
// Returns the absolute path to the file.
// TODO(kjharland): It would be nice to create an entire temp directory, and
// create all files in that directory for testing. Then each test can
// `defer dir.delete()` to clean up.
func createTempFile(name, contents string) (absPath string) {
// Create the file.
file, err := ioutil.TempFile("", name)
if err != nil {
// Write the contents.
// Grab the absolute path
absPath, err = filepath.Abs(file.Name())
if err != nil {
// No tests to verify the output of dump_syms. Assume it does the right thing.
// TODO(kjharland): Consider creating test binaries to pass as -dump-syms-path,
// which would let us write integration tests for this file.