blob: 51d1f048779efe4fa33235ed8fdcff0fe52a02e1 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file defines how PyOxidizer application building and packaging is
# performed. See the pyoxidizer crate's documentation for extensive
# documentation on this file format.
# Obtain the default PythonDistribution for our build target. We link
# this distribution into our produced executable and extract the Python
# standard library from it.
def make_dist():
return default_python_distribution()
# Configuration files consist of functions which define build "targets."
# This function creates a Python executable and installs it in a destination
# directory.
def make_exe(dist):
# This variable defines the configuration of the
# embedded Python interpreter.
python_config = PythonInterpreterConfig(
# Produce a PythonExecutable from a Python distribution, embedded
# resources, and other options. The returned object represents the
# standalone executable that will be built.
return dist.to_python_executable(
# Embed all extension modules, making this a fully-featured Python.
def make_embedded_resources(exe):
return exe.to_embedded_resources()
def make_install(dist, exe):
# Create an object that represents our installed application file layout.
files = FileManifest()
# Add the generated executable to our install layout in the root directory.
files.add_python_resource(".", exe)
files.add_python_resources(".blacklib", dist.pip_install(["black==19.10b0"]))
return files
# Tell PyOxidizer about the build targets defined above.
register_target("dist", make_dist)
register_target("exe", make_exe, depends=["dist"], default=True)
register_target("resources", make_embedded_resources, depends=["exe"], default_build_script=True)
register_target("install", make_install, depends=["dist", "exe"])
# Resolve whatever targets the invoker of this configuration file is requesting
# be resolved.
# Everything below this is typically managed by PyOxidizer and doesn't need
# to be updated by people.