Remove recipes

These are no longer being used as all the recipes were consolidated

Change-Id: I993a4e50c8ce72476d9d0310cbe13fdcb810ffed
diff --git a/infra/config/recipes.cfg b/infra/config/recipes.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index db465f8..0000000
--- a/infra/config/recipes.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-api_version: 1
-project_id: "infra"
-recipes_path: ""
-deps {
-  project_id: "recipe_engine"
-  url: ""
-  branch: "master"
-  revision: "0e4d4e97edb04696b0b1452522eb26f1dc633e8e"
diff --git a/recipe_modules/cipd/ b/recipe_modules/cipd/
deleted file mode 100644
index c4760bc..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/cipd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-DEPS = [
-    'recipe_engine/json',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-    'recipe_engine/properties',
-    'recipe_engine/python',
-    'recipe_engine/raw_io',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
diff --git a/recipe_modules/cipd/ b/recipe_modules/cipd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 32984a9..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/cipd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from recipe_engine import recipe_api
-from string import Template
-class CIPDApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
-    """CIPDApi provides support for CIPD."""
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(CIPDApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._cipd_credentials = None
-    def set_service_account_credentials(self, path):
-        self._cipd_credentials = path
-    @property
-    def default_bot_service_account_credentials(self):
-        return '/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json'
-    def platform_suffix(self):
-        """Use to get full package name that is platform indepdent.
-        Example:
-          >>> 'my/package/%s' % api.cipd.platform_suffix()
-          'my/package/linux-amd64'
-        """
-        return '%s-%s' % (
-  'win', 'windows'),
-            {
-                32: '386',
-                64: 'amd64',
-            }[self.m.platform.bits],
-        )
-    def build(self, input_dir, output_package, package_name, install_mode=None):
-        assert not install_mode or install_mode in ['copy', 'symlink']
-        return self.m.step(
-            'build %s' % self.m.path.basename(package_name),
-            [
-                'cipd',
-                'pkg-build',
-                '--in', input_dir,
-                '--name', package_name,
-                '--out', output_package,
-                '--json-output', self.m.json.output(),
-            ] + (
-                ['--install-mode', install_mode] if install_mode else []
-            ),
-            step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.example_build(package_name)
-        )
-    def register(self, package_name, package_path, refs=None, tags=None):
-        cmd = [
-            'cipd',
-            'pkg-register', package_path,
-            '--json-output', self.m.json.output(),
-        ]
-        if self._cipd_credentials:
-            cmd.extend(['--service-account-json', self._cipd_credentials])
-        if refs:
-            for ref in refs:
-                cmd.extend(['--ref', ref])
-        if tags:
-            for tag, value in sorted(tags.items()):
-                cmd.extend(['--tag', '%s:%s' % (tag, value)])
-        return self.m.step(
-            'register %s' % package_name,
-            cmd,
-            step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.example_register(package_name)
-        )
-    def create(self, pkg_def, refs=None, tags=None):
-        """Creates a package based on YAML package definition file.
-        This builds and uploads the package in one step.
-        """
-        cmd = [
-            'cipd'
-            'create',
-            '--pkg-def', pkg_def,
-            '--json-output', self.m.json.output(),
-        ]
-        if self._cipd_credentials:
-            cmd.extend(['--service-account-json', self._cipd_credentials])
-        if refs:
-            for ref in refs:
-                cmd.extend(['--ref', ref])
-        if tags:
-            for tag, value in sorted(tags.items()):
-                cmd.extend(['--tag', '%s:%s' % (tag, value)])
-        return self.m.step('create %s' % self.m.path.basename(pkg_def), cmd)
-    def ensure(self, root, packages):
-        """Ensures that packages are installed in a given root dir.
-        packages must be a mapping from package name to its version, where
-          * name must be for right platform (see also ``platform_suffix``),
-          * version could be either instance_id, or ref, or unique tag.
-        If installing a package requires credentials, call
-        ``set_service_account_credentials`` before calling this function.
-        """
-        package_list = ['%s %s' % (name, version)
-                        for name, version in sorted(packages.items())]
-        list_data = self.m.raw_io.input('\n'.join(package_list))
-        cmd = [
-            'cipd',
-            'ensure',
-            '--root', root,
-            '--list', list_data,
-            '--json-output', self.m.json.output(),
-        ]
-        if self._cipd_credentials:
-            cmd.extend(['--service-account-json', self._cipd_credentials])
-        return self.m.step(
-            'ensure_installed', cmd,
-            step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.example_ensure(packages)
-        )
-    def set_tag(self, package_name, version, tags):
-        cmd = [
-            'cipd',
-            'set-tag', package_name,
-            '--version', version,
-            '--json-output', self.m.json.output(),
-        ]
-        if self._cipd_credentials:
-            cmd.extend(['--service-account-json', self._cipd_credentials])
-        for tag, value in sorted(tags.items()):
-            cmd.extend(['--tag', '%s:%s' % (tag, value)])
-        return self.m.step(
-            'cipd set-tag %s' % package_name,
-            cmd,
-            step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.example_set_tag(
-                package_name, version
-            )
-        )
-    def set_ref(self, package_name, version, refs):
-        cmd = [
-            'cipd',
-            'set-ref', package_name,
-            '--version', version,
-            '--json-output', self.m.json.output(),
-        ]
-        if self._cipd_credentials:
-            cmd.extend(['--service-account-json', self._cipd_credentials])
-        for r in refs:
-            cmd.extend(['--ref', r])
-        return self.m.step(
-            'cipd set-ref %s' % package_name,
-            cmd,
-            step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.example_set_ref(
-                package_name, version
-            )
-        )
-    def search(self, package_name, tag):
-        assert ':' in tag, 'tag must be in a form "k:v"'
-        cmd = [
-            'cipd',
-            'search', package_name,
-            '--tag', tag,
-            '--json-output', self.m.json.output(),
-        ]
-        if self._cipd_credentials:
-            cmd.extend(['--service-account-json', self._cipd_credentials])
-        return self.m.step(
-            'cipd search %s %s' % (package_name, tag),
-            cmd,
-            step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.example_search(package_name)
-        )
-    def describe(self, package_name, version,
-                 test_data_refs=None, test_data_tags=None):
-        cmd = [
-            'cipd',
-            'describe', package_name,
-            '--version', version,
-            '--json-output', self.m.json.output(),
-        ]
-        if self._cipd_credentials:
-            cmd.extend(['--service-account-json', self._cipd_credentials])
-        return self.m.step(
-            'cipd describe %s' % package_name,
-            cmd,
-            step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.example_describe(
-                package_name, version,
-                test_data_refs=test_data_refs,
-                test_data_tags=test_data_tags
-            )
-        )
diff --git a/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/basic.json b/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/basic.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5a168..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/basic.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/packages",
-      "--list",
-      "public/package/linux-amd64 7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "public/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "git_revision:40-chars-long-hash",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search public/package/linux-amd64 git_revision:40-chars-long-hash",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "describe",
-      "public/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--version",
-      "40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd describe public/package/linux-amd64",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"refs\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"ref\": \"latest\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ], @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"tags\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"buildbot_build:some.waterfall/builder/1234\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"git_repository:\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"git_revision:397a2597cdc237f3026e6143b683be4b9ab60540\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/packages",
-      "--list",
-      "private/package/linux-amd64 latest\npublic/package/linux-amd64 7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_installed (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-latest----------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"private/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "private/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "key:value",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search private/package/linux-amd64 key:value",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"private/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "describe",
-      "private/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--version",
-      "40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd describe private/package/linux-amd64",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"private/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"refs\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"ref\": \"latest\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ], @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"tags\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"custom:tagged\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"key:value\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "pkg-build",
-      "--in",
-      "fake-input-dir",
-      "--name",
-      "infra/fake-package",
-      "--out",
-      "fake-package-path",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "name": "build fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"infra/fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "pkg-build",
-      "--in",
-      "fake-input-dir",
-      "--name",
-      "infra/fake-package",
-      "--out",
-      "fake-package-path",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--install-mode",
-      "copy"
-    ],
-    "name": "build fake-package (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"infra/fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "pkg-register",
-      "fake-package-path",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-1",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-2",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_1:fake_value_1",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_2:fake_value_2"
-    ],
-    "name": "register infra/fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"infra/fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipdcreate",
-      "--pkg-def",
-      "[START_DIR]/fake-package.yaml",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-1",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-2",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_1:fake_value_1",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_2:fake_value_2"
-    ],
-    "name": "create fake-package.yaml",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output (invalid)@null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output (invalid)@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "set-tag",
-      "fake-package",
-      "--version",
-      "long/weird/ref/which/doesn/not/fit/into/40chars",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--tag",
-      "dead:beaf",
-      "--tag",
-      "more:value"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd set-tag fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"fake-package\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-long/weird/ref/w\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "set-ref",
-      "fake-package",
-      "--version",
-      "latest",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--ref",
-      "any",
-      "--ref",
-      "some"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd set-ref fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"fake-package\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-latest----------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "fake-package/linux-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "dead:beaf",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search fake-package/linux-amd64 dead:beaf",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fake-package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/describe-failed.json b/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/describe-failed.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a7a572..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/describe-failed.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/packages",
-      "--list",
-      "public/package/linux-amd64 7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "public/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "git_revision:40-chars-long-hash",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search public/package/linux-amd64 git_revision:40-chars-long-hash",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "describe",
-      "public/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--version",
-      "40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd describe public/package/linux-amd64",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "step returned non-zero exit code: 1",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"error\": \"package \\\"public/package/linux-amd64-ubuntu14_04\\\" not registered\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "reason": "Step('cipd describe public/package/linux-amd64') failed with return_code 1",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 1
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/describe-many-instances.json b/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/describe-many-instances.json
deleted file mode 100644
index ada18f2..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/describe-many-instances.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/packages",
-      "--list",
-      "public/package/linux-amd64 7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "public/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "git_revision:40-chars-long-hash",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search public/package/linux-amd64 git_revision:40-chars-long-hash",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "describe",
-      "public/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--version",
-      "40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd describe public/package/linux-amd64",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"refs\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"ref\": \"latest\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ], @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"tags\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"buildbot_build:some.waterfall/builder/1234\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"git_repository:\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"git_revision:397a2597cdc237f3026e6143b683be4b9ab60540\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/packages",
-      "--list",
-      "private/package/linux-amd64 latest\npublic/package/linux-amd64 7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_installed (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-latest----------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"private/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "private/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "key:value",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search private/package/linux-amd64 key:value",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"private/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "describe",
-      "private/package/linux-amd64",
-      "--version",
-      "40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd describe private/package/linux-amd64",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"private/package/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"refs\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"ref\": \"latest\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ], @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"tags\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"custom:tagged\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"key:value\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "pkg-build",
-      "--in",
-      "fake-input-dir",
-      "--name",
-      "infra/fake-package",
-      "--out",
-      "fake-package-path",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "name": "build fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"infra/fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "pkg-build",
-      "--in",
-      "fake-input-dir",
-      "--name",
-      "infra/fake-package",
-      "--out",
-      "fake-package-path",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--install-mode",
-      "copy"
-    ],
-    "name": "build fake-package (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"infra/fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "pkg-register",
-      "fake-package-path",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-1",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-2",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_1:fake_value_1",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_2:fake_value_2"
-    ],
-    "name": "register infra/fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"infra/fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipdcreate",
-      "--pkg-def",
-      "[START_DIR]/fake-package.yaml",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-1",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-2",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_1:fake_value_1",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_2:fake_value_2"
-    ],
-    "name": "create fake-package.yaml",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output (invalid)@null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output (invalid)@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "set-tag",
-      "fake-package",
-      "--version",
-      "long/weird/ref/which/doesn/not/fit/into/40chars",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--tag",
-      "dead:beaf",
-      "--tag",
-      "more:value"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd set-tag fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"fake-package\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-long/weird/ref/w\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "set-ref",
-      "fake-package",
-      "--version",
-      "latest",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--ref",
-      "any",
-      "--ref",
-      "some"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd set-ref fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"fake-package\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-latest----------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "fake-package/linux-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "dead:beaf",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search fake-package/linux-amd64 dead:beaf",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-instance_id_1---\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64-ubuntu14_04\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-instance_id_2---\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64-ubuntu14_04\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-instance_id_3---\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/linux-amd64-ubuntu14_04\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/mac64.json b/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/mac64.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 37c797c..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/cipd/example.expected/mac64.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/packages",
-      "--list",
-      "public/package/mac-amd64 7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "public/package/mac-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "git_revision:40-chars-long-hash",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search public/package/mac-amd64 git_revision:40-chars-long-hash",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "describe",
-      "public/package/mac-amd64",
-      "--version",
-      "40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-cipd-builder.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd describe public/package/mac-amd64",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"refs\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"ref\": \"latest\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ], @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"tags\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"buildbot_build:some.waterfall/builder/1234\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"git_repository:\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"git_revision:397a2597cdc237f3026e6143b683be4b9ab60540\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/packages",
-      "--list",
-      "private/package/mac-amd64 latest\npublic/package/mac-amd64 7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_installed (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-latest----------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"private/package/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"public/package/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "private/package/mac-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "key:value",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search private/package/mac-amd64 key:value",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"private/package/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "describe",
-      "private/package/mac-amd64",
-      "--version",
-      "40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd describe private/package/mac-amd64",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"private/package/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"refs\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"modified_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"ref\": \"latest\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ], @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"tags\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"custom:tagged\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_by\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"registered_ts\": 1446574210, @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@        \"tag\": \"key:value\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "pkg-build",
-      "--in",
-      "fake-input-dir",
-      "--name",
-      "infra/fake-package",
-      "--out",
-      "fake-package-path",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "name": "build fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"infra/fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "pkg-build",
-      "--in",
-      "fake-input-dir",
-      "--name",
-      "infra/fake-package",
-      "--out",
-      "fake-package-path",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--install-mode",
-      "copy"
-    ],
-    "name": "build fake-package (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"infra/fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "pkg-register",
-      "fake-package-path",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-1",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-2",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_1:fake_value_1",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_2:fake_value_2"
-    ],
-    "name": "register infra/fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"infra/fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipdcreate",
-      "--pkg-def",
-      "[START_DIR]/fake-package.yaml",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-1",
-      "--ref",
-      "fake-ref-2",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_1:fake_value_1",
-      "--tag",
-      "fake_tag_2:fake_value_2"
-    ],
-    "name": "create fake-package.yaml",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output (invalid)@null@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output (invalid)@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "set-tag",
-      "fake-package",
-      "--version",
-      "long/weird/ref/which/doesn/not/fit/into/40chars",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--tag",
-      "dead:beaf",
-      "--tag",
-      "more:value"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd set-tag fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"fake-package\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-long/weird/ref/w\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "set-ref",
-      "fake-package",
-      "--version",
-      "latest",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json",
-      "--ref",
-      "any",
-      "--ref",
-      "some"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd set-ref fake-package",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"package\": \"fake-package\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"pin\": {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-latest----------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fake-package\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "search",
-      "fake-package/mac-amd64",
-      "--tag",
-      "dead:beaf",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "fake-credentials.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "cipd search fake-package/mac-amd64 dead:beaf",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fake-package/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/cipd/ b/recipe_modules/cipd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b9e761..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/cipd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-DEPS = [
-    'cipd',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-    'recipe_engine/properties',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
-def RunSteps(api):
-    # Set the service account credentials if needed.
-    api.cipd.set_service_account_credentials(
-        api.cipd.default_bot_service_account_credentials)
-    package_name = 'public/package/%s' % api.cipd.platform_suffix()
-    package_instance_id = '7f751b2237df2fdf3c1405be00590fefffbaea2d'
-    packages = {package_name: package_instance_id}
-    cipd_root = api.path['start_dir'].join('packages')
-    # Some packages don't require credentials to be installed or queried.
-    api.cipd.ensure(cipd_root, packages)
-    step =, tag='git_revision:40-chars-long-hash')
-    api.cipd.describe(package_name,
-                      version=step.json.output['result'][0]['instance_id'])
-    # Others do, so provide creds first.
-    api.cipd.set_service_account_credentials('fake-credentials.json')
-    private_package_name = 'private/package/%s' % api.cipd.platform_suffix()
-    packages[private_package_name] = 'latest'
-    api.cipd.ensure(cipd_root, packages)
-    step =, tag='key:value')
-    api.cipd.describe(private_package_name,
-                      version=step.json.output['result'][0]['instance_id'],
-                      test_data_tags=['custom:tagged', 'key:value'],
-                      test_data_refs=['latest'])
-    # The rest of commands expect credentials to be set.
-    # Build & register new package version.
-'fake-input-dir', 'fake-package-path', 'infra/fake-package')
-'fake-input-dir', 'fake-package-path', 'infra/fake-package',
-                   install_mode='copy')
-    api.cipd.register('infra/fake-package', 'fake-package-path',
-                      refs=['fake-ref-1', 'fake-ref-2'],
-                      tags={'fake_tag_1': 'fake_value_1',
-                            'fake_tag_2': 'fake_value_2'})
-    # Create (build & register).
-    api.cipd.create(api.path['start_dir'].join('fake-package.yaml'),
-                    refs=['fake-ref-1', 'fake-ref-2'],
-                    tags={'fake_tag_1': 'fake_value_1',
-                          'fake_tag_2': 'fake_value_2'})
-    # Set tag or ref of an already existing package.
-    api.cipd.set_tag('fake-package',
-                     version='long/weird/ref/which/doesn/not/fit/into/40chars',
-                     tags={'dead': 'beaf', 'more': 'value'})
-    api.cipd.set_ref('fake-package', version='latest', refs=['any', 'some'])
-    # Search by the new tag.
-'fake-package/%s' % api.cipd.platform_suffix(),
-                    tag='dead:beaf')
-def GenTests(api):
-    yield (
-        # This is very common dev workstation, but not all devs are on it.
-        api.test('basic') +
-        api.platform('linux', 64)
-    )
-    yield (
-        api.test('mac64') +
-        api.platform('mac', 64)
-    )
-    yield (
-        api.test('describe-failed') +
-        api.platform('linux', 64) +
-        api.override_step_data(
-            'cipd describe public/package/linux-amd64',
-            api.cipd.example_error(
-                'package "public/package/linux-amd64-ubuntu14_04" not registered',
-            )
-        )
-    )
-    yield (
-        api.test('describe-many-instances') +
-        api.platform('linux', 64) +
-        api.override_step_data(
-            'cipd search fake-package/linux-amd64 dead:beaf',
-            api.cipd.example_search(
-                'public/package/linux-amd64-ubuntu14_04',
-                instances=3
-            )
-        )
-    )
diff --git a/recipe_modules/cipd/ b/recipe_modules/cipd/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4448516..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/cipd/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from recipe_engine import recipe_test_api
-class CIPDTestApi(recipe_test_api.RecipeTestApi):
-    def make_resolved_version(self, v):
-        if not v:
-            return '40-chars-fake-of-the-package-instance_id'
-        if len(v) == 40:
-            return v
-        # Truncate or pad to 40 chars.
-        prefix = 'resolved-instance_id-of-'
-        if len(v) + len(prefix) >= 40:
-            return '%s%s' % (prefix, v[:40-len(prefix)])
-        return '%s%s%s' % (prefix, v, '-' * (40 - len(prefix) - len(v)))
-    def make_pin(self, package_name, version=None):
-        return {
-            'package': package_name,
-            'instance_id': self.make_resolved_version(version),
-        }
-    def _resultify(self, result, error=None, retcode=None):
-        dic = {'result': result}
-        if error:
-            dic['error'] = error
-        return self.m.json.output(dic, retcode=retcode)
-    def example_error(self, error, retcode=None):
-        return self._resultify(
-            result=None,
-            error=error,
-            retcode=1 if retcode is None else retcode)
-    def example_build(self, package_name, version=None):
-        return self._resultify(self.make_pin(package_name, version))
-    example_register = example_build
-    def example_ensure(self, packages):
-        return self._resultify([self.make_pin(name, version)
-                               for name, version in sorted(packages.items())])
-    def example_set_tag(self, package_name, version):
-        return self._resultify({
-            'package': package_name,
-            'pin': self.make_pin(package_name, version)
-        })
-    example_set_ref = example_set_tag
-    def example_search(self, package_name, instances=None):
-        if instances is None:
-            # Return one instance by default.
-            return self._resultify([self.make_pin(package_name)])
-        if isinstance(instances, int):
-            instances = ['instance_id_%i' % (i+1) for i in xrange(instances)]
-        return self._resultify([self.make_pin(package_name, instance)
-                               for instance in instances])
-    def example_describe(self, package_name, version=None,
-                         test_data_refs=None, test_data_tags=None,
-                         user='',
-                         tstamp=1446574210):
-        assert not test_data_tags or all(':' in tag for tag in test_data_tags)
-        return self._resultify({
-            'pin': self.make_pin(package_name, version),
-            'registered_by': user,
-            'registered_ts': tstamp,
-            'refs': [
-                {
-                    'ref': ref,
-                    'modified_by': user,
-                    'modified_ts': tstamp,
-                }
-                for ref in (['latest'] if test_data_refs is None else test_data_refs)
-            ],
-            'tags': [
-                {
-                    'tag': tag,
-                    'registered_by': user,
-                    'registered_ts': tstamp,
-                }
-                for tag in ([
-                    'buildbot_build:some.waterfall/builder/1234',
-                    'git_repository:',
-                    'git_revision:397a2597cdc237f3026e6143b683be4b9ab60540',
-                ] if test_data_tags is None else test_data_tags)
-            ],
-        })
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/ b/recipe_modules/git/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8537795..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-DEPS = [
-  'recipe_engine/path',
-  'recipe_engine/platform',
-  'recipe_engine/properties',
-  'recipe_engine/python',
-  'recipe_engine/raw_io',
-  'recipe_engine/shutil',
-  'recipe_engine/step',
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/ b/recipe_modules/git/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8072ac0..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import itertools
-import re
-from recipe_engine import recipe_api
-class GitApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
-    """GitApi provides support for Git."""
-    _GIT_HASH_RE = re.compile('[0-9a-f]{40}', re.IGNORECASE)
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(GitApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Return a git command step."""
-        name = kwargs.pop('name', 'git ' + args[0])
-        infra_step = kwargs.pop('infra_step', True)
-        if 'cwd' not in kwargs:
-            kwargs.setdefault('cwd', self.m.path['checkout'])
-        git_cmd = ['git']
-        options = kwargs.pop('config_options', {})
-        for k, v in sorted(options.iteritems()):
-            git_cmd.extend(['-c', '%s=%s' % (k, v)])
-        return self.m.step(name, git_cmd + list(args), **kwargs)
-    def checkout(self, url, path=None, ref=None, remote=None, file=None, **kwargs):
-        """Checkout a given ref and return the checked out revision."""
-        if not path:
-            path = url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
-            if path.endswith('.git'):  # https://host/foobar.git
-                path = path[:-len('.git')]
-            path = path or path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] # ssh://host:repo/foobar/.git
-            path = self.m.path['start_dir'].join(path)
-        if 'checkout' not in self.m.path:
-            self.m.path['checkout'] = path
-        if not self.m.path.exists(path):
-            self.m.shutil.makedirs('makedirs', path)
-        if self.m.path.exists(path.join('.git')): # pragma: no cover
-            self('config', '--remove-section', 'remote.%s' % remote, **kwargs)
-        else:
-            self('init', path, **kwargs)
-        self('remote', 'add', remote or 'origin', url)
-        if not ref:
-            fetch_ref ='branch') or 'master'
-            checkout_ref = 'FETCH_HEAD'
-        elif self._GIT_HASH_RE.match(ref):
-            fetch_ref = ''
-            checkout_ref = ref
-        elif ref.startswith('refs/heads/'):
-            fetch_ref = ref[len('refs/heads/'):]
-            checkout_ref = 'FETCH_HEAD'
-        else:
-            fetch_ref = ref
-            checkout_ref = 'FETCH_HEAD'
-        fetch_args = [x for x in (remote, fetch_ref) if x]
-        self('fetch', *fetch_args, **kwargs)
-        if file:
-            self('checkout', '-f', checkout_ref, '--', file, **kwargs)
-        else:
-            self('checkout', '-f', checkout_ref, **kwargs)
-        step = self('rev-parse', 'HEAD', stdout=self.m.raw_io.output(),
-                    step_test_data=lambda:
-                        self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output('deadbeef'))
-        self('clean', '-f', '-d', '-x', **kwargs)
-        return step.stdout.strip()
-    def get_hash(self, commit='HEAD', **kwargs):
-        """Find and return the hash of the given commit."""
-        return self('show', commit, '--format=%H', '-s',
-                    step_test_data=lambda:
-                        self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output('deadbeef'),
-                    stdout=self.m.raw_io.output(), **kwargs).stdout.strip()
-    def get_timestamp(self, commit='HEAD', test_data=None, **kwargs):
-        """Find and return the timestamp of the given commit."""
-        return self('show', commit, '--format=%at', '-s',
-                    step_test_data=lambda:
-                        self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output('1473312770'),
-                    stdout=self.m.raw_io.output(), **kwargs).stdout.strip()
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic.json b/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b85814e..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n  if os.path.exists(path):\n    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n    sys.exit(1)\n  os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-      "511"
-    ],
-    "name": "makedirs makedirs",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys, os@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@path = sys.argv[1]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@mode = int(sys.argv[2])@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if not os.path.isdir(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  if os.path.exists(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    sys.exit(1)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  os.makedirs(path, mode)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "init",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git init"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "remote",
-      "add",
-      "origin",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git remote"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "fetch",
-      "master"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git fetch"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "checkout",
-      "-f",
-      "FETCH_HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git checkout"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "rev-parse",
-      "HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git rev-parse",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "clean",
-      "-f",
-      "-d",
-      "-x"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git clean"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%H",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%at",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show (2)",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "-c",
-      "foo=bar",
-      "status"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git status"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_branch.json b/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_branch.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 42200d1..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_branch.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n  if os.path.exists(path):\n    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n    sys.exit(1)\n  os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-      "511"
-    ],
-    "name": "makedirs makedirs",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys, os@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@path = sys.argv[1]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@mode = int(sys.argv[2])@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if not os.path.isdir(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  if os.path.exists(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    sys.exit(1)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  os.makedirs(path, mode)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "init",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git init"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "remote",
-      "add",
-      "origin",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git remote"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "fetch",
-      "testing"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git fetch"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "checkout",
-      "-f",
-      "FETCH_HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git checkout"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "rev-parse",
-      "HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git rev-parse",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "clean",
-      "-f",
-      "-d",
-      "-x"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git clean"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%H",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%at",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show (2)",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "-c",
-      "foo=bar",
-      "status"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git status"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_file.json b/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_file.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c3475..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_file.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n  if os.path.exists(path):\n    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n    sys.exit(1)\n  os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-      "511"
-    ],
-    "name": "makedirs makedirs",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys, os@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@path = sys.argv[1]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@mode = int(sys.argv[2])@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if not os.path.isdir(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  if os.path.exists(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    sys.exit(1)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  os.makedirs(path, mode)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "init",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git init"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "remote",
-      "add",
-      "origin",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git remote"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "fetch",
-      "master"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git fetch"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "checkout",
-      "-f",
-      "FETCH_HEAD",
-      "--",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git checkout"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "rev-parse",
-      "HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git rev-parse",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "clean",
-      "-f",
-      "-d",
-      "-x"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git clean"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%H",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%at",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show (2)",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "-c",
-      "foo=bar",
-      "status"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git status"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_hash.json b/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_hash.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e40cf6e..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_hash.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n  if os.path.exists(path):\n    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n    sys.exit(1)\n  os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-      "511"
-    ],
-    "name": "makedirs makedirs",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys, os@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@path = sys.argv[1]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@mode = int(sys.argv[2])@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if not os.path.isdir(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  if os.path.exists(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    sys.exit(1)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  os.makedirs(path, mode)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "init",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git init"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "remote",
-      "add",
-      "origin",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git remote"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "fetch"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git fetch"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "checkout",
-      "-f",
-      "abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git checkout"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "rev-parse",
-      "HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git rev-parse",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "clean",
-      "-f",
-      "-d",
-      "-x"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git clean"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%H",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%at",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show (2)",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "-c",
-      "foo=bar",
-      "status"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git status"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_path.json b/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_path.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed8af0..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_path.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n  if os.path.exists(path):\n    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n    sys.exit(1)\n  os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
-      "[START_DIR]/foo",
-      "511"
-    ],
-    "name": "makedirs makedirs",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys, os@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@path = sys.argv[1]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@mode = int(sys.argv[2])@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if not os.path.isdir(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  if os.path.exists(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    sys.exit(1)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  os.makedirs(path, mode)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "init",
-      "[START_DIR]/foo"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/foo",
-    "name": "git init"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "remote",
-      "add",
-      "origin",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/foo",
-    "name": "git remote"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "fetch",
-      "master"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/foo",
-    "name": "git fetch"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "checkout",
-      "-f",
-      "FETCH_HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/foo",
-    "name": "git checkout"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "rev-parse",
-      "HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/foo",
-    "name": "git rev-parse",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "clean",
-      "-f",
-      "-d",
-      "-x"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/foo",
-    "name": "git clean"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%H",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/foo",
-    "name": "git show",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%at",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/foo",
-    "name": "git show (2)",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "-c",
-      "foo=bar",
-      "status"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/foo",
-    "name": "git status"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_ref.json b/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_ref.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ad4ea..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/example.expected/basic_ref.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "\nimport sys, os\npath = sys.argv[1]\nmode = int(sys.argv[2])\nif not os.path.isdir(path):\n  if os.path.exists(path):\n    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path\n    sys.exit(1)\n  os.makedirs(path, mode)\n",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-      "511"
-    ],
-    "name": "makedirs makedirs",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys, os@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@path = sys.argv[1]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@mode = int(sys.argv[2])@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if not os.path.isdir(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  if os.path.exists(path):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    print \"%s exists but is not a dir\" % path@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@    sys.exit(1)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  os.makedirs(path, mode)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "init",
-      "[START_DIR]/fuchsia"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git init"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "remote",
-      "add",
-      "origin",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git remote"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "fetch",
-      "refs/foo/bar"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git fetch"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "checkout",
-      "-f",
-      "FETCH_HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git checkout"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "rev-parse",
-      "HEAD"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git rev-parse",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "clean",
-      "-f",
-      "-d",
-      "-x"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git clean"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%H",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "show",
-      "HEAD",
-      "--format=%at",
-      "-s"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git show (2)",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "git",
-      "-c",
-      "foo=bar",
-      "status"
-    ],
-    "cwd": "[START_DIR]/fuchsia",
-    "name": "git status"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/ b/recipe_modules/git/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb796df..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-DEPS = [
-    'git',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-    'recipe_engine/properties',
-    'recipe_engine/raw_io',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
-def RunSteps(api):
-    url = ''
-    api.git.checkout(
-        url,
-    api.git.get_hash()
-    api.git.get_timestamp()
-    # You can invoke arbitrary command on api.git.
-    api.git('status', config_options={'foo': 'bar'}, cwd=api.path['checkout'])
-def GenTests(api):
-    yield api.test('basic')
-    yield api.test('basic_path') +['start_dir'].join('foo'))
-    yield api.test('basic_ref') +'refs/foo/bar')
-    yield api.test('basic_branch') +'refs/heads/testing')
-    yield api.test('basic_hash') +
-        revision='abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01')
-    yield api.test('basic_file') +'')
diff --git a/recipe_modules/git/ b/recipe_modules/git/
deleted file mode 100644
index b13590f..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/git/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from recipe_engine import recipe_test_api
-class GitTestApi(recipe_test_api.RecipeTestApi):
-    pass
diff --git a/recipe_modules/go/ b/recipe_modules/go/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d68e44..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/go/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-DEPS = [
-    'cipd',
-    'recipe_engine/json',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-    'recipe_engine/python',
-    'recipe_engine/raw_io',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
diff --git a/recipe_modules/go/ b/recipe_modules/go/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3440b38..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/go/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from recipe_engine import recipe_api
-import textwrap
-class GoApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
-    """GoApi provides support for Go."""
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(GoApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._go_dir = None
-        self._go_version = None
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Return a Go command step."""
-        assert self._go_dir
-        name = kwargs.pop('name', 'go ' + args[0])
-        env = kwargs.setdefault('env', {})
-        go_cmd = [self.go_executable]
-        env.setdefault('GOROOT', self._go_dir)
-        return self.m.step(name, go_cmd + list(args or []), **kwargs)
-    def ensure_go(self, version=None):
-        """Ensures that go distribution is installed."""
-        with self.m.step.nest('ensure_go'):
-            with self.m.step.context({'infra_step': True}):
-                go_package = ('fuchsia/go/go/%s' %
-                    self.m.cipd.platform_suffix())
-                self._go_dir = self.m.path['start_dir'].join('cipd', 'go')
-                self.m.cipd.ensure(self._go_dir,
-                                   {go_package: version or 'release'})
-                return self._go_dir
-    @property
-    def go_executable(self):
-        return self.m.path.join(self._go_dir, 'bin', 'go')
-    def inline(self, program, add_go_log=True, **kwargs):
-        """Run an inline Go program as a step.
-        Program is output to a temp file and run when this step executes.
-        """
-        program = textwrap.dedent(program)
-        try:
-            self('run', self.m.raw_io.input(program, '.go'), **kwargs)
-        finally:
-            result = self.m.step.active_result
-            if result and add_go_log:
-                result.presentation.logs['go.inline'] = program.splitlines()
-        return result
diff --git a/recipe_modules/go/example.expected/basic.json b/recipe_modules/go/example.expected/basic.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 8057ed1..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/go/example.expected/basic.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure_go"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/go",
-      "--list",
-      "fuchsia/go/go/linux-amd64 release",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_go.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-release---------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fuchsia/go/go/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure_go (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/go",
-      "--list",
-      "fuchsia/go/go/linux-amd64 go_version:1.6",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_go.ensure_installed (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-go_version:1.6--\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fuchsia/go/go/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/go/bin/go",
-      "build",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOROOT": "[START_DIR]/cipd/go"
-    },
-    "name": "go build"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/go/bin/go",
-      "test",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOROOT": "[START_DIR]/cipd/go"
-    },
-    "name": "go test"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/go/bin/go",
-      "run",
-      "package main\n\nimport \"fmt\"\n\nfunc main() {\n\tfmt.Printf(\"Hello, world.\n\")\n}"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOROOT": "[START_DIR]/cipd/go"
-    },
-    "name": "go run"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/go/bin/go",
-      "run",
-      "package main\n\nimport \"fmt\"\n\nfunc main() {\n\tfmt.Printf(\"Hello, world.\n\")\n}"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOROOT": "[START_DIR]/cipd/go"
-    },
-    "name": "go run (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@go.inline@package main@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@go.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@go.inline@import \"fmt\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@go.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@go.inline@func main() {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@go.inline@\tfmt.Printf(\"Hello, world.@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@go.inline@\")@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@go.inline@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@go.inline@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/go/ b/recipe_modules/go/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3637654..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/go/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-DEPS = [
-    'go',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-    'recipe_engine/properties',
-    'recipe_engine/raw_io',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
-def RunSteps(api):
-    # First, you need a go distribution.
-    api.go.ensure_go()
-    api.go.ensure_go(version='go_version:1.6')
-    assert api.go.go_executable
-    # Build a go package.
-    api.go('build', '')
-    # Test a go package.
-    api.go('test', '')
-    # Run a go program.
-    input = api.raw_io.input("""package main
-import "fmt"
-func main() {
-	fmt.Printf("Hello, world.\n")
-}""", '.go')
-    api.go('run', input)
-    # Run an inline go program.
-    api.go.inline("""package main
-import "fmt"
-func main() {
-	fmt.Printf("Hello, world.\n")
-def GenTests(api):
-    yield (
-        api.test('basic') +
-        api.platform('linux', 64)
-    )
diff --git a/recipe_modules/goma/ b/recipe_modules/goma/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d9ffa4..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/goma/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-DEPS = [
-    'cipd',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-    'recipe_engine/properties',
-    'recipe_engine/python',
-    'recipe_engine/raw_io',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
diff --git a/recipe_modules/goma/ b/recipe_modules/goma/
deleted file mode 100644
index 30c4ed1..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/goma/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from recipe_engine import recipe_api
-class GomaApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
-    """GomaApi contains helper functions for using goma."""
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-        super(GomaApi, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-        self._goma_dir = None
-        self._goma_started = False
-        self._goma_ctl_env = {}
-        self._goma_jobs = None
-    @property
-    def service_account_json_path(self):
-        return '/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json'
-    @property
-    def json_path(self):
-        assert self._goma_dir
-        return self.m.path.join(self._goma_dir, 'jsonstatus')
-    @property
-    def recommended_goma_jobs(self):
-        """
-        Return the recommended number of jobs for parallel build using Goma.
-        This function caches the _goma_jobs.
-        """
-        if self._goma_jobs:
-            return self._goma_jobs
-        # We need to use python.inline not to change behavior of recipes.
-        step_result = self.m.python.inline(
-            'calculate the number of recommended jobs',
-            """
-import multiprocessing
-import sys
-job_limit = 200
-if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
-  # Use 80 for linux not to load goma backend.
-  job_limit = 80
-  jobs = min(job_limit, multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 10)
-except NotImplementedError:
-  jobs = 50
-print jobs
-            """,
-            stdout=self.m.raw_io.output(),
-            step_test_data=(
-                lambda: self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output('50\n'))
-        )
-        self._goma_jobs = int(step_result.stdout)
-        return self._goma_jobs
-    def ensure_goma(self, canary=False):
-        with self.m.step.nest('ensure_goma'):
-            with self.m.step.context({'infra_step': True}):
-                self.m.cipd.set_service_account_credentials(
-                    self.service_account_json_path)
-                goma_package = ('infra_internal/goma/client/%s' %
-                    self.m.cipd.platform_suffix())
-                ref='release'
-                if canary:
-                    ref='candidate'
-                self._goma_dir = self.m.path['start_dir'].join('cipd', 'goma')
-                self.m.cipd.ensure(self._goma_dir, {goma_package: ref})
-                return self._goma_dir
-    @property
-    def goma_ctl(self):
-        return self.m.path.join(self._goma_dir, '')
-    @property
-    def goma_dir(self):
-        assert self._goma_dir
-        return self._goma_dir
-    def start(self, env=None, **kwargs):
-        """Start goma compiler_proxy.
-        A user MUST execute ensure_goma beforehand.
-        It is user's responsibility to handle failure of starting compiler_proxy.
-        """
-        assert self._goma_dir
-        assert not self._goma_started
-        self._goma_ctl_env['GOMA_CACHE_DIR'] = (
-            self.m.path.join(self.m.path['cache'], 'goma'))
-        self._goma_ctl_env['GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE'] = (
-            self.service_account_json_path)
-        # GLOG_log_dir should not be set.
-        assert env is None or 'GLOG_log_dir' not in env
-        goma_ctl_start_env = self._goma_ctl_env.copy()
-        if env is not None:
-            goma_ctl_start_env.update(env)
-        try:
-            self.m.python(
-                name='start_goma',
-                script=self.goma_ctl,
-                args=['restart'], env=goma_ctl_start_env, infra_step=True, **kwargs)
-            self._goma_started = True
-        except self.m.step.InfraFailure as e: # pragma: no cover
-            try:
-                with self.m.step.defer_results():
-                    self.m.python(
-                        name='stop_goma (start failure)',
-                        script=self.goma_ctl,
-                        args=['stop'], env=self._goma_ctl_env, **kwargs)
-            except self.m.step.StepFailure:
-                pass
-            raise e
-    def stop(self, **kwargs):
-        """Stop goma compiler_proxy.
-        A user MUST execute start beforehand.
-        It is user's responsibility to handle failure of stopping compiler_proxy.
-        Raises:
-            StepFailure if it fails to stop goma.
-        """
-        assert self._goma_dir
-        assert self._goma_started
-        with self.m.step.defer_results():
-            self.m.python(name='goma_jsonstatus', script=self.goma_ctl,
-                          args=['jsonstatus', self.json_path],
-                          env=self._goma_ctl_env, **kwargs)
-            self.m.python(name='goma_stat', script=self.goma_ctl,
-                          args=['stat'],
-                          env=self._goma_ctl_env, **kwargs)
-            self.m.python(name='stop_goma', script=self.goma_ctl,
-                          args=['stop'], env=self._goma_ctl_env, **kwargs)
-        self._goma_started = False
-        self._goma_ctl_env = {}
-    @contextmanager
-    def build_with_goma(self, env=None):
-        """Make context wrapping goma start/stop.
-        Raises:
-            StepFailure or InfraFailure if it fails to build.
-        """
-        self.start(env)
-        try:
-            yield
-        finally:
-            self.stop()
diff --git a/recipe_modules/goma/example.expected/linux.json b/recipe_modules/goma/example.expected/linux.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 07a9bf3..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/goma/example.expected/linux.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure_goma"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma",
-      "--list",
-      "infra_internal/goma/client/linux-amd64 release",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_goma.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-release---------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"infra_internal/goma/client/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure_goma (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma",
-      "--list",
-      "infra_internal/goma/client/linux-amd64 candidate",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_goma.ensure_installed (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-candidate-------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"infra_internal/goma/client/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "gn",
-      "gen",
-      "out/Release",
-      "--args=use_goma=true goma_dir=[START_DIR]/cipd/goma"
-    ],
-    "name": "gn"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/",
-      "restart"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_CACHE_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma",
-      "GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE": "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    },
-    "name": "start_goma"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "\nimport multiprocessing\nimport sys\n\njob_limit = 200\nif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):\n  # Use 80 for linux not to load goma backend.\n  job_limit = 80\n\ntry:\n  jobs = min(job_limit, multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 10)\nexcept NotImplementedError:\n  jobs = 50\n\nprint jobs\n"
-    ],
-    "name": "calculate the number of recommended jobs",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import multiprocessing@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@job_limit = 200@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  # Use 80 for linux not to load goma backend.@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  job_limit = 80@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@try:@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  jobs = min(job_limit, multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 10)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@except NotImplementedError:@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  jobs = 50@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@print jobs@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "echo",
-      "50"
-    ],
-    "name": "echo goma jobs"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "echo",
-      "50"
-    ],
-    "name": "echo goma jobs second"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/",
-      "jsonstatus",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/jsonstatus"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_CACHE_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma",
-      "GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE": "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    },
-    "name": "goma_jsonstatus"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/",
-      "stat"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_CACHE_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma",
-      "GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE": "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    },
-    "name": "goma_stat"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/",
-      "stop"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_CACHE_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma",
-      "GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE": "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    },
-    "name": "stop_goma"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/goma/example.expected/mac.json b/recipe_modules/goma/example.expected/mac.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e22ae13..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/goma/example.expected/mac.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure_goma"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma",
-      "--list",
-      "infra_internal/goma/client/mac-amd64 release",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_goma.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-release---------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"infra_internal/goma/client/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure_goma (2)"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma",
-      "--list",
-      "infra_internal/goma/client/mac-amd64 candidate",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "--service-account-json",
-      "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_goma.ensure_installed (2)",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-candidate-------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"infra_internal/goma/client/mac-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "gn",
-      "gen",
-      "out/Release",
-      "--args=use_goma=true goma_dir=[START_DIR]/cipd/goma"
-    ],
-    "name": "gn"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/",
-      "restart"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_CACHE_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma",
-      "GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE": "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    },
-    "name": "start_goma"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "\nimport multiprocessing\nimport sys\n\njob_limit = 200\nif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):\n  # Use 80 for linux not to load goma backend.\n  job_limit = 80\n\ntry:\n  jobs = min(job_limit, multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 10)\nexcept NotImplementedError:\n  jobs = 50\n\nprint jobs\n"
-    ],
-    "name": "calculate the number of recommended jobs",
-    "stdout": "/path/to/tmp/",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import multiprocessing@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@import sys@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@job_limit = 200@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  # Use 80 for linux not to load goma backend.@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  job_limit = 80@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@try:@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  jobs = min(job_limit, multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 10)@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@except NotImplementedError:@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@  jobs = 50@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@python.inline@print jobs@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@python.inline@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "echo",
-      "50"
-    ],
-    "name": "echo goma jobs"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "echo",
-      "50"
-    ],
-    "name": "echo goma jobs second"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/",
-      "jsonstatus",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/jsonstatus"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_CACHE_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma",
-      "GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE": "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    },
-    "name": "goma_jsonstatus"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/",
-      "stat"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_CACHE_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma",
-      "GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE": "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    },
-    "name": "goma_stat"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "python",
-      "-u",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/goma/",
-      "stop"
-    ],
-    "env": {
-      "GOMA_CACHE_DIR": "[CACHE]/goma",
-      "GOMA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_FILE": "/creds/service_accounts/service-account-goma-client.json"
-    },
-    "name": "stop_goma"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/goma/ b/recipe_modules/goma/
deleted file mode 100644
index 090bbe5..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/goma/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-DEPS = [
-    'goma',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-    'recipe_engine/properties',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
-def RunSteps(api):
-    api.goma.ensure_goma()
-    api.goma.ensure_goma(canary=True)
-    api.step('gn', ['gn', 'gen', 'out/Release',
-                    '--args=use_goma=true goma_dir=%s' % api.goma.goma_dir])
-    with api.goma.build_with_goma(env={}):
-        # build something using goma.
-        api.step('echo goma jobs',
-                 ['echo', str(api.goma.recommended_goma_jobs)])
-        api.step('echo goma jobs second',
-                 ['echo', str(api.goma.recommended_goma_jobs)])
-def GenTests(api):
-    for platform in ('linux', 'mac'):
-        properties = {
-            'buildername': 'test_builder',
-            'path_config': 'swarmbucket',
-        }
-        yield (api.test(platform) + +
-     **properties))
diff --git a/recipe_modules/jiri/ b/recipe_modules/jiri/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f348fb..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/jiri/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-DEPS = [
-    'cipd',
-    'recipe_engine/json',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/raw_io',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
diff --git a/recipe_modules/jiri/ b/recipe_modules/jiri/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90ad255..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/jiri/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from recipe_engine import recipe_api
-class JiriApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
-    """JiriApi provides support for Jiri managed checkouts."""
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        super(JiriApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-        self._jiri_executable = None
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        """Return a jiri command step."""
-        assert self._jiri_executable
-        name = kwargs.pop('name', 'jiri ' + args[0])
-        jiri_cmd = [self._jiri_executable]
-        return self.m.step(name, jiri_cmd + list(args), **kwargs)
-    def ensure_jiri(self, version=None):
-        with self.m.step.nest('ensure_jiri'):
-            with self.m.step.context({'infra_step': True}):
-                jiri_package = ('fuchsia/tools/jiri/%s' %
-                    self.m.cipd.platform_suffix())
-                cipd_dir = self.m.path['start_dir'].join('cipd', 'jiri')
-                self.m.cipd.ensure(cipd_dir,
-                                   {jiri_package: version or 'latest'})
-                self._jiri_executable = cipd_dir.join('jiri')
-                return self._jiri_executable
-    @property
-    def jiri(self):
-        return self._jiri_executable
-    def init(self, dir=None, **kwargs):
-        cmd = [ 'init', '-cache', self.m.path['cache'].join('git') ]
-        if dir:
-            cmd.append(dir)
-        return self(*cmd, **kwargs)
-    def describe(self, *projects, **kwargs):
-        cmd = [
-            'project', 'info', '-json-output', self.m.json.output(),
-        ] + list(projects)
-        kwargs.setdefault('name', 'jiri project info')
-        return self(
-            *cmd,
-            step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.example_describe(projects),
-            **kwargs
-        )
-    def update(self, gc=False, snapshot=None, **kwargs):
-        cmd = [ 'update', '-autoupdate=false' ]
-        if gc:
-            cmd.extend(['-gc=true'])
-        if snapshot is not None:
-            cmd.append(snapshot)
-        return self(*cmd, **kwargs)
-    def clean_project(self, branches=False, **kwargs):
-        cmd = [ 'project', 'clean' ]
-        if branches:
-            cmd.extend(['-branches=true'])
-        kwargs.setdefault('name', 'jiri project clean')
-        return self(*cmd, **kwargs)
-    def import_manifest(self, manifest, remote, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
-        cmd = [ 'import' ]
-        if overwrite:
-            cmd.extend(['-overwrite=true'])
-        cmd.extend([manifest, remote])
-        return self(*cmd, **kwargs)
-    def patch(self, ref, host=None, delete=False, force=False, **kwargs):
-        cmd = [ 'patch' ]
-        if host:
-            cmd.extend(['-host', host])
-        if delete:
-            cmd.extend(['-delete=true'])
-        if force:
-            cmd.extend(['-force=true'])
-        cmd.extend([ref])
-        return self(*cmd, **kwargs)
-    def snapshot(self, file, step_test_data=None, **kwargs):
-        return self(
-            'snapshot', file,
-            step_test_data=step_test_data or self.test_api.example_snapshot,
-            **kwargs
-        )
diff --git a/recipe_modules/jiri/example.expected/basic.json b/recipe_modules/jiri/example.expected/basic.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 99d5e9d..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/jiri/example.expected/basic.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-  {
-    "cmd": [],
-    "name": "ensure_jiri"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "cipd",
-      "ensure",
-      "--root",
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri",
-      "--list",
-      "fuchsia/tools/jiri/linux-amd64 latest",
-      "--json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json"
-    ],
-    "name": "ensure_jiri.ensure_installed",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_NEST_LEVEL@1@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@{@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  \"result\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"instance_id\": \"resolved-instance_id-of-latest----------\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"package\": \"fuchsia/tools/jiri/linux-amd64\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  ]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@}@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri/jiri",
-      "init",
-      "-cache",
-      "[CACHE]/git",
-      "dir"
-    ],
-    "name": "jiri init"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri/jiri",
-      "import",
-      "-overwrite=true",
-      "minimal",
-      ""
-    ],
-    "name": "jiri import"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri/jiri",
-      "update",
-      "-autoupdate=false",
-      "-gc=true",
-      "snapshot"
-    ],
-    "name": "jiri update"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri/jiri",
-      "snapshot",
-      "/path/to/tmp/"
-    ],
-    "name": "jiri snapshot",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@jiri.snapshot@@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@jiri.snapshot@<manifest>@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@jiri.snapshot@  <projects>@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@jiri.snapshot@    <project name=\"manifest\" path=\"manifest\" remote=\"\" revision=\"4c2b0da3c06341db5cebe4d02c78c93c3b2bd78b\"/>@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@jiri.snapshot@  </projects>@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@jiri.snapshot@</manifest>@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@jiri.snapshot@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri/jiri",
-      "project",
-      "info",
-      "-json-output",
-      "/path/to/tmp/json",
-      "test"
-    ],
-    "name": "jiri project info",
-    "~followup_annotations": [
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@[@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  {@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"branches\": [@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"(HEAD detached at c22471f)\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@      \"master\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    ], @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"current_branch\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"name\": \"test\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"path\": \"/path/to/repo\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"remote\": \"\", @@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@    \"revision\": \"c22471f4e3f842ae18dd9adec82ed9eb78ed1127\"@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@  }@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_LINE@json.output@]@@@",
-      "@@@STEP_LOG_END@json.output@@@"
-    ]
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri/jiri",
-      "patch",
-      "-host",
-      "",
-      "-delete=true",
-      "-force=true",
-      "refs/changes/1/2/3"
-    ],
-    "name": "jiri patch"
-  },
-  {
-    "cmd": [
-      "[START_DIR]/cipd/jiri/jiri",
-      "project",
-      "clean",
-      "-branches=true"
-    ],
-    "name": "jiri project clean"
-  },
-  {
-    "name": "$result",
-    "recipe_result": null,
-    "status_code": 0
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recipe_modules/jiri/ b/recipe_modules/jiri/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c6fe50..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/jiri/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-DEPS = [
-    'jiri',
-    'recipe_engine/path',
-    'recipe_engine/platform',
-    'recipe_engine/properties',
-    'recipe_engine/raw_io',
-    'recipe_engine/step',
-def RunSteps(api):
-    # First, ensure we have jiri.
-    api.jiri.ensure_jiri()
-    assert api.jiri.jiri
-    # Setup a new jiri root.
-    api.jiri.init('dir')
-    # Import the manifest.
-    api.jiri.import_manifest('minimal', '',
-                             overwrite=True)
-    # Download all projects.
-    api.jiri.update(gc=True, snapshot='snapshot')
-    # Take a snapshot.
-    step_result = api.jiri.snapshot(api.raw_io.output())
-    snapshot = step_result.raw_io.output
-    step_result.presentation.logs['jiri.snapshot'] = snapshot.splitlines()
-    # Get information about the project.
-    api.jiri.describe('test')
-    # Patch in an existing change.
-    api.jiri.patch('refs/changes/1/2/3',
-                   host='',
-                   delete=True, force=True)
-    # Clean up after ourselves.
-    api.jiri.clean_project(branches=True)
-def GenTests(api):
-    yield api.test('basic')
diff --git a/recipe_modules/jiri/ b/recipe_modules/jiri/
deleted file mode 100644
index 34c0167..0000000
--- a/recipe_modules/jiri/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from recipe_engine import recipe_test_api
-class JiriTestApi(recipe_test_api.RecipeTestApi):
-    def example_describe(self, projects):
-        assert projects is not None
-        return self.m.json.output([
-            {
-                "name": project,
-                "path": "/path/to/repo",
-                "remote": "",
-                "revision": "c22471f4e3f842ae18dd9adec82ed9eb78ed1127",
-                "current_branch": "",
-                "branches": [
-                    "(HEAD detached at c22471f)",
-                    "master"
-                ]
-            }
-            for project in projects
-        ])
-    def example_snapshot(self):
-        return self.m.raw_io.output('''
-  <projects>
-    <project name="manifest" path="manifest" remote="" revision="4c2b0da3c06341db5cebe4d02c78c93c3b2bd78b"/>
-  </projects>
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index bf00b54..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Bootstrap script to clone and forward to the recipe engine tool.
-This is a copy of
-To fix bugs, fix in the github repo then copy it back to here and fix the
-PER-REPO CONFIGURATION section to look like this one.
-import os
-#### PER-REPO CONFIGURATION (editable) ####
-# The root of the repository relative to the directory of this file.
-# The path of the recipes.cfg file relative to the root of the repository.
-RECIPES_CFG = os.path.join('infra', 'config', 'recipes.cfg')
-import argparse
-import ast
-import json
-import logging
-import random
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import traceback
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-def parse(repo_root, recipes_cfg_path):
-  """Parse is transitional code which parses a recipes.cfg file as either jsonpb
-  or as textpb.
-  Args:
-    repo_root (str) - native path to the root of the repo we're trying to run
-      recipes for.
-    recipes_cfg_path (str) - native path to the recipes.cfg file to process.
-  Returns (as tuple):
-    engine_url (str) - the url to the engine repo we want to use.
-    engine_revision (str) - the git revision for the engine to get.
-    engine_subpath (str) - the subdirectory in the engine repo we should use to
-      find it's entrypoint. This is here for completeness, but will
-      essentially always be empty. It would be used if the recipes-py repo was
-      merged as a subdirectory of some other repo and you depended on that
-      subdirectory.
-    recipes_path (str) - native path to where the recipes live inside of the
-      current repo (i.e. the folder containing `recipes/` and/or
-      `recipe_modules`)
-  """
-  with open(recipes_cfg_path, 'rU') as fh:
-    data =
-  if data.lstrip().startswith('{'):
-    pb = json.loads(data)
-    engine = next(
-      (d for d in pb['deps'] if d['project_id'] == 'recipe_engine'), None)
-    if engine is None:
-      raise ValueError('could not find recipe_engine dep in %r'
-                       % recipes_cfg_path)
-    engine_url = engine['url']
-    engine_revision = engine['revision']
-    engine_subpath = engine.get('path_override', '')
-    recipes_path = pb.get('recipes_path', '')
-  else:
-    def get_unique(things):
-      if len(things) == 1:
-        return things[0]
-      elif len(things) == 0:
-        raise ValueError("Expected to get one thing, but dinna get none.")
-      else:
-        logging.warn('Expected to get one thing, but got a bunch: %s\n%s' %
-                     (things, traceback.format_stack()))
-        return things[0]
-    protobuf = parse_textpb(StringIO(data))
-    engine_buf = get_unique([
-        b for b in protobuf.get('deps', [])
-        if b.get('project_id') == ['recipe_engine'] ])
-    engine_url = get_unique(engine_buf['url'])
-    engine_revision = get_unique(engine_buf['revision'])
-    engine_subpath = (get_unique(engine_buf.get('path_override', ['']))
-                      .replace('/', os.path.sep))
-    recipes_path = get_unique(protobuf.get('recipes_path', ['']))
-  recipes_path = os.path.join(repo_root, recipes_path.replace('/', os.path.sep))
-  return engine_url, engine_revision, engine_subpath, recipes_path
-def parse_textpb(fh):
-  """Parse the protobuf text format just well enough to understand recipes.cfg.
-  We don't use the protobuf library because we want to be as self-contained
-  as possible in this bootstrap, so it can be simply vendored into a client
-  repo.
-  We assume all fields are repeated since we don't have a proto spec to work
-  with.
-  Args:
-    fh: a filehandle containing the text format protobuf.
-  Returns:
-    A recursive dictionary of lists.
-  """
-  def parse_atom(field, text):
-    if text == 'true':
-      return True
-    if text == 'false':
-      return False
-    # repo_type is an enum. Since it does not have quotes,
-    # invoking literal_eval would fail.
-    if field == 'repo_type':
-      return text
-    return ast.literal_eval(text)
-  ret = {}
-  for line in fh:
-    line = line.strip()
-    m = re.match(r'(\w+)\s*:\s*(.*)', line)
-    if m:
-      ret.setdefault(, []).append(parse_atom(,
-      continue
-    m = re.match(r'(\w+)\s*{', line)
-    if m:
-      subparse = parse_textpb(fh)
-      ret.setdefault(, []).append(subparse)
-      continue
-    if line == '}':
-      return ret
-    if line == '':
-      continue
-    raise ValueError('Could not understand line: <%s>' % line)
-  return ret
-def _subprocess_call(argv, **kwargs):
-'Running %r', argv)
-  return, **kwargs)
-def _subprocess_check_call(argv, **kwargs):
-'Running %r', argv)
-  subprocess.check_call(argv, **kwargs)
-def find_engine_override(argv):
-  """Since the bootstrap process attempts to defer all logic to the recipes-py
-  repo, we need to be aware if the user is overriding the recipe_engine
-  dependency. This looks for and returns the overridden recipe_engine path, if
-  any, or None if the user didn't override it."""
-  PREFIX = 'recipe_engine='
-  p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-  p.add_argument('-O', '--project-override', action='append')
-  args, _ = p.parse_known_args(argv)
-  for override in args.project_override or ():
-    if override.startswith(PREFIX):
-      return override[len(PREFIX):]
-  return None
-def main():
-  if '--verbose' in sys.argv:
-    logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)
-  if REPO_ROOT is None or RECIPES_CFG is None:
-    logging.error(
-      'In order to use this script, please copy it to your repo and '
-      'replace the REPO_ROOT and RECIPES_CFG values with approprite paths.')
-    sys.exit(1)
-  if sys.platform.startswith(('win', 'cygwin')):
-    git = 'git.bat'
-  else:
-    git = 'git'
-  # Find the repository and config file to operate on.
-  repo_root = os.path.abspath(
-      os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), REPO_ROOT))
-  recipes_cfg_path = os.path.join(repo_root, RECIPES_CFG)
-  engine_url, engine_revision, engine_subpath, recipes_path = parse(
-    repo_root, recipes_cfg_path)
-  deps_path = os.path.join(recipes_path, '.recipe_deps')
-  engine_path = find_engine_override(sys.argv[1:])
-  if not engine_path:
-    # Ensure that we have the recipe engine cloned.
-    engine_root_path = os.path.join(deps_path, 'recipe_engine')
-    engine_path = os.path.join(engine_root_path, engine_subpath)
-    def ensure_engine():
-      if not os.path.exists(deps_path):
-        os.makedirs(deps_path)
-      if not os.path.exists(engine_root_path):
-        _subprocess_check_call([git, 'clone', engine_url, engine_root_path])
-      needs_fetch = _subprocess_call(
-          [git, 'rev-parse', '--verify', '%s^{commit}' % engine_revision],
-          cwd=engine_root_path, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'w'))
-      if needs_fetch:
-        _subprocess_check_call([git, 'fetch'], cwd=engine_root_path)
-      _subprocess_check_call(
-          [git, 'checkout', '--quiet', engine_revision], cwd=engine_root_path)
-    try:
-      ensure_engine()
-    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-      logging.exception('ensure_engine failed')
-      # Retry errors.
-      time.sleep(random.uniform(2,5))
-      ensure_engine()
-  args = ['--package', recipes_cfg_path] + sys.argv[1:]
-  return _subprocess_call([
-      sys.executable, '-u',
-      os.path.join(engine_path, '')] + args)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  sys.exit(main())