blob: 2da2d2e12e517832a62e2d71e0740e088854e101 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <magenta.h>
#include <efilib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <utils.h>
static EFI_GUID Acpi2TableGUID = ACPI_20_TABLE_GUID;
static UINT8 ACPI_RSD_PTR[8] = "RSD PTR ";
uint32_t find_acpi_root(EFI_HANDLE img, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* sys) {
EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE* cfgtab = sys->ConfigurationTable;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sys->NumberOfTableEntries; i++) {
if (!CompareGuid(&cfgtab[i].VendorGuid, &AcpiTableGUID) &&
!CompareGuid(&cfgtab[i].VendorGuid, &Acpi2TableGUID)) {
// not an ACPI table
if (CompareMem(cfgtab[i].VendorTable, ACPI_RSD_PTR, 8)) {
// not the Root Description Pointer
return (uint64_t)cfgtab[i].VendorTable;
return 0;
#define E820_IGNORE 0
#define E820_RAM 1
#define E820_RESERVED 2
#define E820_ACPI 3
#define E820_NVS 4
#define E820_UNUSABLE 5
const char* e820name[] = {
struct e820entry {
UINT64 addr;
UINT64 size;
UINT32 type;
} __attribute__((packed));
static unsigned e820type(unsigned uefi_mem_type) {
switch (uefi_mem_type) {
case EfiReservedMemoryType:
case EfiPalCode:
return E820_RESERVED;
case EfiRuntimeServicesCode:
case EfiRuntimeServicesData:
return E820_RESERVED;
return E820_RAM;
case EfiACPIReclaimMemory:
return E820_ACPI;
case EfiACPIMemoryNVS:
return E820_NVS;
case EfiLoaderCode:
case EfiLoaderData:
case EfiBootServicesCode:
case EfiBootServicesData:
case EfiConventionalMemory:
return E820_RAM;
case EfiMemoryMappedIO:
case EfiMemoryMappedIOPortSpace:
return E820_IGNORE;
if (uefi_mem_type >= 0x80000000) {
return E820_RAM;
return E820_UNUSABLE;
static unsigned char scratch[32768];
static struct e820entry e820table[128];
static int process_memory_map(EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* sys, UINTN* _key, int silent) {
struct e820entry* entry = e820table;
UINTN msize, off;
UINTN mkey, dsize;
UINT32 dversion;
unsigned n, type;
msize = sizeof(scratch);
mmap = (EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR*)scratch;
mkey = dsize = dversion = 0;
r = sys->BootServices->GetMemoryMap(&msize, mmap, &mkey, &dsize, &dversion);
if (!silent)
printf("r=%lx msz=%lx key=%lx dsz=%lx dvn=%x\n", r, msize, mkey, dsize, dversion);
if (r != EFI_SUCCESS) {
return -1;
if (msize > sizeof(scratch)) {
if (!silent)
printf("Memory Table Too Large (%ld entries)\n", (msize / dsize));
return -1;
for (off = 0, n = 0; off < msize; off += dsize) {
mmap = (EFI_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR*)(scratch + off);
type = e820type(mmap->Type);
if (type == E820_IGNORE) {
if ((n > 0) && (entry[n - 1].type == type)) {
if ((entry[n - 1].addr + entry[n - 1].size) == mmap->PhysicalStart) {
entry[n - 1].size += mmap->NumberOfPages * 4096UL;
entry[n].addr = mmap->PhysicalStart;
entry[n].size = mmap->NumberOfPages * 4096UL;
entry[n].type = type;
if (n == 128) {
if (!silent)
printf("E820 Table Too Large (%ld raw entries)\n", (msize / dsize));
return -1;
*_key = mkey;
return n;
#define ZP_E820_COUNT 0x1E8 // byte
#define ZP_SETUP 0x1F1 // start of setup structure
#define ZP_SETUP_SECTS 0x1F1 // byte (setup_size/512-1)
#define ZP_JUMP 0x200 // jump instruction
#define ZP_HEADER 0x202 // word "HdrS"
#define ZP_VERSION 0x206 // half 0xHHLL
#define ZP_LOADER_TYPE 0x210 // byte
#define ZP_RAMDISK_BASE 0x218 // word (ptr or 0)
#define ZP_RAMDISK_SIZE 0x21C // word (bytes)
#define ZP_EXTRA_MAGIC 0x220 // word
#define ZP_CMDLINE 0x228 // word (ptr)
#define ZP_SYSSIZE 0x1F4 // word (size/16)
#define ZP_XLOADFLAGS 0x236 // half
#define ZP_E820_TABLE 0x2D0 // 128 entries
#define ZP_ACPI_RSD 0x080 // word phys ptr
#define ZP_FB_BASE 0x090
#define ZP_FB_WIDTH 0x094
#define ZP_FB_HEIGHT 0x098
#define ZP_FB_STRIDE 0x09C
#define ZP_FB_FORMAT 0x0A0
#define ZP_FB_REGBASE 0x0A4
#define ZP_FB_SIZE 0x0A8
#define ZP_MAGIC_VALUE 0xDBC64323
#define ZP8(p, off) (*((UINT8*)((p) + (off))))
#define ZP16(p, off) (*((UINT16*)((p) + (off))))
#define ZP32(p, off) (*((UINT32*)((p) + (off))))
static void install_memmap(kernel_t* k, struct e820entry* memmap, unsigned count) {
memcpy(k->zeropage + ZP_E820_TABLE, memmap, sizeof(*memmap) * count);
ZP8(k->zeropage, ZP_E820_COUNT) = count;
static void start_kernel(kernel_t* k) {
// 64bit entry is at offset 0x200
UINT64 entry = (UINT64)(k->image + 0x200);
// ebx = 0, ebp = 0, edi = 0, esi = zeropage
__asm__ __volatile__(
"movl $0, %%ebp \n"
"cli \n"
"jmp *%[entry] \n" ::[entry] "a"(entry),
[zeropage] "S"(k->zeropage),
"b"(0), "D"(0));
for (;;)
static int load_kernel(EFI_BOOT_SERVICES* bs, uint8_t* image, size_t sz, kernel_t* k) {
UINT32 setup_sz;
UINT32 image_sz;
UINT32 setup_end;
k->zeropage = NULL;
k->cmdline = NULL;
k->image = NULL;
k->pages = 0;
if (sz < 1024) {
// way too small to be a kernel
goto fail;
if (ZP32(image, ZP_HEADER) != 0x53726448) {
printf("kernel: invalid setup magic %08x\n", ZP32(image, ZP_HEADER));
goto fail;
if (ZP16(image, ZP_VERSION) < 0x020B) {
printf("kernel: unsupported setup version %04x\n", ZP16(image, ZP_VERSION));
goto fail;
setup_sz = (ZP8(image, ZP_SETUP_SECTS) + 1) * 512;
image_sz = (ZP32(image, ZP_SYSSIZE) * 16);
setup_end = ZP_JUMP + ZP8(image, ZP_JUMP + 1);
printf("setup %d image %d hdr %04x-%04x\n", setup_sz, image_sz, ZP_SETUP, setup_end);
// image size may be rounded up, thus +15
if ((setup_sz < 1024) || ((setup_sz + image_sz) > (sz + 15))) {
printf("kernel: invalid image size\n");
goto fail;
mem = 0xFF000;
if (bs->AllocatePages(AllocateMaxAddress, EfiLoaderData, 1, &mem)) {
printf("kernel: cannot allocate 'zero page'\n");
goto fail;
k->zeropage = (void*)mem;
mem = 0xFF000;
if (bs->AllocatePages(AllocateMaxAddress, EfiLoaderData, 1, &mem)) {
printf("kernel: cannot allocate commandline\n");
goto fail;
k->cmdline = (void*)mem;
mem = 0x100000;
k->pages = (image_sz + 4095) / 4096;
if (bs->AllocatePages(AllocateAddress, EfiLoaderData, k->pages + 1, &mem)) {
printf("kernel: cannot allocate kernel\n");
goto fail;
k->image = (void*)mem;
// setup zero page, copy setup header from kernel binary
ZeroMem(k->zeropage, 4096);
CopyMem(k->zeropage + ZP_SETUP, image + ZP_SETUP, setup_end - ZP_SETUP);
CopyMem(k->image, image + setup_sz, image_sz);
// empty commandline for now
ZP32(k->zeropage, ZP_CMDLINE) = (uint64_t)k->cmdline;
k->cmdline[0] = 0;
// default to no ramdisk
ZP32(k->zeropage, ZP_RAMDISK_BASE) = 0;
ZP32(k->zeropage, ZP_RAMDISK_SIZE) = 0;
// undefined bootloader
ZP8(k->zeropage, ZP_LOADER_TYPE) = 0xFF;
printf("kernel @%p, zeropage @%p, cmdline @%p\n",
k->image, k->zeropage, k->cmdline);
return 0;
if (k->image) {
bs->FreePages((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)k->image, k->pages);
if (k->cmdline) {
bs->FreePages((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)k->cmdline, 1);
if (k->zeropage) {
bs->FreePages((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)k->zeropage, 1);
return -1;
int boot_kernel(EFI_HANDLE img, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* sys,
void* image, size_t sz, void* ramdisk, size_t rsz,
void* cmdline, size_t csz) {
EFI_BOOT_SERVICES* bs = sys->BootServices;
kernel_t kernel;
UINTN key;
int n, i;
bs->LocateProtocol(&GraphicsOutputProtocol, NULL, (void**)&gop);
printf("boot_kernel() from %p (%ld bytes)\n", image, sz);
if (ramdisk && rsz) {
printf("ramdisk at %p (%ld bytes)\n", ramdisk, rsz);
if (load_kernel(sys->BootServices, image, sz, &kernel)) {
printf("Failed to load kernel image\n");
return -1;
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_EXTRA_MAGIC) = ZP_MAGIC_VALUE;
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_ACPI_RSD) = find_acpi_root(img, sys);
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_FB_BASE) = (UINT32)gop->Mode->FrameBufferBase;
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_FB_WIDTH) = (UINT32)gop->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution;
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_FB_HEIGHT) = (UINT32)gop->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution;
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_FB_STRIDE) = (UINT32)gop->Mode->Info->PixelsPerScanLine;
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_FB_FORMAT) = 5; // XRGB32
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_FB_REGBASE) = 0;
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_FB_SIZE) = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
if (cmdline) {
// Truncate the cmdline to fit on a page
if (csz >= 4095) {
csz = 4095;
memcpy(kernel.cmdline, cmdline, csz);
kernel.cmdline[csz] = '\0';
if (ramdisk && rsz) {
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_RAMDISK_BASE) = (uint32_t) (uintptr_t) ramdisk;
ZP32(kernel.zeropage, ZP_RAMDISK_SIZE) = rsz;
n = process_memory_map(sys, &key, 0);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
struct e820entry* e = e820table + i;
printf("%016lx %016lx %s\n", e->addr, e->size, e820name[e->type]);
r = sys->BootServices->ExitBootServices(img, key);
n = process_memory_map(sys, &key, 1);
r = sys->BootServices->ExitBootServices(img, key);
if (r) {
printf("Cannot ExitBootServices! (2) %s\n", efi_strerror(r));
return -1;
} else if (r) {
printf("Cannot ExitBootServices! (1) %s\n", efi_strerror(r));
return -1;
install_memmap(&kernel, e820table, n);
return 0;