blob: 09adf697176c346a2430a2b330ef53fd3ef03157 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Bindings for the Zircon fdio library
extern crate fuchsia_zircon as zircon;
extern crate bytes;
pub mod fdio_sys;
pub mod rio;
use zircon::sys as sys;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::fs::File;
use std::os::raw;
use std::ffi;
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::path::Path;
pub use fdio_sys::fdio_ioctl as ioctl;
/// Events that can occur while watching a directory, including files that already exist prior to
/// running a Watcher.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum WatchEvent {
/// A file was added.
/// A file was removed.
/// The Watcher has enumerated all the existing files and has started to wait for new files to
/// be added.
// Try to prevent exhaustive matching since this enum may grow if fdio's events expand.
impl From<raw::c_int> for WatchEvent {
fn from(i: raw::c_int) -> WatchEvent {
match i {
fdio_sys::WATCH_EVENT_ADD_FILE => WatchEvent::AddFile,
fdio_sys::WATCH_EVENT_REMOVE_FILE => WatchEvent::RemoveFile,
fdio_sys::WATCH_EVENT_IDLE => WatchEvent::Idle,
_ => WatchEvent::Unknown(i),
impl From<WatchEvent> for raw::c_int {
fn from(i: WatchEvent) -> raw::c_int {
match i {
WatchEvent::AddFile => fdio_sys::WATCH_EVENT_ADD_FILE,
WatchEvent::RemoveFile => fdio_sys::WATCH_EVENT_REMOVE_FILE,
WatchEvent::Idle => fdio_sys::WATCH_EVENT_IDLE,
WatchEvent::Unknown(i) => i as raw::c_int,
_ => -1 as raw::c_int,
unsafe extern "C" fn watcher_cb<F>(
_dirfd: raw::c_int,
event: raw::c_int,
fn_: *const raw::c_char,
watcher: *mut raw::c_void,
) -> sys::zx_status_t
F: Sized + FnMut(WatchEvent, &Path) -> Result<(), zircon::Status>,
let cb: &mut F = &mut *(watcher as *mut F);
let filename = ffi::OsStr::from_bytes(CStr::from_ptr(fn_).to_bytes());
match cb(WatchEvent::from(event), Path::new(filename)) {
Ok(()) => sys::ZX_OK,
Err(e) => e.into_raw(),
/// Runs the given callback for each file in the directory and each time a new file is
/// added to the directory.
/// If the callback returns an error, the watching stops, and the zircon::Status is returned.
/// This function blocks for the duration of the watch operation. The deadline parameter will stop
/// the watch at the given (absolute) time and return zircon::Status::ErrTimedOut. A deadline of
/// zircon::ZX_TIME_INFINITE will never expire.
/// The callback may use zircon::ErrStop as a way to signal to the caller that it wants to
/// stop because it found what it was looking for. Since this error code is not returned by
/// syscalls or public APIs, the callback does not need to worry about it turning up normally.
pub fn watch_directory<F>(dir: &File, deadline: sys::zx_time_t, mut f: F) -> zircon::Status
F: Sized + FnMut(WatchEvent, &Path) -> Result<(), zircon::Status>,
let cb_ptr: *mut raw::c_void = &mut f as *mut _ as *mut raw::c_void;
unsafe {
&mut Some(watcher_cb::<F>),
// TODO(raggi): when const fn is stable, replace the macro with const fn.
macro_rules! make_ioctl {
($kind:expr, $family:expr, $number:expr) => {
(((($kind) & 0xF) << 20) | ((($family) & 0xFF) << 8) | (($number) & 0xFF))
/// Calculates an IOCTL value from kind, family and number.
pub fn make_ioctl(kind: raw::c_int, family: raw::c_int, number: raw::c_int) -> raw::c_int {
make_ioctl!(kind, family, number)
pub const IOCTL_VFS_MOUNT_FS: raw::c_int = make_ioctl!(
pub const IOCTL_VFS_UNMOUNT_NODE: raw::c_int = make_ioctl!(