blob: 93f4be089c23d44e7eddd5e3af8cb89fce8afadf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module bluetooth.low_energy;
import "lib/bluetooth/fidl/common.fidl";
// Represents advertising and scan response data advertised by a broadcaster or peripheral.
struct AdvertisingData {
// Name of the device.
string? name;
// The radio transmission power level reported in the advertisement.
Int8? tx_power_level;
// The appearance reported in the advertisemet.
UInt16? appearance;
// List of service UUIDs reported in the advertisement.
array<string>? service_uuids;
// Service data included in the advertisement. Each key of this dictionary is a 128-bit Bluetooth
// service UUID.
map<string, array<uint8>>? service_data;
// Manufacturer specific data entries. Each key of this dictionary is a 16-bit company identifier.
map<uint16, array<uint8>>? manufacturer_specific_data;
// Service UUIDs that were solicited in the advertisement. Peripherals can invite centrals that
// expose certain services to connect to them using service solicitation.
array<string>? solicited_service_uuids;
// URIs included in the advertising packet.
// These are full URIs (they are encoded/decoded automatically)
array<string>? uris;
// Represents a remote Bluetooth Low Energy device. A RemoteDevice can represent a central,
// broadcaster, or peripheral based on the API from which it was received.
struct RemoteDevice {
// Identifier that uniquely identifies this device on the current system.
string identifier;
// Whether or not this device is connectable. Non-connectable devices are typically acting in the
// LE broadcaster role.
bool connectable;
// The last known RSSI of this device, if known.
Int8? rssi;
// Advertising data broadcast by this device if this device is a broadcaster or peripheral.
AdvertisingData? advertising_data;
// Filter parameters for use during a scan. A discovered peripheral or broadcaster will be reported
// to applications only if it satisfies all of the provided filter parameters. Null fields will be
// ignored.
struct ScanFilter {
// Filter based on advertised service UUIDs. A peripheral that advertises at least one of the
// entries in |service_uuids| will satisfy this filter.
array<string>? service_uuids;
// Filter based on service data containing one of the given UUIDs.
array<string>? service_data_uuids;
// Filter based on a company identifier present in the manufacturer data. If this filter parameter
// is set, then the advertising payload must contain manufacturer specific data with the provided
// company identifier to satisfy this filter.
UInt16? manufacturer_identifier;
// Filter based on whether or not a device is connectable. For example, a client that is only
// interested in peripherals that it can connect to can set this to true. Similarly a client can
// scan only for braodcasters by setting this to false.
Bool? connectable;
// Filter results based on a portion of the advertised device name.
string? name_substring;
// Filter results based on the path loss of the radio wave. A device that matches this filter must
// satisfy the following:
// 1. Radio transmission power level and received signal strength must be available for the path
// loss calculation;
// 2. The calculated path loss value must be less than, or equal to, |max_path_loss|.
Int8? max_path_loss;
interface CentralDelegate {
// Called when the scan state changes, e.g. when a scan session terminates due to a call to
// Central.StopScan() or another unexpected condition.
OnScanStateChanged(bool scanning);
// Called for each peripheral/broadcaster that is discovered during a scan session. |rssi|
// contains the received signal strength of the advertising packet that generated this event, if
// available.
OnDeviceDiscovered(RemoteDevice device);
// Called when this Central's connection to a peripheral with the given identifier is terminated.
OnPeripheralDisconnected(string identifier);
interface Central {
// Sets the delegate that shoud be notified for LE Scanner and Central role events.
SetDelegate(CentralDelegate delegate);
// Returns the list of peripherals that are known to the system from previous scan, connection,
// and/or bonding procedures. The results can be filtered based on service UUIDs that are known to
// be present on the peripheral.
// This method only returns peripherals (i.e. connectable devices).
GetPeripherals(array<string>? service_uuids) => (array<RemoteDevice> peripherals);
// Returns information about a single peripheral that is known to the system from previous scan,
// connection, and/or bonding procedures based on its unique identifier. Returns null if
// |identifier| is not recognized.
GetPeripheral(string identifier) => (RemoteDevice? peripheral);
// Initiates a scan session for nearby peripherals and broadcasters. Discovered devices will be
// reported via CentralDelegate.OnDeviceDiscovered(). If a scan session is already in progress,
// |filter| will replace the existing session's filter.
// If |filter| is null or empty (i.e. none of its fields has been populated) then the delegate
// will be notified for all discoverable devices that are found. This is not recommended; clients
// should generally filter results by at least one of |filter.service_uuids|,
// |filter.service_data|, and/or |filter.manufacturer_identifier|.
StartScan(ScanFilter? filter) => (Status status);
// Terminate a previously started scan session.
// Creates a connection to the peripheral device with the given identifier.
// TODO(armansito): Return a gatt.Client handle here.
ConnectPeripheral(string identifier) => (Status status);
// Disconnects this Central's connection to the peripheral with the given identifier.
DisconnectPeripheral(string identifier) => (Status status);
interface PeripheralDelegate {
// Called when a remote central device has connected to a connectable advertisement.
// Provides a GATT client handle which can be used to interact with GATT service
// on the central device.
// When this is called, the Advertisement will have stopped, and StartAdvertising
// should be called again to re-start advertising when the peripheral can accept
// another connection.
// Note: Centrals can connect to the local device and interact with the GATT server
// from an application without Peripheral.StartAdvertising() being called.
// TODO(jamuraa): send a gatt Client handle here
OnCentralConnected(string advertisement_id, RemoteDevice central);
// Called when a remote central previously connected to this application is disconnected.
OnCentralDisconnected(string device_id);
interface Peripheral {
// Starts sending advertisements based on the given parameters.
//   - |advertising_data|: The advertising data that should be included in the payload.
//   - |scan_result|: The scan result that will be returned when the advertisement is
//                    scanned.  Setting this will mark the advertisement set as scannable.
//   - |delegate|: Callbacks to be called when this advertisement is connected to.
// If set, this advertisement set will be marked as connectable.
// NOTE: connections can be made to a GATT server even if this is not set.
//   - |interval_ms|: The requested interval to advertise this set at in milliseconds.
//                 minimum 20, maximum 10,000,000 (almost 3 hours). A reasonable
// default is 1 second (1000).
//   - |anonymous|: if true, the address of this device will not be included
// If the |tx_power_level| is set in either AdvertisingData, it will be replaced with
// the actual TX Power level reported by the adapter, or included in the extended header
// of the Advertising PDU to save advertising space.
// If |scan_result| and |advertising_data| are both set, legacy advertising will be used,
// which limits the size of the advertising data.
// This request will fail if:
//   - The |service_uuids| field of |advertising_data| contains a UUID that does not match
//     a GATT service that was previously registered by this application;
//   - If the provided advertising data cannot fit within the advertising payload MTU that
//     is supported on the current platform and parameters.
//   - If |anonymous| advertising is requested but the controller cannot support it.
StartAdvertising(AdvertisingData advertising_data, AdvertisingData? scan_result,
PeripheralDelegate? delegate, uint32 interval_ms, bool anonymous) =>
(Status status, string? advertisement_id);
// Stop a an advertising session that was previously started by this application.
StopAdvertising(string advertisement_id) => (Status status);