blob: fbe2595fcebd255ab24ca7a0f34acac5a0546fb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lib/url/third_party/mozilla/url_parse.h"
#include "lib/url/url_export.h"
namespace url {
// Canonicalizer output -------------------------------------------------------
// Base class for the canonicalizer output, this maintains a buffer and
// supports simple resizing and append operations on it.
// It is VERY IMPORTANT that no virtual function calls be made on the common
// code path. We only have two virtual function calls, the destructor and a
// resize function that is called when the existing buffer is not big enough.
// The derived class is then in charge of setting up our buffer which we will
// manage.
template <typename T>
class CanonOutputT {
CanonOutputT() : buffer_(NULL), buffer_len_(0), cur_len_(0) {}
virtual ~CanonOutputT() {}
// Implemented to resize the buffer. This function should update the buffer
// pointer to point to the new buffer, and any old data up to |cur_len_| in
// the buffer must be copied over.
// The new size |sz| must be larger than buffer_len_.
virtual void Resize(size_t sz) = 0;
// Accessor for returning a character at a given position. The input offset
// must be in the valid range.
inline T at(size_t offset) const { return buffer_[offset]; }
// Sets the character at the given position. The given position MUST be less
// than the length().
inline void set(size_t offset, T ch) { buffer_[offset] = ch; }
// Returns the number of characters currently in the buffer.
inline size_t length() const { return cur_len_; }
// Returns the current capacity of the buffer. The length() is the number of
// characters that have been declared to be written, but the capacity() is
// the number that can be written without reallocation. If the caller must
// write many characters at once, it can make sure there is enough capacity,
// write the data, then use set_size() to declare the new length().
size_t capacity() const { return buffer_len_; }
// Called by the user of this class to get the output. The output will NOT
// be NULL-terminated. Call length() to get the
// length.
const T* data() const { return buffer_; }
T* data() { return buffer_; }
// Shortens the URL to the new length. Used for "backing up" when processing
// relative paths. This can also be used if an external function writes a lot
// of data to the buffer (when using the "Raw" version below) beyond the end,
// to declare the new length.
// This MUST NOT be used to expand the size of the buffer beyond capacity().
void set_length(size_t new_len) { cur_len_ = new_len; }
// This is the most performance critical function, since it is called for
// every character.
void push_back(T ch) {
// In VC2005, putting this common case first speeds up execution
// dramatically because this branch is predicted as taken.
if (cur_len_ < buffer_len_) {
buffer_[cur_len_] = ch;
// Grow the buffer to hold at least one more item. Hopefully we won't have
// to do this very often.
if (!Grow(1)) return;
// Actually do the insertion.
buffer_[cur_len_] = ch;
// Appends the given string to the output.
void Append(const T* str, size_t str_len) {
if (cur_len_ + str_len > buffer_len_) {
if (!Grow(cur_len_ + str_len - buffer_len_)) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < str_len; i++) buffer_[cur_len_ + i] = str[i];
cur_len_ += str_len;
// Grows the given buffer so that it can fit at least |min_additional|
// characters. Returns true if the buffer could be resized, false on OOM.
bool Grow(size_t min_additional) {
static const size_t kMinBufferLen = 16;
size_t new_len = (buffer_len_ == 0) ? kMinBufferLen : buffer_len_;
do {
if (new_len >= (1 << 30)) // Prevent overflow below.
return false;
new_len *= 2;
} while (new_len < buffer_len_ + min_additional);
return true;
T* buffer_;
size_t buffer_len_;
// Used characters in the buffer.
size_t cur_len_;
// Simple implementation of the CanonOutput using new[]. This class
// also supports a static buffer so if it is allocated on the stack, most
// URLs can be canonicalized with no heap allocations.
template <typename T, size_t fixed_capacity = 1024>
class RawCanonOutputT : public CanonOutputT<T> {
RawCanonOutputT() : CanonOutputT<T>() {
this->buffer_ = fixed_buffer_;
this->buffer_len_ = fixed_capacity;
virtual ~RawCanonOutputT() {
if (this->buffer_ != fixed_buffer_) delete[] this->buffer_;
void Resize(size_t sz) override {
T* new_buf = new T[sz];
memcpy(new_buf, this->buffer_, sizeof(T) * (this->cur_len_ < sz ? this->cur_len_ : sz));
if (this->buffer_ != fixed_buffer_) delete[] this->buffer_;
this->buffer_ = new_buf;
this->buffer_len_ = sz;
T fixed_buffer_[fixed_capacity];
// Normally, all canonicalization output is in narrow characters. We support
// the templates so it can also be used internally if a wide buffer is
// required.
typedef CanonOutputT<char> CanonOutput;
typedef CanonOutputT<uint16_t> CanonOutputW;
template <size_t fixed_capacity = 1024>
class RawCanonOutput : public RawCanonOutputT<char, fixed_capacity> {};
template <size_t fixed_capacity = 1024>
class RawCanonOutputW : public RawCanonOutputT<uint16_t, fixed_capacity> {};
// Character set converter ----------------------------------------------------
// Converts query strings into a custom encoding. The embedder can supply an
// implementation of this class to interface with their own character set
// conversion libraries.
// Embedders will want to see the unit test for the ICU version.
class URL_EXPORT CharsetConverter {
CharsetConverter() {}
virtual ~CharsetConverter() {}
// Converts the given input string from UTF-16 to whatever output format the
// converter supports. This is used only for the query encoding conversion,
// which does not fail. Instead, the converter should insert "invalid
// character" characters in the output for invalid sequences, and do the
// best it can.
// If the input contains a character not representable in the output
// character set, the converter should append the HTML entity sequence in
// decimal, (such as "&#20320;") with escaping of the ampersand, number
// sign, and semicolon (in the previous example it would be
// "%26%2320320%3B"). This rule is based on what IE does in this situation.
virtual void ConvertFromUTF16(const uint16_t* input, size_t input_len, CanonOutput* output) = 0;
// Whitespace -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Searches for whitespace that should be removed from the middle of URLs, and
// removes it. Removed whitespace are tabs and newlines, but NOT spaces. Spaces
// are preserved, which is what most browsers do. A pointer to the output will
// be returned, and the length of that output will be in |output_len|.
// This should be called before parsing if whitespace removal is desired (which
// it normally is when you are canonicalizing).
// If no whitespace is removed, this function will not use the buffer and will
// return a pointer to the input, to avoid the extra copy. If modification is
// required, the given |buffer| will be used and the returned pointer will
// point to the beginning of the buffer.
// Therefore, callers should not use the buffer, since it may actually be empty,
// use the computed pointer and |*output_len| instead.
URL_EXPORT const char* RemoveURLWhitespace(const char* input, size_t input_len,
CanonOutputT<char>* buffer, size_t* output_len);
// Piece-by-piece canonicalizers ----------------------------------------------
// These individual canonicalizers append the canonicalized versions of the
// corresponding URL component to the given std::string. The spec and the
// previously-identified range of that component are the input. The range of
// the canonicalized component will be written to the output component.
// These functions all append to the output so they can be chained. Make sure
// the output is empty when you start.
// These functions returns boolean values indicating success. On failure, they
// will attempt to write something reasonable to the output so that, if
// displayed to the user, they will recognise it as something that's messed up.
// Nothing more should ever be done with these invalid URLs, however.
// Scheme: Appends the scheme and colon to the URL. The output component will
// indicate the range of characters up to but not including the colon.
// Canonical URLs always have a scheme. If the scheme is not present in the
// input, this will just write the colon to indicate an empty scheme. Does not
// append slashes which will be needed before any authority components for most
// URLs.
// The 8-bit version requires UTF-8 encoding.
URL_EXPORT bool CanonicalizeScheme(const char* spec, const Component& scheme, CanonOutput* output,
Component* out_scheme);
// User info: username/password. If present, this will add the delimiters so
// the output will be "<username>:<password>@" or "<username>@". Empty
// username/password pairs, or empty passwords, will get converted to
// nonexistent in the canonical version.
// The components for the username and password refer to ranges in the
// respective source strings. Usually, these will be the same string, which
// is legal as long as the two components don't overlap.
// The 8-bit version requires UTF-8 encoding.
URL_EXPORT bool CanonicalizeUserInfo(const char* username_source, const Component& username,
const char* password_source, const Component& password,
CanonOutput* output, Component* out_username,
Component* out_password);
// This structure holds detailed state exported from the IP/Host canonicalizers.
// Additional fields may be added as callers require them.
struct CanonHostInfo {
CanonHostInfo() : family(NEUTRAL), num_ipv4_components(0), out_host() {}
// Convenience function to test if family is an IP address.
bool IsIPAddress() const { return family == IPV4 || family == IPV6; }
// This field summarizes how the input was classified by the canonicalizer.
enum Family {
NEUTRAL, // - Doesn't resemble an IP address. As far as the IP
// canonicalizer is concerned, it should be treated as a
// hostname.
BROKEN, // - Almost an IP, but was not canonicalized. This could be an
// IPv4 address where truncation occurred, or something
// containing the special characters :[] which did not parse
// as an IPv6 address. Never attempt to connect to this
// address, because it might actually succeed!
IPV4, // - Successfully canonicalized as an IPv4 address.
IPV6, // - Successfully canonicalized as an IPv6 address.
Family family;
// If |family| is IPV4, then this is the number of nonempty dot-separated
// components in the input text, from 1 to 4. If |family| is not IPV4,
// this value is undefined.
int num_ipv4_components;
// Location of host within the canonicalized output.
// CanonicalizeIPAddress() only sets this field if |family| is IPV4 or IPV6.
// CanonicalizeHostVerbose() always sets it.
Component out_host;
// |address| contains the parsed IP Address (if any) in its first
// AddressLength() bytes, in network order. If IsIPAddress() is false
// AddressLength() will return zero and the content of |address| is undefined.
unsigned char address[16];
// Convenience function to calculate the length of an IP address corresponding
// to the current IP version in |family|, if any. For use with |address|.
size_t AddressLength() const { return family == IPV4 ? 4 : (family == IPV6 ? 16 : 0); }
// Host.
// The 8-bit version requires UTF-8 encoding. Use this version when you only
// need to know whether canonicalization succeeded.
URL_EXPORT bool CanonicalizeHost(const char* spec, const Component& host, CanonOutput* output,
Component* out_host);
// Extended version of CanonicalizeHost, which returns additional information.
// Use this when you need to know whether the hostname was an IP address.
// A successful return is indicated by host_info->family != BROKEN. See the
// definition of CanonHostInfo above for details.
URL_EXPORT void CanonicalizeHostVerbose(const char* spec, const Component& host,
CanonOutput* output, CanonHostInfo* host_info);
// IP addresses.
// Tries to interpret the given host name as an IPv4 or IPv6 address. If it is
// an IP address, it will canonicalize it as such, appending it to |output|.
// Additional status information is returned via the |*host_info| parameter.
// See the definition of CanonHostInfo above for details.
// This is called AUTOMATICALLY from the host canonicalizer, which ensures that
// the input is unescaped and name-prepped, etc. It should not normally be
// necessary or wise to call this directly.
URL_EXPORT void CanonicalizeIPAddress(const char* spec, const Component& host, CanonOutput* output,
CanonHostInfo* host_info);
// Port: this function will add the colon for the port if a port is present.
// The caller can pass PORT_UNSPECIFIED as the
// default_port_for_scheme argument if there is no default port.
// The 8-bit version requires UTF-8 encoding.
URL_EXPORT bool CanonicalizePort(const char* spec, const Component& port,
int default_port_for_scheme, CanonOutput* output,
Component* out_port);
// Returns the default port for the given canonical scheme, or PORT_UNSPECIFIED
// if the scheme is unknown.
URL_EXPORT int DefaultPortForScheme(const char* scheme, size_t scheme_len);
// Path. If the input does not begin in a slash (including if the input is
// empty), we'll prepend a slash to the path to make it canonical.
// The 8-bit version assumes UTF-8 encoding, but does not verify the validity
// of the UTF-8 (i.e., you can have invalid UTF-8 sequences, invalid
// characters, etc.). Normally, URLs will come in as UTF-16, so this isn't
// an issue. Somebody giving us an 8-bit path is responsible for generating
// the path that the server expects (we'll escape high-bit characters), so
// if something is invalid, it's their problem.
URL_EXPORT bool CanonicalizePath(const char* spec, const Component& path, CanonOutput* output,
Component* out_path);
// Canonicalizes the input as a file path. This is like CanonicalizePath except
// that it also handles Windows drive specs. For example, the path can begin
// with "c|\" and it will get properly canonicalized to "C:/".
// The string will be appended to |*output| and |*out_path| will be updated.
// The 8-bit version requires UTF-8 encoding.
URL_EXPORT bool FileCanonicalizePath(const char* spec, const Component& path, CanonOutput* output,
Component* out_path);
// Query: Prepends the ? if needed.
// The 8-bit version requires the input to be UTF-8 encoding. Incorrectly
// encoded characters (in UTF-8 or UTF-16) will be replaced with the Unicode
// "invalid character." This function can not fail, we always just try to do
// our best for crazy input here since web pages can set it themselves.
// This will convert the given input into the output encoding that the given
// character set converter object provides. The converter will only be called
// if necessary, for ASCII input, no conversions are necessary.
// The converter can be NULL. In this case, the output encoding will be UTF-8.
URL_EXPORT void CanonicalizeQuery(const char* spec, const Component& query,
CharsetConverter* converter, CanonOutput* output,
Component* out_query);
// Ref: Prepends the # if needed. The output will be UTF-8 (this is the only
// canonicalizer that does not produce ASCII output). The output is
// guaranteed to be valid UTF-8.
// This function will not fail. If the input is invalid UTF-8/UTF-16, we'll use
// the "Unicode replacement character" for the confusing bits and copy the rest.
URL_EXPORT void CanonicalizeRef(const char* spec, const Component& path, CanonOutput* output,
Component* out_path);
// Full canonicalizer ---------------------------------------------------------
// These functions replace any string contents, rather than append as above.
// See the above piece-by-piece functions for information specific to
// canonicalizing individual components.
// The output will be ASCII except the reference fragment, which may be UTF-8.
// The 8-bit versions require UTF-8 encoding.
// Use for standard URLs with authorities and paths.
URL_EXPORT bool CanonicalizeStandardURL(const char* spec, size_t spec_len, const Parsed& parsed,
CharsetConverter* query_converter, CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* new_parsed);
// Use for file URLs.
URL_EXPORT bool CanonicalizeFileURL(const char* spec, size_t spec_len, const Parsed& parsed,
CharsetConverter* query_converter, CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* new_parsed);
// Use for path URLs such as javascript. This does not modify the path in any
// way, for example, by escaping it.
URL_EXPORT bool CanonicalizePathURL(const char* spec, size_t spec_len, const Parsed& parsed,
CanonOutput* output, Parsed* new_parsed);
// Use for mailto URLs. This "canonicalizes" the URL into a path and query
// component. It does not attempt to merge "to" fields. It uses UTF-8 for
// the query encoding if there is a query. This is because a mailto URL is
// really intended for an external mail program, and the encoding of a page,
// etc. which would influence a query encoding normally are irrelevant.
URL_EXPORT bool CanonicalizeMailtoURL(const char* spec, size_t spec_len, const Parsed& parsed,
CanonOutput* output, Parsed* new_parsed);
// Part replacer --------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal structure used for storing separate strings for each component.
// The basic canonicalization functions use this structure internally so that
// component replacement (different strings for different components) can be
// treated on the same code path as regular canonicalization (the same string
// for each component).
// A Parsed structure usually goes along with this. Those components identify
// offsets within these strings, so that they can all be in the same string,
// or spread arbitrarily across different ones.
// This structures does not own any data. It is the caller's responsibility to
// ensure that the data the pointers point to stays in scope and is not
// modified.
struct URLComponentSource {
// Constructor normally used by callers wishing to replace components. This
// will make them all NULL, which is no replacement. The caller would then
// override the components they want to replace.
: scheme(NULL),
ref(NULL) {}
// Constructor normally used internally to initialize all the components to
// point to the same spec.
explicit URLComponentSource(const char* default_value)
: scheme(default_value),
ref(default_value) {}
const char* scheme;
const char* username;
const char* password;
const char* host;
const char* port;
const char* path;
const char* query;
const char* ref;
// Relative URL ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Given an input URL or URL fragment |fragment|, determines if it is a
// relative or absolute URL and places the result into |*is_relative|. If it is
// relative, the relevant portion of the URL will be placed into
// |*relative_component| (there may have been trimmed whitespace, for example).
// This value is passed to ResolveRelativeURL. If the input is not relative,
// this value is UNDEFINED (it may be changed by the function).
// Returns true on success (we successfully determined the URL is relative or
// not). Failure means that the combination of URLs doesn't make any sense.
// The base URL should always be canonical, therefore is ASCII.
URL_EXPORT bool IsRelativeURL(const char* base, const Parsed& base_parsed, const char* fragment,
size_t fragment_len, bool is_base_hierarchical, bool* is_relative,
Component* relative_component);
// Given a canonical parsed source URL, a URL fragment known to be relative,
// and the identified relevant portion of the relative URL (computed by
// IsRelativeURL), this produces a new parsed canonical URL in |output| and
// |out_parsed|.
// It also requires a flag indicating whether the base URL is a file: URL
// which triggers additional logic.
// The base URL should be canonical and have a host (may be empty for file
// URLs) and a path. If it doesn't have these, we can't resolve relative
// URLs off of it and will return the base as the output with an error flag.
// Because it is canonical is should also be ASCII.
// The query charset converter follows the same rules as CanonicalizeQuery.
// Returns true on success. On failure, the output will be "something
// reasonable" that will be consistent and valid, just probably not what
// was intended by the web page author or caller.
URL_EXPORT bool ResolveRelativeURL(const char* base_url, const Parsed& base_parsed,
bool base_is_file, const char* relative_url,
const Component& relative_component,
CharsetConverter* query_converter, CanonOutput* output,
Parsed* out_parsed);
} // namespace url
#endif // LIB_URL_URL_CANON_H_