blob: d0a2d9a797acb6645871165489cc1f213960b993 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <lib/async-testutils/test_loop.h>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace gtest {
// An extension of gtest's testing::Test class which sets up a message loop for
// the test.
// Example:
// TEST_F(FooTest, TestCase) {
// // Initialize an object with the underlying loop's dispatcher.
// Foo foo(dispatcher());
// /* Call a method of |foo| that posts a delayed task. */
// RunLoopFor(zx::sec(17));
// /* Make assertions about the state of the test case, say about |foo|. */
// }
class TestWithLoop : public ::testing::Test {
async_t* dispatcher() { return loop_.async(); }
// Returns the current fake clock time.
zx::time Now() { return loop_.Now(); }
// Advances the fake clock time by |time|, if |time| is greater than the
// current time; else, nothing happens.
void AdvanceTimeTo(zx::time time) { loop_.AdvanceTimeTo(time); }
// Advances the fake clock time by |delta|.
void AdvanceTimeBy(zx::duration delta) { loop_.AdvanceTimeBy(delta); }
// Dispatches all waits and all tasks posted to the message loop with
// deadlines up until |deadline|, progressively advancing the fake clock.
// Returns true iff any tasks or waits were invoked during the run.
bool RunLoopUntil(zx::time deadline) { return loop_.RunUntil(deadline); }
// Dispatches all waits and all tasks posted to the message loop with
// deadlines up until |duration| from the current time, progressively
// advancing the fake clock.
// Returns true iff any tasks or waits were invoked during the run.
bool RunLoopFor(zx::duration duration) { return loop_.RunFor(duration); };
// Dispatches all waits and all tasks posted to the message loop with
// deadlines up until the current time, progressively advancing the fake
// clock.
// Returns true iff any tasks or waits were invoked during the run.
bool RunLoopUntilIdle() { return loop_.RunUntilIdle(); }
// Repeatedly runs the loop by |increment| until nothing further is left to
// dispatch.
void RunLoopRepeatedlyFor(zx::duration increment);
// Quits the message loop. If called while running, it will immediately
// exit and dispatch no further tasks or waits; if called before running,
// then next call to run will immediately exit. Further calls to run will
// continue to dispatch.
void QuitLoop() { loop_.Quit(); }
// The test message loop for the test fixture.
async::TestLoop loop_;
} // namespace gtest