blob: 97742aa52dfffbdeff462ed626e1a750a269a173 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace fuchsia {
namespace netstack {
class NetAddress;
} // namespace fuchsia
namespace netconnector {
// Represents a V4 or V6 IP address.
class IpAddress {
static const IpAddress kInvalid;
static const IpAddress kV4Loopback;
static const IpAddress kV6Loopback;
// Creates an IpAddress from a string containing a numeric IP address. Returns
// |kInvalid| if |address_string| cannot be converted into a valid IP address.
static IpAddress FromString(const std::string address_string,
sa_family_t family = AF_UNSPEC);
// Creates an invalid IP address.
// Creates an IPV4 address from four address bytes.
IpAddress(uint8_t b0, uint8_t b1, uint8_t b2, uint8_t b3);
// Creates an IPV4 address from an in_addr_t.
explicit IpAddress(in_addr_t addr);
// Creates an IPV4 address from an in_addr struct.
explicit IpAddress(const in_addr& addr);
// Creates an IPV6 address from eight address words.
IpAddress(uint16_t w0, uint16_t w1, uint16_t w2, uint16_t w3, uint16_t w4,
uint16_t w5, uint16_t w6, uint16_t w7);
// Creates an IPV6 address from two address words (first and last).
IpAddress(uint16_t w0, uint16_t w7);
// Creates an IPV6 address from an in6_addr struct.
explicit IpAddress(const in6_addr& addr);
// Creates an address from a sockaddr struct.
explicit IpAddress(const sockaddr* addr);
// Creates an address from a NetAddress struct.
explicit IpAddress(const fuchsia::netstack::NetAddress* addr);
bool is_valid() const { return family_ != AF_UNSPEC; }
sa_family_t family() const { return family_; }
bool is_v4() const { return family() == AF_INET; }
bool is_v6() const { return family() == AF_INET6; }
bool is_loopback() const;
const in_addr& as_in_addr() const {
return v4_;
in_addr_t as_in_addr_t() const {
return v4_.s_addr;
const in6_addr& as_in6_addr() const {
return v6_;
const uint8_t* as_bytes() const { return v6_.s6_addr; }
const uint16_t* as_words() const { return v6_.s6_addr16; }
size_t byte_count() const {
return is_v4() ? sizeof(in_addr) : sizeof(in6_addr);
size_t word_count() const { return byte_count() / sizeof(uint16_t); }
std::string ToString() const;
explicit operator bool() const { return is_valid(); }
bool operator==(const IpAddress& other) const {
return is_v4() == other.is_v4() &&
std::memcmp(as_bytes(), other.as_bytes(), byte_count()) == 0;
bool operator!=(const IpAddress& other) const { return !(*this == other); }
sa_family_t family_;
union {
in_addr v4_;
in6_addr v6_;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IpAddress& value);
} // namespace netconnector