blob: e0cbff68815f570ea1107f21b5d39293db762591 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/audio_object.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/audio_device.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/audio_link.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/audio_link_packet_source.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/audio_link_ring_buffer_source.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/audio_renderer_impl.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace media {
namespace audio {
// static
std::shared_ptr<AudioLink> AudioObject::LinkObjects(
const fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject>& source,
const fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject>& dest) {
// Assert that this is a valid source (capturers may not be sources)
FXL_DCHECK(source != nullptr);
FXL_DCHECK((source->type() == AudioObject::Type::Renderer) ||
(source->type() == AudioObject::Type::Output) ||
(source->type() == AudioObject::Type::Input));
// Assert that this is a valid destination (inputs and renderers may not be
// destinations)
FXL_DCHECK(dest != nullptr);
FXL_DCHECK((dest->type() == AudioObject::Type::Output) ||
(dest->type() == AudioObject::Type::Capturer));
// Assert that we are not trying to connect an output to an output.
FXL_DCHECK((source->type() != AudioObject::Type::Output) ||
(dest->type() != AudioObject::Type::Output));
// Create a link of the appropriate type based on our source.
std::shared_ptr<AudioLink> link;
if (source->type() == AudioObject::Type::Renderer) {
link = AudioLinkPacketSource::Create(
fbl::RefPtr<AudioRendererImpl>::Downcast(source), dest);
} else {
link = AudioLinkRingBufferSource::Create(
fbl::RefPtr<AudioDevice>::Downcast(source), dest);
// Give the the source and the destination their chances to initialize (or
// reject) the link.
zx_status_t res;
res = source->InitializeDestLink(link);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
return nullptr;
res = dest->InitializeSourceLink(link);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
return nullptr;
// Now lock both objects, make sure that both are still allowing new links,
// then add the link to the proper sets in both the source and the
// destination.
fbl::AutoLock slock(&source->links_lock_);
fbl::AutoLock dlock(&dest->links_lock_);
if (source->new_links_allowed_ && dest->new_links_allowed_) {
__UNUSED auto sres = source->dest_links_.emplace(link);
__UNUSED auto dres = dest->source_links_.emplace(link);
} else {
// TODO(johngro): if we need to poke the destination to let it know that it
// might need to wake up and do some work because it has a new source to
// handle, this would be the place to do so.
return link;
// static
void AudioObject::RemoveLink(const AudioLinkPtr& link) {
FXL_DCHECK(link != nullptr);
const fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject>& source = link->GetSource();
FXL_DCHECK(source != nullptr);
fbl::AutoLock slock(&source->links_lock_);
auto iter = source->dest_links_.find(link);
if (iter != source->dest_links_.end()) {
const fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject>& dest = link->GetDest();
FXL_DCHECK(dest != nullptr);
fbl::AutoLock dlock(&dest->links_lock_);
auto iter = dest->source_links_.find(link);
if (iter != dest->source_links_.end()) {
void AudioObject::UnlinkSources() {
AudioLinkSet old_links;
fbl::AutoLock lock(&links_lock_);
old_links = std::move(source_links_);
void AudioObject::UnlinkDestinations() {
AudioLinkSet old_links;
fbl::AutoLock lock(&links_lock_);
old_links = std::move(dest_links_);
zx_status_t AudioObject::InitializeSourceLink(const AudioLinkPtr& link) {
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t AudioObject::InitializeDestLink(const AudioLinkPtr& link) {
return ZX_OK;
void AudioObject::UnlinkCleanup(AudioLinkSet* links) {
FXL_DCHECK(links != nullptr);
// Note: we could just range-based for-loop over this set and call RemoveLink
// on each member. Instead, we remove each element from our local set before
// calling RemoveLinks. This is to make the transition to using intrusive
// containers (at a future date) a bit easier. Explainations available upon
// request.
while (!links->empty()) {
auto link = std::move(*links->begin());
} // namespace audio
} // namespace media