blob: 7171550cbafba5b5c01ec19e1385353de375299a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.auth;
using fuchsia.ui.viewsv1token;
// This file defines an auth provider service that can be used by Garnet's
// Token Manager service to mint oauth tokens for clients such as Framework,
// Ledger, gmail or chat module.
// Specifies the success/failure status from auth provider.
enum AuthProviderStatus {
OK = 0;
// The type of token returned.
enum TokenType {
// OAuth token response populated after parsing JSON object that contains
// short-lived access token or id token returned by the auth provider.
struct AuthToken {
// Type of token.
TokenType token_type;
// Contains access token or a JWT identity token.
string token;
// The remaining lifetime of the token in seconds.
uint64 expires_in;
// Stores attributes related to a firebase auth token for a given firebase api
// key.
// These tokens are minted by Firebase Auth server and are meant to be used for
// authorizing users into Firebase services such as DB and storage.
struct FirebaseToken {
// Use this as the auth token in firebase database and storage requests.
string id_token;
// Use this to uniquely identify users.
string? local_id;
// Use this to uniquely identify user's email address provided by the
// Auth Provider Firebase server.
string? email;
// The remaining lifetime of the token in seconds.
uint64 expires_in;
// Challenge response returned by the auth provider during remote attestation
// based authentication.
struct AuthChallenge {
// The value of nonce to be used for the next token refresh request
string challenge;
// The lifetime of |challenge| in seconds.
uint64 expires_in;
// Stores Elliptic Curve public key parameters of the credential key.
struct CredentialECKey {
// Supported elliptic curve value used in JWT attestation. Refer to Section
// of RFC7518 for the canonical list of supported elliptic curves.
// For example:(P-256,P-384,P-521)
string curve;
// Value of x of the generated EC key
string key_x_val;
// Value of y of the generated EC key
string key_y_val;
// Base64 encoded SHA256 hash of the EC public key
string fingerprint_sha_256;
// Contains parameters required by the auth provider component to build
// attestation JWTs.
struct AttestationJWTParams {
// Contains the ephemeral Elliptic curve credential public key which will be
// bound to the newly generated refresh token grant.
CredentialECKey credential_eckey;
// The full chain of certificates from the device attestation certificate
// to the root certificate that was registered on the OAuth client id.
// Each string should be base64-encoded DER PKIX certificate value.
vector<string> certificate_chain;
// OAuth authorization code bound to the given user and device
string auth_code;
// Contains parameters required by the auth provider to build assertion JWTs.
struct AssertionJWTParams {
// Contains Elliptic curve credential public key which is bound to existing
// refresh token.
CredentialECKey credential_eckey;
// An optional challenge that could be used for the next token refresh request
string? challenge;
// User attributes returned to callers on authorizing a new user at any auth
// provider. These attributes are generated by calling the auth provider's
// user profile apis.
struct UserProfileInfo {
// User identifier returned by the backend identity provider server to
// identify the user after successful authorization. Some identity providers
// send verified email address as the identifier, and some send an opaque
// string as the user identifier.
string id;
// The name that is displayed on the base shell while logging in. Display
// name is fetched from user profile attributes as configured by the user at
// the given identity provider.
string? display_name;
// User's profile url that is used by the base shell while logging in.
// Profile url is fetched from user profile attributes as configured by the
// user at the given identity provider.
string? url;
// User's profile image url that is used by the base shell while logging in.
// Profile image url is fetched from user profile attributes as configured by
// the user at the given identity provider.
string? image_url;
// This interface is implemented by base shell. It is used to notify the
// base shell that a view for login needs to be started / stopped.
interface AuthenticationUIContext {
// Requests base shell to display |view_owner| for authentication. Another
// call to StartOverlay() will not be made until StopOverlay() has been
// called.
1: StartOverlay(fuchsia.ui.viewsv1token.ViewOwner view_owner);
// Requests base shell to stop displaying the auth view.
2: StopOverlay();
// OAuth identity service that provisions new users and provides authorization
// tokens for the currently enrolled users. Some common Auth Providers are
// Google, Facebook, Spotify and Twitter.
interface AuthProvider {
// Authenticates and authorizes a user against an auth provider backend system
// using the OAuth protocol and returns the persistent credential such as
// Google's refresh token or Facebook's access token for this user. These
// persistent credentials are long lived and their expiration time is set by
// the identity provider, for example Google's refresh tokens are valid until
// the user changes their password or revokes access explicitly, whereas
// Facebook access tokens are valid for up to 60 days or until the user
// revokes access.
// During OAuth handshake, user needs to explicitly consent to the permissions
// as configured at the server. The consent is presented in a web_view using
// an |auth_ui_context| overlay provided by the base_shell.
// An optional |user_profile_id| is provided for simplifying reauthorization
// flow.
1: GetPersistentCredential(AuthenticationUIContext? auth_ui_context,
string? user_profile_id) ->
(AuthProviderStatus status, string? credential,
UserProfileInfo? user_profile_info);
// Exchanges a persistent user |credential| for a short lived app specific
// OAuth access token for the specified |client_id| and |scopes|. The
// |credential| is a long lived OAuth token as generated by the external
// identity provider in the above GetPersistentCredential() call. If no
// client_id is specified a default will be used.
// Access tokens are used by applications to make API requests against
// services offered by the Auth Provider.
// Returns an |auth_token| response containing an access token, if successful.
// Otherwise, an error status is returned.
2: GetAppAccessToken(string credential, string? client_id,
vector<string> scopes) ->
(AuthProviderStatus status, AuthToken? auth_token);
// Exchanges a persistent user |credential| for an OAuth Identity token for
// the specified |audience|. The audience is the intended recipient of the
// id_token. The |credential| is a long lived OAuth token as generated by the
// external identity provider in the above GetPersistentCredential() call.
// OAuth Id tokens are JSON Web Tokens (JWT) that contains digitally signed
// identity information about the user for the intended recipient.
// Returns an |auth_token| response containing an id token, if successful.
// Otherwise, an error status is returned.
3: GetAppIdToken(string credential, string? audience) ->
(AuthProviderStatus status, AuthToken? auth_token);
// Gets a firebase auth token for the user identified by |id_token| and the
// requested |firebase_api key|. The |id_token| is a JWT Identity token
// returned from GetAppIdToken() call above.
// Returns a |firebase_token| from the server if successful. Otherwise, an
// error status is returned.
4: GetAppFirebaseToken(string id_token, string firebase_api_key) ->
(AuthProviderStatus status, FirebaseToken? firebase_token);
// Revokes user's grants at the Auth Provider by revoking a credential. The
// |credential| is either a long lived OAuth token as returned by the
// GetPersistentCredential() call or an app specific access token as returned
// by the GetAppAccessToken() call.
5: RevokeAppOrPersistentCredential(string credential) ->
(AuthProviderStatus status);
// Authenticates and authorizes a user against a remote attestation based
// auth provider backend system that mints bound persistent credentials.
// This method is capable of performing user authorization directly on the
// device or use the OAuth authorization code generated out-of-band on a
// secondary device that is sent over a secure channel to the target device.
// In the latter case, auth_code generated out-of-band is passed as an
// argument in the attestation |jwt_params|. Where as in the former case,
// user needs to explicitly consent to the permissions on the target device
// and the auth_code is returned to the device directly. The consent is
// presented in a web_view using an |auth_ui_context| overlay provided by the
// base_shell. An optional |user_profile_id| is provided for simplifying
// reauthorization flow.
// The authorization code is exchanged to a bound refresh token using an
// attestation JWT constructed from |jwt_params| and is signed by the
// |attestation_signer| component passed in the request.
// If the operation is successful, a long-lived |credential| that is bound to
// the originating device is returned along with an optional |auth_token|
// containing short-lived access token and an optional |nonce| that is used on
// next token exchange request. An optional |user_profile_info| containing
// user profile attributes is also returned if successful. Otherwise, an error
// status is returned.
1000: GetPersistentCredentialFromAttestationJWT(
AttestationSigner attestation_signer, AttestationJWTParams jwt_params,
AuthenticationUIContext? auth_ui_context,
string? user_profile_id) ->
(AuthProviderStatus status, string? credential, AuthToken? auth_token,
AuthChallenge? auth_challenge, UserProfileInfo? user_profile_info);
// Exchanges a bound persistent user |credential| for a short lived app
// specific OAuth access token using the specified assertion JWT. The
// assertion JWT is constructed from |jwt_params| and is signed by the
// |attestation_signer| component passed in the request.
// Access tokens are used by applications to make API requests against
// services offered by the Auth Provider.
// Returns an |auth_token| response containing an access token and an optional
// |updated_credential| and |auth_challenge| to be used on next token refresh
// request, if successful. Otherwise, an error status is returned.
1001: GetAppAccessTokenFromAssertionJWT(AttestationSigner attestation_signer,
AssertionJWTParams jwt_params, string credential,
vector<string> scopes) ->
(AuthProviderStatus status, string? updated_credential,
AuthToken? auth_token, AuthChallenge? auth_challenge);
// TODO(ukode): Add methods for bound IDToken and FirebaseToken.