blob: a04fecbc61e4c3cfa6b578b1003144f8268d0a65 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
struct SecurityProperties {
bool authenticated;
bool secure_connections;
uint8 encryption_key_size;
struct Key {
// The security properties of this link under which this key was exchanged.
SecurityProperties security_properties;
// 128 bit key
array<uint8>:16 value;
// Represents a LE Long-Term Key. The |ediv| and |rand| fields are zero if
// distributed using LE Secure Connections pairing.
struct LTK {
Key key;
uint8 key_size;
uint16 ediv;
uint64 rand;
// The preferred LE connection parameters of the peer.
struct LEConnectionParameters {
uint16 connection_interval;
uint16 connection_latency;
uint16 supervision_timeout;
enum AddressType: uint8 {
BREDR = 2;
struct LEData {
// The identity address of the peer. If |resolvable| is true, then this is the
// resolved private address (and the |irk| is present).
string address;
AddressType address_type;
// The peer’s preferred connection parameters, if known.
LEConnectionParameters? connection_parameters;
// Known GATT service UUIDs.
vector<string> services;
// The LE long-term key. Present if the link was encrypted.
LTK? ltk;
// Identity Resolving Key used to generate and resolve random addresses.
Key? irk;
// Connection Signature Resolving Key used for data signing without encryption.
Key? csrk;
struct BondingData {
// The identifier that uniquely identifies this device.
string identifier;
// The local Bluetooth identity address that this bond is associated with.
string local_address;
// The name of the device, if any.
string? name;
// Bonding data that is present when this device is paired on the LE transport.
LEData? le;
// Bonding data that is present when this device is paired on the BR/EDR transport.
// TODO(armansito): Add BR/EDR data.