blob: 1e75645d2641bb1d295e6a055a659be7f54f7b40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/assert.h>
namespace fbl {
namespace internal {
// ContainerPtrTraits specialization for std::unique_ptr. This allows fbl
// intrusive containers (fbl::DoublyLinkedList and fbl::SinglyLinkedList) to be
// used with std::unique_ptr.
// See:
template <typename T>
struct ContainerPtrTraits<::std::unique_ptr<T>> {
using ValueType = T;
using RefType = T&;
using ConstRefType = const T&;
using PtrType = ::std::unique_ptr<T>;
using ConstPtrType = ::std::unique_ptr<const T>;
using RawPtrType = T*;
using ConstRawPtrType = const T*;
static constexpr bool IsManaged = true;
static constexpr bool CanCopy = false;
static inline T* GetRaw(const PtrType& ptr) { return ptr.get(); }
static inline RawPtrType Leak(PtrType& ptr) __WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
return ptr.release();
static inline PtrType Reclaim(RawPtrType ptr) { return PtrType(ptr); }
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fbl