blob: 06bad03bce56e7e489b393656f9231407c15b8f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/location.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/module_symbol_status.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/resolve_options.h"
#include "garnet/public/lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace zxdb {
class FileLine;
struct InputLocation;
class LineDetails;
struct ResolveOptions;
class SymbolContext;
// Represents the symbols for a module (executable or shared library).
// All addresses in and out of the API of this class are absolute inside a
// running process. Since this class itself is independent of load addresses,
// the functions take a SymbolContext which is used to convert between the
// absolute addresses use as inputs and outputs, and the module-relative
// addresses used by the symbol tables.
class ModuleSymbols {
virtual ~ModuleSymbols();
// Returns information about this module. This is relatively slow because it
// needs to count the index size.
// The name will be empty (local_file_name will be the symbol file) since
// the name is the external name in the system that this class doesn't know
// about. The base address will be 0 because this class doesn't know what the
// base address is.
virtual ModuleSymbolStatus GetStatus() const = 0;
// Converts the given InputLocation into one or more locations. If the
// location is an address, it will be be returned whether or not the address
// is inside this module (it will be symbolzed if possible). If the input is
// a function or file/line, they could match more than one location and all
// locations will be returned.
// If symbolize is true, the results will be symbolized, otherwise the
// output locations will be regular addresses (this will be slightly faster).
// -----------
// Finds the addresses for all instantiations of the given line. Often there
// will be one result, but inlining and templates could duplicate the code.
// It may not be possible to return the exact line. The line could have been
// optimized out, it could have been a continuation of an earlier line, or
// there could be no code at that line in the first place. This function will
// try its best to find the best line if an exact match isn't possible.
// This function will also match multiple different input files according to
// FindFileMatches() rules. If you don't want this, we can add a field to
// ResolveOptions to disable this and force exact matches.
// If you need to find out the exact actual location that this resolved to,
// look up the resulting address again.
// If the file wasn't found or contains no code, it will return an empty
// vector. If the file exists and contains code, it will always return
// *something*.
// -------------
// Returns the addresses for the given function name. The function name must
// be an exact match. The addresses will indicate the start of the function.
// Since a function implementation can be duplicated more than once, there
// can be multiple results.
virtual std::vector<Location> ResolveInputLocation(
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, const InputLocation& input_location,
const ResolveOptions& options = ResolveOptions()) const = 0;
// Computes the line that corresponds to the given address. Unlike
// ResolveInputLocation (which just returns the current source line), this
// returns the entire set of contiguous line table entries with code ranges
// with the same line as the given address.
// This function may return a 0 line number for code that does not have
// an associated line (could be bookkeeping by compiler). These can't
// be merged with the previous or next line since it could be misleading:
// say the bookkeeping code was at the end of an if block, the previous line
// would be inside the block, but that block may not have been executed and
// showing the location there would be misleading. Generally code blocks
// with a "0" line number should be skipped over.
// The SymbolContext will be used to interpret the absolute input address.
virtual LineDetails LineDetailsForAddress(
const SymbolContext& symbol_context, uint64_t absolute_address) const = 0;
// Returns a vector of full file names that match the input.
// The name is matched from the right side with a left boundary of either a
// slash or the beginning of the full path. This may match more than one file
// name, and the caller is left to decide which one(s) it wants.
// In the future we may want to return an object representing the compilation
// unit for each of the files.
virtual std::vector<std::string> FindFileMatches(
const std::string& name) const = 0;
} // namespace zxdb