blob: 7b62602eb7703337527dc040555ac69078c42c33 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/common/address_range.h"
#include "garnet/bin/zxdb/symbols/symbol.h"
namespace zxdb {
class SymbolContext;
// Base class for anything that has code: lexical blocks, inlined subroutines,
// and functions. A DWARF lexical block is represented as a CodeBlock rather
// than a derived type since it has no additional attributes.
class CodeBlock : public Symbol {
// Construct with fxl::MakeRefCounted().
// A [begin, end) range of code blocks. These are addresses RELATIVE to the
// beginning of the module they're inside of.
using CodeRanges = std::vector<AddressRange>;
// Symbol overrides.
const CodeBlock* AsCodeBlock() const override;
// The valid ranges of code for this block. In many cases there will be only
// one range (most functions specify DW_AT_low_pc and DW_AT_high_pc), but
// some blocks, especially inlined subroutines, may be at multiple
// discontiguous ranges in the code (DW_AT_ranges are specified). In this
// case, the ranges will be in sorted order.
// Some lexical blocks won't have location information in them. These are
// often strictly to hold groups of variables, each of which has their own
// range of validity.
// Function declarations will have no ranges associated with them. These
// arent't strictly "code blocks" but many functions won't have a
// declaration/implementation split and there's so much overlap it's more
// convenient to just have one type representing both.
// These ranges will be RELATIVE to the module.
const CodeRanges& code_ranges() const { return code_ranges_; }
void set_code_ranges(CodeRanges r) { code_ranges_ = std::move(r); }
// Computes the full code range covering all sub-ranges. There can be
// multiple code ranges that can be discontiguous so not everything in this
// range is guaranteed to be inside the code block. Returns empty
// AddressRange if there are no code ranges.
AddressRange GetFullRange(const SymbolContext& symbol_context) const;
// The lexical blocks that are children of this one.
const std::vector<LazySymbol>& inner_blocks() const { return inner_blocks_; }
void set_inner_blocks(std::vector<LazySymbol> ib) {
inner_blocks_ = std::move(ib);
// Variables contained within this block.
const std::vector<LazySymbol>& variables() const { return variables_; }
void set_variables(std::vector<LazySymbol> v) { variables_ = std::move(v); }
// Returns true if the block's code ranges contain the given address. A
// block with no specified range will always return true.
bool ContainsAddress(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
uint64_t absolute_address) const;
// Recursively searches all children of this block for the innermost block
// covering the given address. Returns |this| if the current block is
// already the most specific, or nullptr if the current block doesn't
// contain the address.
const CodeBlock* GetMostSpecificChild(const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
uint64_t absolute_address) const;
// Recursively searches the containing blocks until it finds a function. If
// this code block is a function, returns |this| as a Function. Returns null
// on error, but this should not happen for well-formed symbols (all code
// should be inside functions).
const Function* GetContainingFunction() const;
explicit CodeBlock(int tag);
~CodeBlock() override;
CodeRanges code_ranges_;
std::vector<LazySymbol> inner_blocks_;
std::vector<LazySymbol> variables_;
} // namespace zxdb