blob: 8f893122fe2970d96e6cb340738328ae5c37a9a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "garnet/lib/debug_ipc/protocol.h"
#include "lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace zxdb {
class Breakpoint;
class Thread;
// Note: thread lifetime notifications are on the ProcessObserver.
class ThreadObserver {
// Notification that a thread has stopped. The thread and all breakpoint
// statistics will be up-to-date. The parameter lists any breakpoints that
// caused this thread stop (there can be more than one at the same address).
// These are weak pointers because other observers could possibly delete
// breakpoints in response to this notification.
virtual void OnThreadStopped(
Thread* thread, debug_ipc::NotifyException::Type type,
std::vector<fxl::WeakPtr<Breakpoint>> hit_breakpoints) {}
// A thread's backtrace (consisting of a vector of Frames) will be static
// as long as the thread is not running. When the thread is resumed, the
// frames will be cleared and this notification will be issued. Code that
// caches state based on frames should clear the cache at this point.
// An initially stopped thread will only have one Frame (the topmost one),
// and the full backtrace can be filled out on-demand. This function will
// NOT be called when the full backtrace is filled out. Frame 0 will be
// unchanged in this case, so nothing has been invalidate, just more data
// is available.
virtual void OnThreadFramesInvalidated(Thread* thread) {}
} // namespace zxdb