blob: 57a51d025544350d4da95e6ec558bd9eda5e3350 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use failure::{bail, format_err};
use fidl::encoding::OutOfLine;
use fidl::endpoints::RequestStream;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_device_service::{self as fidl_svc, DeviceServiceRequest};
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_device as fidl_wlan_dev;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_mlme::{MinstrelStatsResponse};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedReceiver;
use futures::select;
use futures::prelude::*;
use log::{error, info};
use pin_utils::pin_mut;
use std::marker::Unpin;
use std::sync::Arc;
use crate::device::{self, PhyDevice, PhyMap, IfaceDevice, IfaceMap};
use crate::future_util::ConcurrentTasks;
use crate::Never;
use crate::station;
use crate::stats_scheduler::StatsRef;
use crate::watchable_map::MapEvent;
use crate::watcher_service::{self, WatcherService};
const CONCURRENT_LIMIT: usize = 1000;
pub async fn device_service<S>(phys: Arc<PhyMap>, ifaces: Arc<IfaceMap>,
phy_events: UnboundedReceiver<MapEvent<u16, PhyDevice>>,
iface_events: UnboundedReceiver<MapEvent<u16, IfaceDevice>>,
mut new_clients: S)
-> Result<Never, failure::Error>
where S: Stream<Item = fasync::Channel> + Unpin
let (watcher_service, watcher_fut) = watcher_service::serve_watchers(
phys.clone(), ifaces.clone(), phy_events, iface_events);
let mut active_clients = ConcurrentTasks::new();
loop {
let mut new_client =;
select! {
watcher_fut => watcher_fut
.map_err(|e| format_err!("watcher service has failed: {}", e))?.into_any(),
active_clients => active_clients.into_any(),
new_client => match new_client {
Some(channel) => {
Arc::clone(&phys), Arc::clone(&ifaces), watcher_service.clone(), channel));
None => bail!("stream of new FIDL clients has ended unexpectedly"),
async fn serve_channel(phys: Arc<PhyMap>, ifaces: Arc<IfaceMap>,
watcher_service: WatcherService<PhyDevice, IfaceDevice>,
channel: fasync::Channel)
let r = await!(fidl_svc::DeviceServiceRequestStream::from_channel(channel)
.try_for_each_concurrent(CONCURRENT_LIMIT, move |request| {
handle_fidl_request(request, Arc::clone(&phys), Arc::clone(&ifaces), watcher_service.clone())
r.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("error serving a DeviceService client: {}", e))
async fn handle_fidl_request(request: fidl_svc::DeviceServiceRequest,
phys: Arc<PhyMap>,
ifaces: Arc<IfaceMap>,
watcher_service: WatcherService<PhyDevice, IfaceDevice>)
-> Result<(), fidl::Error>
// Note that errors from responder.send() are propagated intentionally.
// If we fail to send a response, the only way to recover is to stop serving the client
// and close the channel. Otherwise, the client would be left hanging forever.
match request {
DeviceServiceRequest::ListPhys{ responder } =>
responder.send(&mut list_phys(&phys)),
DeviceServiceRequest::QueryPhy { req, responder } => {
let result = await!(query_phy(&phys, req.phy_id));
let (status, mut response) = into_status_and_opt(result);
responder.send(status.into_raw(), response.as_mut().map(OutOfLine))
DeviceServiceRequest::ListIfaces { responder } =>
responder.send(&mut list_ifaces(&ifaces)),
DeviceServiceRequest::CreateIface { req, responder } => {
let result = await!(create_iface(&phys, req));
let (status, mut response) = into_status_and_opt(result);
responder.send(status.into_raw(), response.as_mut().map(OutOfLine))
DeviceServiceRequest::DestroyIface{ req: _, responder: _ } => unimplemented!(),
DeviceServiceRequest::GetClientSme{ iface_id, sme, responder } => {
let status = get_client_sme(&ifaces, iface_id, sme);
DeviceServiceRequest::GetApSme{ iface_id, sme, responder } => {
let status = get_ap_sme(&ifaces, iface_id, sme);
DeviceServiceRequest::GetMeshSme{ iface_id, sme, responder } => {
let status = get_mesh_sme(&ifaces, iface_id, sme);
DeviceServiceRequest::GetIfaceStats{ iface_id, responder } => {
match await!(get_iface_stats(&ifaces, iface_id)) {
Ok(stats_ref) => {
let mut stats = stats_ref.lock();
responder.send(zx::sys::ZX_OK, Some(OutOfLine(&mut stats)))
Err(status) => responder.send(status.into_raw(), None),
DeviceServiceRequest::GetMinstrelList{ iface_id, responder } => {
let (status, mut peers) = await!(list_minstrel_peers(&ifaces, iface_id));
responder.send(status.into_raw(), &mut peers)
DeviceServiceRequest::GetMinstrelStats{ iface_id, peer_addr, responder } => {
let (status, mut peer) = await!(get_minstrel_stats(&ifaces, iface_id, peer_addr));
responder.send(status.into_raw(), peer.as_mut().map(|x| OutOfLine(x.as_mut())))
DeviceServiceRequest::WatchDevices{ watcher, control_handle: _ } => {
.unwrap_or_else(|e| error!("error registering a device watcher: {}", e));
fn into_status_and_opt<T>(r: Result<T, zx::Status>) -> (zx::Status, Option<T>) {
match r {
Ok(x) => (zx::Status::OK, Some(x)),
Err(status) => (status, None),
fn list_phys(phys: &PhyMap) -> fidl_svc::ListPhysResponse {
let list = phys
.map(|(phy_id, phy)| {
fidl_svc::PhyListItem {
phy_id: *phy_id,
path: phy.device.path().to_string_lossy().into_owned(),
fidl_svc::ListPhysResponse { phys: list }
async fn query_phy(phys: &PhyMap, id: u16)
-> Result<fidl_svc::QueryPhyResponse, zx::Status>
info!("query_phy(id = {})", id);
let phy = phys.get(&id).ok_or(zx::Status::NOT_FOUND)?;
let query_result = await!(phy.proxy.query())
.map_err(move |e| {
error!("query_phy(id = {}): error sending 'Query' request to phy: {}", id, e);
info!("query_phy(id = {}): received a 'QueryResult' from device", id);
let mut info =; = id;
info.dev_path = Some(phy.device.path().to_string_lossy().into_owned());
Ok(fidl_svc::QueryPhyResponse { info })
fn list_ifaces(ifaces: &IfaceMap) -> fidl_svc::ListIfacesResponse {
let list = ifaces
.map(|(iface_id, iface)| {
fidl_svc::IfaceListItem {
iface_id: *iface_id,
path: iface.device.path().to_string_lossy().into_owned(),
fidl_svc::ListIfacesResponse{ ifaces: list }
async fn create_iface(phys: &PhyMap, req: fidl_svc::CreateIfaceRequest)
-> Result<fidl_svc::CreateIfaceResponse, zx::Status>
let phy = phys.get(&req.phy_id).ok_or(zx::Status::NOT_FOUND)?;
let mut phy_req = fidl_wlan_dev::CreateIfaceRequest { role: req.role };
let r = await!(phy.proxy.create_iface(&mut phy_req))
.map_err(move |e| {
error!("Error sending 'CreateIface' request to phy #{}: {}", req.phy_id, e);
// TODO(gbonik): this is not the ID that we want to return
Ok(fidl_svc::CreateIfaceResponse { iface_id: r.iface_id })
fn get_client_sme(ifaces: &IfaceMap, iface_id: u16, endpoint: station::client::Endpoint)
-> zx::Status
let iface = ifaces.get(&iface_id);
let server = match iface {
None => return zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Some(ref iface) => match iface.sme_server {
device::SmeServer::Client(ref server) => server,
_ => return zx::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED
match server.unbounded_send(endpoint) {
Ok(()) => zx::Status::OK,
Err(e) => {
error!("error sending an endpoint to the SME server future: {}", e);
fn get_ap_sme(ifaces: &IfaceMap, iface_id: u16, endpoint: station::ap::Endpoint) -> zx::Status {
let iface = ifaces.get(&iface_id);
let server = match iface {
None => return zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Some(ref iface) => match iface.sme_server {
device::SmeServer::Ap(ref server) => server,
_ => return zx::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED
match server.unbounded_send(endpoint) {
Ok(()) => zx::Status::OK,
Err(e) => {
error!("error sending an endpoint to the SME server future: {}", e);
fn get_mesh_sme(ifaces: &IfaceMap, iface_id: u16, endpoint: station::mesh::Endpoint) -> zx::Status {
let iface = ifaces.get(&iface_id);
let server = match iface {
None => return zx::Status::NOT_FOUND,
Some(ref iface) => match iface.sme_server {
device::SmeServer::Mesh(ref server) => server,
_ => return zx::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED
match server.unbounded_send(endpoint) {
Ok(()) => zx::Status::OK,
Err(e) => {
error!("error sending an endpoint to the SME server future: {}", e);
async fn get_iface_stats(ifaces: &IfaceMap, iface_id: u16)
-> Result<StatsRef, zx::Status>
let iface = ifaces.get(&iface_id).ok_or(zx::Status::NOT_FOUND)?;
async fn list_minstrel_peers(ifaces: &IfaceMap, iface_id: u16)
-> (zx::Status, fidl_fuchsia_wlan_minstrel::Peers) {
let empty_peer_list = fidl_fuchsia_wlan_minstrel::Peers { peers: vec![] };
let iface = match ifaces.get(&iface_id) {
Some(iface) => iface,
None => return (zx::Status::NOT_FOUND, empty_peer_list),
match await!(iface.mlme_query.get_minstrel_list()) {
Ok(resp) => (zx::Status::OK, resp.peers),
Err(_) => (zx::Status::INTERNAL, empty_peer_list)
async fn get_minstrel_stats(ifaces: &IfaceMap, iface_id: u16, mac_addr: [u8; 6])
-> (zx::Status, Option<Box<fidl_fuchsia_wlan_minstrel::Peer>>) {
let iface = match ifaces.get(&iface_id) {
Some(iface) => iface,
None => return (zx::Status::NOT_FOUND, None),
match await!(iface.mlme_query.get_minstrel_peer(mac_addr)) {
Ok(MinstrelStatsResponse { peer }) => (zx::Status::OK, peer),
Err(_) => (zx::Status::INTERNAL, None),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use fidl::endpoints::create_proxy;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_device::{PhyRequest, PhyRequestStream};
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_device_service::{IfaceListItem, PhyListItem};
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_mlme::MlmeMarker;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme as fidl_sme;
use fuchsia_wlan_dev as wlan_dev;
use futures::channel::mpsc;
use futures::task::Poll;
use pin_utils::pin_mut;
use crate::{
stats_scheduler::{self, StatsRequest},
fn list_two_phys() {
let _exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (phy_map, _phy_map_events) = PhyMap::new();
let phy_map = Arc::new(phy_map);
let (phy_null, _phy_null_stream) = fake_phy("/dev/null");
let (phy_zero, _phy_zero_stream) = fake_phy("/dev/zero");
phy_map.insert(10u16, phy_null);
phy_map.insert(20u16, phy_zero);
let mut list = super::list_phys(&phy_map).phys;
list.sort_by_key(|p| p.phy_id);
PhyListItem{ phy_id: 10u16, path: "/dev/null".to_string() },
PhyListItem{ phy_id: 20u16, path: "/dev/zero".to_string() },
], list)
fn query_phy_success() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (phy_map, _phy_map_events) = PhyMap::new();
let phy_map = Arc::new(phy_map);
let (phy, mut phy_stream) = fake_phy("/dev/null");
phy_map.insert(10u16, phy);
// Initiate a QueryPhy request. The returned future should not be able
// to produce a result immediately
let query_fut = super::query_phy(&phy_map, 10u16);
assert_eq!(Poll::Pending, exec.run_until_stalled(&mut query_fut));
// The call above should trigger a Query message to the phy.
// Pretend that we are the phy and read the message from the other side.
let responder = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(PhyRequest::Query{ responder }))) => responder,
_ => panic!("phy_stream returned unexpected result")
// Reply with a fake phy info
responder.send(&mut fidl_wlan_dev::QueryResponse {
status: zx::sys::ZX_OK,
info: fake_phy_info(),
}).expect("failed to send QueryResponse");
// Our original future should complete now, and return the same phy info
let response = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut query_fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(response)) => response,
other => panic!("query_fut returned unexpected result: {:?}", other),
fn query_phy_not_found() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (phy_map, _phy_map_events) = PhyMap::new();
let phy_map = Arc::new(phy_map);
let query_fut = super::query_phy(&phy_map, 10u16);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut query_fut));
fn list_two_ifaces() {
let _exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (iface_map, _iface_map_events) = IfaceMap::new();
let iface_map = Arc::new(iface_map);
let iface_null = fake_client_iface("/dev/null");
let iface_zero = fake_client_iface("/dev/zero");
iface_map.insert(10u16, iface_null.iface);
iface_map.insert(20u16, iface_zero.iface);
let mut list = super::list_ifaces(&iface_map).ifaces;
list.sort_by_key(|p| p.iface_id);
IfaceListItem{ iface_id: 10u16, path: "/dev/null".to_string() },
IfaceListItem{ iface_id: 20u16, path: "/dev/zero".to_string() },
], list)
fn create_iface_success() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (phy_map, _phy_map_events) = PhyMap::new();
let phy_map = Arc::new(phy_map);
let (phy, mut phy_stream) = fake_phy("/dev/null");
phy_map.insert(10u16, phy);
// Initiate a CreateIface request. The returned future should not be able
// to produce a result immediately
let create_fut = super::create_iface(&phy_map, fidl_svc::CreateIfaceRequest {
phy_id: 10,
role: fidl_wlan_dev::MacRole::Client,
assert_eq!(Poll::Pending, exec.run_until_stalled(&mut create_fut));
// The call above should trigger a CreateIface message to the phy.
// Pretend that we are the phy and read the message from the other side.
let (req, responder) = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(PhyRequest::CreateIface{ req, responder }))) =>
(req, responder),
_ => panic!("phy_stream returned unexpected result")
// Since we requested the Client role, the request to the phy should also have
// the Client role
assert_eq!(fidl_wlan_dev::MacRole::Client, req.role);
// Pretend that we created an interface device with id 123 and send a response
responder.send(&mut fidl_wlan_dev::CreateIfaceResponse {
status: zx::sys::ZX_OK,
iface_id: 123,
}).expect("failed to send CreateIfaceResponse");
// Now, our original future should resolve into a response
let response = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut create_fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(response)) => response,
other => panic!("create_fut returned unexpected result: {:?}", other),
// This assertion likely needs to change once we figure out a solution
// to the iface id problem.
assert_eq!(123, response.iface_id);
fn create_iface_not_found() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (phy_map, _phy_map_events) = PhyMap::new();
let phy_map = Arc::new(phy_map);
let fut = super::create_iface(&phy_map, fidl_svc::CreateIfaceRequest {
phy_id: 10,
role: fidl_wlan_dev::MacRole::Client,
assert_eq!(Poll::Ready(Err(zx::Status::NOT_FOUND)), exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut));
fn get_client_sme_success() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (iface_map, _iface_map_events) = IfaceMap::new();
let iface_map = Arc::new(iface_map);
let mut iface = fake_client_iface("/dev/null");
iface_map.insert(10, iface.iface);
let (proxy, server) = create_proxy().expect("failed to create a pair of SME endpoints");
assert_eq!(zx::Status::OK, super::get_client_sme(&iface_map, 10, server));
// Expect to get a new FIDL client in the stream
let endpoint = iface.new_sme_clients.try_next()
.expect("expected a message in new_sme_clients")
.expect("didn't expect new_sme_clients stream to end");
let mut sme_stream = endpoint.into_stream().expect("failed to create stream for endpoint");
// Verify that `proxy` is indeed connected to `sme_stream`
let (_scan_proxy, scan_txn) = create_proxy()
.expect("failed to create a pair of scan txn endpoints");
proxy.scan(&mut fake_scan_request(), scan_txn).expect("failed to send a scan request");
let req = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan{ req, .. }))) => req,
_ => panic!("sme_stream returned unexpected result")
assert_eq!(fake_scan_request(), req);
fn get_client_sme_not_found() {
let mut _exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (iface_map, _iface_map_events) = IfaceMap::new();
let iface_map = Arc::new(iface_map);
let (_proxy, server) = create_proxy().expect("failed to create a pair of SME endpoints");
assert_eq!(zx::Status::NOT_FOUND, super::get_client_sme(&iface_map, 10, server));
fn get_client_sme_wrong_role() {
let mut _exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (iface_map, _iface_map_events) = IfaceMap::new();
let iface_map = Arc::new(iface_map);
let iface = fake_ap_iface("/dev/null");
iface_map.insert(10, iface.iface);
let (_proxy, server) = create_proxy().expect("failed to create a pair of SME endpoints");
assert_eq!(zx::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED, super::get_client_sme(&iface_map, 10, server));
fn get_ap_sme_success() {
let mut exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (iface_map, _iface_map_events) = IfaceMap::new();
let iface_map = Arc::new(iface_map);
let mut iface = fake_ap_iface("/dev/null");
iface_map.insert(10, iface.iface);
let (proxy, server) = create_proxy().expect("failed to create a pair of SME endpoints");
assert_eq!(zx::Status::OK, super::get_ap_sme(&iface_map, 10, server));
// Expect to get a new FIDL client in the stream
let endpoint = iface.new_sme_clients.try_next()
.expect("expected a message in new_sme_clients")
.expect("didn't expect new_sme_clients stream to end");
let mut sme_stream = endpoint.into_stream().expect("failed to create stream for endpoint");
// Verify that `proxy` is indeed connected to `sme_stream`
let mut fut = fidl_sme::ApSmeProxyInterface::start(&proxy, &mut fake_ap_config());
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(fidl_sme::ApSmeRequest::Start { config, responder }))) => {
assert_eq!(fake_ap_config(), config);
.expect("failed to send response");
_ => panic!("sme_stream returned unexpected result")
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(fidl_sme::StartApResultCode::Success)) => {},
other => panic!("expected a successful response, got {:?}", other),
fn get_ap_sme_not_found() {
let mut _exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (iface_map, _iface_map_events) = IfaceMap::new();
let iface_map = Arc::new(iface_map);
let (_proxy, server) = create_proxy().expect("failed to create a pair of SME endpoints");
assert_eq!(zx::Status::NOT_FOUND, super::get_ap_sme(&iface_map, 10, server));
fn get_ap_sme_wrong_role() {
let mut _exec = fasync::Executor::new().expect("Failed to create an executor");
let (iface_map, _iface_map_events) = IfaceMap::new();
let iface_map = Arc::new(iface_map);
let iface = fake_client_iface("/dev/null");
iface_map.insert(10, iface.iface);
let (_proxy, server) = create_proxy().expect("failed to create a pair of SME endpoints");
assert_eq!(zx::Status::NOT_SUPPORTED, super::get_ap_sme(&iface_map, 10, server));
fn fake_phy(path: &str) -> (PhyDevice, PhyRequestStream) {
let (proxy, server) = create_proxy::<fidl_wlan_dev::PhyMarker>()
.expect("fake_phy: create_proxy() failed");
let device = wlan_dev::Device::new(path).expect(&format!("fake_phy: failed to open {}", path));
let stream = server.into_stream().expect("fake_phy: failed to create stream");
(PhyDevice { proxy, device }, stream)
struct FakeClientIface<St: Stream<Item = StatsRequest>> {
iface: IfaceDevice,
_stats_requests: St,
new_sme_clients: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<station::client::Endpoint>,
fn fake_client_iface(path: &str) -> FakeClientIface<impl Stream<Item = StatsRequest>> {
let device = wlan_dev::Device::new(path)
.expect(&format!("fake_client_iface: failed to open {}", path));
let (sme_sender, sme_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
let (stats_sched, stats_requests) = stats_scheduler::create_scheduler();
let (proxy, _server) = create_proxy::<MlmeMarker>().expect("Error creating proxy");
let mlme_query = MlmeQueryProxy::new(proxy);
let iface = IfaceDevice {
sme_server: device::SmeServer::Client(sme_sender),
FakeClientIface {
_stats_requests: stats_requests,
new_sme_clients: sme_receiver
struct FakeApIface<St: Stream<Item = StatsRequest>> {
iface: IfaceDevice,
_stats_requests: St,
new_sme_clients: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<station::ap::Endpoint>,
fn fake_ap_iface(path: &str) -> FakeApIface<impl Stream<Item = StatsRequest>> {
let device = wlan_dev::Device::new(path)
.expect(&format!("fake_client_iface: failed to open {}", path));
let (sme_sender, sme_receiver) = mpsc::unbounded();
let (stats_sched, stats_requests) = stats_scheduler::create_scheduler();
let (proxy, _server) = create_proxy::<MlmeMarker>().expect("Error creating proxy");
let mlme_query = MlmeQueryProxy::new(proxy);
let iface = IfaceDevice {
sme_server: device::SmeServer::Ap(sme_sender),
FakeApIface {
_stats_requests: stats_requests,
new_sme_clients: sme_receiver
fn fake_phy_info() -> fidl_wlan_dev::PhyInfo {
fidl_wlan_dev::PhyInfo {
id: 10,
dev_path: Some("/dev/null".to_string()),
hw_mac_address: [ 0x67, 0x62, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x6b ],
supported_phys: Vec::new(),
driver_features: Vec::new(),
mac_roles: Vec::new(),
caps: Vec::new(),
bands: Vec::new(),
fn fake_scan_request() -> fidl_sme::ScanRequest {
timeout: 41
fn fake_ap_config() -> fidl_sme::ApConfig {
fidl_sme::ApConfig {
ssid: b"qwerty".to_vec(),
password: vec![],
channel: 6,