blob: f40f97215c22c1a5ee367911cd71c4ab731933cd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <fuchsia/ui/input/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/policy/cpp/fidl.h>
namespace presentation_mode {
namespace internal {
class MovingAverage;
} // namespace internal
using AccelerometerData = std::array<int16_t, 3>;
// Use accelerometer data to detect changes in presentation mode. The detection
// is accurate only relative to the earth's gravity vector, so it's still easy
// to confuse the detector. We use a moving average to smooth out the data.
// This class is not copyable but it is movable.
class Detector final {
Detector(size_t history_size);
~Detector() = default;
// Movable
Detector(Detector&& rhs) = default;
Detector& operator=(Detector&& rhs) = default;
// Not copyable
Detector(const Detector& rhs) = delete;
Detector& operator=(Detector& rhs) = delete;
// Return <true,mode> if a mode was recognized and stable.
// Otherwise return <false,_>, where the second value is undefined.
std::pair<bool, fuchsia::ui::policy::PresentationMode> Update(
const fuchsia::ui::input::SensorDescriptor& sensor,
fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport event);
// Interpretation of X, Y, Z, based on reading words on the base (keyboard) or
// the lid (screen).
// Pos X is your eye reading words, or right arrow.
// Pos Y is your hand moving from space bar to Fn keys, or up arrow.
// Pos Z is your hand rising from the reading surface (keyboard and screen).
static constexpr int16_t kXPosLimit = 15000;
static constexpr int16_t kXNegLimit = -15000;
static constexpr int16_t kYPosLimit = 15000;
static constexpr int16_t kYNegLimit = -15000;
static constexpr int16_t kZPosLimit = 15000;
static constexpr int16_t kZNegLimit = -15000;
std::unique_ptr<internal::MovingAverage> base_accelerometer_;
std::unique_ptr<internal::MovingAverage> lid_accelerometer_;
namespace internal {
// Keeps track of the moving average for AccelerometerData.
class MovingAverage final {
MovingAverage(size_t size);
~MovingAverage() = default;
AccelerometerData Average();
void Update(AccelerometerData data);
const size_t max_count_;
// Ring buffer of past measurements
size_t count_;
size_t curr_;
std::vector<AccelerometerData> data_;
// Running sum
std::array<int32_t, 3> sum_;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace presentation_mode