blob: e9664ab9aa65f75b10913e7081ce38a0cd6bca3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/ui/input_reader/input_interpreter.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <hid/acer12.h>
#include <hid/ambient-light.h>
#include <hid/boot.h>
#include <hid/egalax.h>
#include <hid/eyoyo.h>
#include <hid/ft3x27.h>
#include <hid/hid.h>
#include <hid/paradise.h>
#include <hid/samsung.h>
#include <hid/usages.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/device/device.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <trace/event.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/input/cpp/fidl.h>
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/clone.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
#include "lib/fxl/time/time_point.h"
#include "lib/ui/input/cpp/formatting.h"
namespace {
int64_t InputEventTimestampNow() {
return fxl::TimePoint::Now().ToEpochDelta().ToNanoseconds();
fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport CloneReport(
const fuchsia::ui::input::InputReportPtr& report) {
fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport result;
fidl::Clone(*report, &result);
return result;
// TODO(SCN-473): Extract sensor IDs from HID.
const size_t kParadiseAccLid = 0;
const size_t kParadiseAccBase = 1;
const size_t kAmbientLight = 2;
} // namespace
namespace mozart {
std::unique_ptr<InputInterpreter> InputInterpreter::Open(
int dirfd, std::string filename,
fuchsia::ui::input::InputDeviceRegistry* registry) {
int fd = openat(dirfd, filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open device " << filename;
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<InputInterpreter> device(
new InputInterpreter(filename, fd, registry));
if (!device->Initialize()) {
return nullptr;
return device;
std::string name, int fd, fuchsia::ui::input::InputDeviceRegistry* registry)
: registry_(registry), hid_decoder_(std::move(name), fd) {
memset(acer12_touch_reports_, 0, 2 * sizeof(acer12_touch_t));
InputInterpreter::~InputInterpreter() {}
bool InputInterpreter::Initialize() {
if (!hid_decoder_.Init())
return false;
auto protocol = hid_decoder_.protocol();
if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::Keyboard) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has keyboard";
has_keyboard_ = true;
keyboard_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::KeyboardDescriptor::New();
keyboard_descriptor_->keys.resize(HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT_GUI -
for (size_t index = HID_USAGE_KEY_A; index <= HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT_GUI;
++index) {
keyboard_descriptor_->keys->at(index - HID_USAGE_KEY_A) = index;
keyboard_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
keyboard_report_->keyboard = fuchsia::ui::input::KeyboardReport::New();
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::Buttons) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has buttons";
has_buttons_ = true;
buttons_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::ButtonsDescriptor::New();
buttons_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kVolumeUp;
buttons_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kVolumeDown;
buttons_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kMicMute;
buttons_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
buttons_report_->buttons = fuchsia::ui::input::ButtonsReport::New();
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::Mouse ||
protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::Gamepad) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has mouse";
has_mouse_ = true;
mouse_device_type_ = (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::Mouse)
? MouseDeviceType::BOOT
: MouseDeviceType::GAMEPAD;
mouse_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::MouseDescriptor::New();
mouse_descriptor_->rel_x.range.min = INT32_MIN;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_x.range.max = INT32_MAX;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_x.resolution = 1;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_y.range.min = INT32_MIN;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_y.range.max = INT32_MAX;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_y.resolution = 1;
mouse_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kMouseButtonPrimary;
mouse_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kMouseButtonSecondary;
mouse_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kMouseButtonTertiary;
mouse_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
mouse_report_->mouse = fuchsia::ui::input::MouseReport::New();
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::Acer12Touch) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has stylus";
has_stylus_ = true;
stylus_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::StylusDescriptor::New();
stylus_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
stylus_descriptor_->x.range.max = ACER12_STYLUS_X_MAX;
stylus_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
stylus_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
stylus_descriptor_->y.range.max = ACER12_STYLUS_Y_MAX;
stylus_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
stylus_descriptor_->is_invertible = false;
stylus_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kStylusBarrel;
stylus_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
stylus_report_->stylus = fuchsia::ui::input::StylusReport::New();
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchscreen";
has_touchscreen_ = true;
touchscreen_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::TouchscreenDescriptor::New();
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.max = ACER12_X_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.max = ACER12_Y_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
// TODO(jpoichet) do not hardcode this
touchscreen_descriptor_->max_finger_id = 255;
touchscreen_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen =
touch_device_type_ = TouchDeviceType::ACER12;
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::SamsungTouch) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchscreen";
has_touchscreen_ = true;
touchscreen_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::TouchscreenDescriptor::New();
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.max = SAMSUNG_X_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.max = SAMSUNG_Y_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
// TODO(jpoichet) do not hardcode this
touchscreen_descriptor_->max_finger_id = 255;
touchscreen_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen =
touch_device_type_ = TouchDeviceType::SAMSUNG;
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::ParadiseV1Touch) {
// TODO(cpu): Add support for stylus.
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchscreen";
has_touchscreen_ = true;
touchscreen_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::TouchscreenDescriptor::New();
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.max = PARADISE_X_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.max = PARADISE_Y_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
// TODO(cpu) do not hardcode |max_finger_id|.
touchscreen_descriptor_->max_finger_id = 255;
touchscreen_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen =
touch_device_type_ = TouchDeviceType::PARADISEv1;
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::ParadiseV2Touch) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has stylus";
has_stylus_ = true;
stylus_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::StylusDescriptor::New();
stylus_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
stylus_descriptor_->x.range.max = PARADISE_STYLUS_X_MAX;
stylus_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
stylus_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
stylus_descriptor_->y.range.max = PARADISE_STYLUS_Y_MAX;
stylus_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
stylus_descriptor_->is_invertible = false;
stylus_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kStylusBarrel;
stylus_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
stylus_report_->stylus = fuchsia::ui::input::StylusReport::New();
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchscreen";
has_touchscreen_ = true;
touchscreen_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::TouchscreenDescriptor::New();
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.max = PARADISE_X_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.max = PARADISE_Y_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
// TODO(cpu) do not hardcode |max_finger_id|.
touchscreen_descriptor_->max_finger_id = 255;
touchscreen_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen =
touch_device_type_ = TouchDeviceType::PARADISEv2;
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::ParadiseV3Touch) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has stylus";
has_stylus_ = true;
stylus_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::StylusDescriptor::New();
stylus_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
stylus_descriptor_->x.range.max = PARADISE_STYLUS_X_MAX;
stylus_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
stylus_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
stylus_descriptor_->y.range.max = PARADISE_STYLUS_Y_MAX;
stylus_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
stylus_descriptor_->is_invertible = false;
stylus_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kStylusBarrel;
stylus_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
stylus_report_->stylus = fuchsia::ui::input::StylusReport::New();
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchscreen";
has_touchscreen_ = true;
touchscreen_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::TouchscreenDescriptor::New();
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.max = PARADISE_X_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.max = PARADISE_Y_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
// TODO(cpu) do not hardcode |max_finger_id|.
touchscreen_descriptor_->max_finger_id = 255;
touchscreen_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen =
touch_device_type_ = TouchDeviceType::PARADISEv3;
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::ParadiseV1TouchPad) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchpad";
has_mouse_ = true;
mouse_device_type_ = MouseDeviceType::PARADISEv1;
mouse_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::MouseDescriptor::New();
mouse_descriptor_->rel_x.range.min = INT32_MIN;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_x.range.max = INT32_MAX;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_x.resolution = 1;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_y.range.min = INT32_MIN;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_y.range.max = INT32_MAX;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_y.resolution = 1;
mouse_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kMouseButtonPrimary;
mouse_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
mouse_report_->mouse = fuchsia::ui::input::MouseReport::New();
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::ParadiseV2TouchPad) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchpad";
has_mouse_ = true;
mouse_device_type_ = MouseDeviceType::PARADISEv2;
mouse_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::MouseDescriptor::New();
mouse_descriptor_->rel_x.range.min = INT32_MIN;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_x.range.max = INT32_MAX;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_x.resolution = 1;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_y.range.min = INT32_MIN;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_y.range.max = INT32_MAX;
mouse_descriptor_->rel_y.resolution = 1;
mouse_descriptor_->buttons |= fuchsia::ui::input::kMouseButtonPrimary;
mouse_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
mouse_report_->mouse = fuchsia::ui::input::MouseReport::New();
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::EgalaxTouch) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchscreen";
has_touchscreen_ = true;
touchscreen_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::TouchscreenDescriptor::New();
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.max = EGALAX_X_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.max = EGALAX_Y_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->max_finger_id = 1;
touchscreen_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen =
touch_device_type_ = TouchDeviceType::EGALAX;
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::ParadiseSensor) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has motion sensors";
sensor_device_type_ = SensorDeviceType::PARADISE;
has_sensors_ = true;
fuchsia::ui::input::SensorDescriptorPtr acc_base =
acc_base->type = fuchsia::ui::input::SensorType::ACCELEROMETER;
acc_base->loc = fuchsia::ui::input::SensorLocation::BASE;
sensor_descriptors_[kParadiseAccBase] = std::move(acc_base);
fuchsia::ui::input::SensorDescriptorPtr acc_lid =
acc_lid->type = fuchsia::ui::input::SensorType::ACCELEROMETER;
acc_lid->loc = fuchsia::ui::input::SensorLocation::LID;
sensor_descriptors_[kParadiseAccLid] = std::move(acc_lid);
sensor_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
sensor_report_->sensor = fuchsia::ui::input::SensorReport::New();
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::EyoyoTouch) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchscreen";
has_touchscreen_ = true;
touchscreen_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::TouchscreenDescriptor::New();
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.max = EYOYO_X_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.max = EYOYO_Y_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
// TODO(jpoichet) do not hardcode this
touchscreen_descriptor_->max_finger_id = 255;
touchscreen_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen =
touch_device_type_ = TouchDeviceType::EYOYO;
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::LightSensor) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has an ambient light sensor";
sensor_device_type_ = SensorDeviceType::AMBIENT_LIGHT;
has_sensors_ = true;
fuchsia::ui::input::SensorDescriptorPtr desc =
desc->type = fuchsia::ui::input::SensorType::LIGHTMETER;
desc->loc = fuchsia::ui::input::SensorLocation::UNKNOWN;
sensor_descriptors_[kAmbientLight] = std::move(desc);
sensor_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
sensor_report_->sensor = fuchsia::ui::input::SensorReport::New();
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::EyoyoTouch) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has touchscreen";
has_touchscreen_ = true;
touchscreen_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::TouchscreenDescriptor::New();
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.max = EYOYO_X_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.max = EYOYO_Y_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
// TODO(jpoichet) do not hardcode this
touchscreen_descriptor_->max_finger_id = 255;
touchscreen_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen =
touch_device_type_ = TouchDeviceType::EYOYO;
} else if (protocol == HidDecoder::Protocol::Ft3x27Touch) {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has a touchscreen";
has_touchscreen_ = true;
touchscreen_descriptor_ = fuchsia::ui::input::TouchscreenDescriptor::New();
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.range.max = FT3X27_X_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->x.resolution = 1;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.min = 0;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.range.max = FT3X27_Y_MAX;
touchscreen_descriptor_->y.resolution = 1;
// TODO(SCN-867) Use HID parsing for all touch devices
// will remove the need for this hardcoding
touchscreen_descriptor_->max_finger_id = 255;
touchscreen_report_ = fuchsia::ui::input::InputReport::New();
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen =
touch_device_type_ = TouchDeviceType::FT3X27;
} else {
FXL_VLOG(2) << "Device " << name() << " has unsupported HID device";
return false;
zx_handle_t handle;
if (!hid_decoder_.GetEvent(&handle))
return false;
return true;
void InputInterpreter::NotifyRegistry() {
if (has_sensors_) {
FXL_DCHECK(kMaxSensorCount == sensor_descriptors_.size());
FXL_DCHECK(kMaxSensorCount == sensor_devices_.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxSensorCount; ++i) {
if (sensor_descriptors_[i]) {
fuchsia::ui::input::DeviceDescriptor descriptor;
zx_status_t status =
fidl::Clone(sensor_descriptors_[i], &descriptor.sensor);
FXL_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK)
<< "Sensor descriptor: clone failed (status=" << status << ")";
// Sensor devices can't be anything else, so don't bother with other types.
fuchsia::ui::input::DeviceDescriptor descriptor;
if (has_keyboard_) {
fidl::Clone(keyboard_descriptor_, &descriptor.keyboard);
if (has_mouse_) {
fidl::Clone(mouse_descriptor_, &descriptor.mouse);
if (has_stylus_) {
fidl::Clone(stylus_descriptor_, &descriptor.stylus);
if (has_touchscreen_) {
fidl::Clone(touchscreen_descriptor_, &descriptor.touchscreen);
registry_->RegisterDevice(std::move(descriptor), input_device_.NewRequest());
bool InputInterpreter::Read(bool discard) {
// If positive |rc| is the number of bytes read. If negative the error
// while reading.
int rc = 1;
auto report = hid_decoder_.use_legacy_mode() ? hid_decoder_.Read(&rc)
: std::vector<uint8_t>(1, 1);
// TODO(cpu): remove legacy mode, so no raw HidDecoder::Read(int*) is
// issued from this code.
if (rc < 1) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read from input: " << rc << " for " << name();
// TODO(cpu) check whether the device was actually closed or not.
return false;
TRACE_DURATION("input", "Read");
if (has_keyboard_) {
ParseKeyboardReport(, rc);
if (!discard) {
if (has_buttons_) {
if (!discard) {
switch (mouse_device_type_) {
case MouseDeviceType::BOOT:
ParseMouseReport(, rc);
if (!discard) {
case MouseDeviceType::PARADISEv1:
if (ParseParadiseTouchpadReport<paradise_touchpad_v1_t>(,
rc)) {
if (!discard) {
case MouseDeviceType::PARADISEv2:
if (ParseParadiseTouchpadReport<paradise_touchpad_v2_t>(,
rc)) {
if (!discard) {
case MouseDeviceType::GAMEPAD:
// TODO(cpu): remove this once we have a good way to test gamepad.
HidDecoder::HidGamepadSimple gamepad;
if (!hid_decoder_.Read(&gamepad)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << " failed reading from gamepad ";
return false;
if (!discard) {
case MouseDeviceType::NONE:
switch (touch_device_type_) {
case TouchDeviceType::ACER12:
if (report[0] == ACER12_RPT_ID_STYLUS) {
if (ParseAcer12StylusReport(, rc)) {
if (!discard) {
} else if (report[0] == ACER12_RPT_ID_TOUCH) {
if (ParseAcer12TouchscreenReport(, rc)) {
if (!discard) {
case TouchDeviceType::SAMSUNG:
if (report[0] == SAMSUNG_RPT_ID_TOUCH) {
if (ParseSamsungTouchscreenReport(, rc)) {
if (!discard) {
case TouchDeviceType::PARADISEv1:
if (report[0] == PARADISE_RPT_ID_TOUCH) {
if (ParseParadiseTouchscreenReport<paradise_touch_t>(,
rc)) {
if (!discard) {
case TouchDeviceType::PARADISEv2:
if (report[0] == PARADISE_RPT_ID_TOUCH) {
if (ParseParadiseTouchscreenReport<paradise_touch_v2_t>(,
rc)) {
if (!discard) {
} else if (report[0] == PARADISE_RPT_ID_STYLUS) {
if (ParseParadiseStylusReport(, rc)) {
if (!discard) {
case TouchDeviceType::PARADISEv3:
if (report[0] == PARADISE_RPT_ID_TOUCH) {
if (ParseParadiseTouchscreenReport<paradise_touch_t>(,
rc)) {
if (!discard) {
} else if (report[0] == PARADISE_RPT_ID_STYLUS) {
if (ParseParadiseStylusReport(, rc)) {
if (!discard) {
case TouchDeviceType::EGALAX:
if (report[0] == EGALAX_RPT_ID_TOUCH) {
if (ParseEGalaxTouchscreenReport(, rc)) {
if (!discard) {
case TouchDeviceType::EYOYO:
if (report[0] == EYOYO_RPT_ID_TOUCH) {
if (ParseEyoyoTouchscreenReport(, rc)) {
if (!discard) {
case TouchDeviceType::FT3X27:
if (report[0] == FT3X27_RPT_ID_TOUCH) {
if (ParseFt3x27TouchscreenReport(, rc)) {
if (!discard) {
switch (sensor_device_type_) {
case SensorDeviceType::PARADISE:
if (ParseParadiseSensorReport(, rc)) {
if (!discard) {
FXL_DCHECK(sensor_idx_ < kMaxSensorCount);
case SensorDeviceType::AMBIENT_LIGHT:
if (ParseAmbientLightSensorReport()) {
if (!discard) {
FXL_DCHECK(sensor_idx_ < kMaxSensorCount);
return true;
void InputInterpreter::ParseKeyboardReport(uint8_t* report, size_t len) {
hid_keys_t key_state;
uint8_t keycode;
hid_kbd_parse_report(report, &key_state);
keyboard_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
size_t index = 0;
hid_for_every_key(&key_state, keycode) {
keyboard_report_->keyboard->pressed_keys.resize(index + 1);
keyboard_report_->keyboard->pressed_keys->at(index) = keycode;
FXL_VLOG(2) << name() << " parsed: " << *keyboard_report_;
void InputInterpreter::ParseMouseReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
auto report = reinterpret_cast<hid_boot_mouse_report_t*>(r);
mouse_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
mouse_report_->mouse->rel_x = report->rel_x;
mouse_report_->mouse->rel_y = report->rel_y;
mouse_report_->mouse->pressed_buttons = report->buttons;
FXL_VLOG(2) << name() << " parsed: " << *mouse_report_;
void InputInterpreter::ParseGamepadMouseReport(
// TODO(cpu): remove this once we have a better way to test gamepads.
const HidDecoder::HidGamepadSimple* gamepad) {
mouse_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
mouse_report_->mouse->rel_x = gamepad->left_x;
mouse_report_->mouse->rel_y = gamepad->left_y;
mouse_report_->mouse->pressed_buttons = gamepad->hat_switch;
bool InputInterpreter::ParseAcer12StylusReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(acer12_stylus_t)) {
return false;
auto report = reinterpret_cast<acer12_stylus_t*>(r);
stylus_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
stylus_report_->stylus->x = report->x;
stylus_report_->stylus->y = report->y;
stylus_report_->stylus->pressure = report->pressure;
stylus_report_->stylus->is_in_contact =
acer12_stylus_status_inrange(report->status) &&
(acer12_stylus_status_tswitch(report->status) ||
stylus_report_->stylus->in_range =
if (acer12_stylus_status_invert(report->status) ||
acer12_stylus_status_eraser(report->status)) {
stylus_report_->stylus->is_inverted = true;
if (acer12_stylus_status_barrel(report->status)) {
stylus_report_->stylus->pressed_buttons |=
FXL_VLOG(2) << name() << " parsed: " << *stylus_report_;
return true;
bool InputInterpreter::ParseAcer12TouchscreenReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(acer12_touch_t)) {
return false;
// Acer12 touch reports come in pairs when there are more than 5 fingers
// First report has the actual number of fingers stored in contact_count,
// second report will have a contact_count of 0.
auto report = reinterpret_cast<acer12_touch_t*>(r);
if (report->contact_count > 0) {
acer12_touch_reports_[0] = *report;
} else {
acer12_touch_reports_[1] = *report;
touchscreen_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
size_t index = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// Only 5 touches per report
for (uint8_t c = 0; c < 5; c++) {
auto fid = acer12_touch_reports_[i].fingers[c].finger_id;
if (!acer12_finger_id_tswitch(fid))
fuchsia::ui::input::Touch touch;
touch.finger_id = acer12_finger_id_contact(fid);
touch.x = acer12_touch_reports_[i].fingers[c].x;
touch.y = acer12_touch_reports_[i].fingers[c].y;
touch.width = acer12_touch_reports_[i].fingers[c].width;
touch.height = acer12_touch_reports_[i].fingers[c].height;
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches.resize(index + 1);
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches->at(index++) = std::move(touch);
FXL_VLOG(2) << name() << " parsed: " << *touchscreen_report_;
return true;
bool InputInterpreter::ParseSamsungTouchscreenReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(samsung_touch_t)) {
return false;
const auto& report = *(reinterpret_cast<samsung_touch_t*>(r));
touchscreen_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
size_t index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(report.fingers); ++i) {
auto fid = report.fingers[i].finger_id;
if (!samsung_finger_id_tswitch(fid))
fuchsia::ui::input::Touch touch;
touch.finger_id = samsung_finger_id_contact(fid);
touch.x = report.fingers[i].x;
touch.y = report.fingers[i].y;
touch.width = report.fingers[i].width;
touch.height = report.fingers[i].height;
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches.resize(index + 1);
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches->at(index++) = std::move(touch);
return true;
template <typename ReportT>
bool InputInterpreter::ParseParadiseTouchscreenReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(ReportT)) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "paradise wrong size " << len;
return false;
const auto& report = *(reinterpret_cast<ReportT*>(r));
touchscreen_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
size_t index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(report.fingers); ++i) {
if (!paradise_finger_flags_tswitch(report.fingers[i].flags))
fuchsia::ui::input::Touch touch;
touch.finger_id = report.fingers[i].finger_id;
touch.x = report.fingers[i].x;
touch.y = report.fingers[i].y;
touch.width = 5; // TODO(cpu): Don't hardcode |width| or |height|.
touch.height = 5;
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches.resize(index + 1);
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches->at(index++) = std::move(touch);
FXL_VLOG(2) << name() << " parsed: " << *touchscreen_report_;
return true;
bool InputInterpreter::ParseEGalaxTouchscreenReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(egalax_touch_t)) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "egalax wrong size " << len << " expected "
<< sizeof(egalax_touch_t);
return false;
const auto& report = *(reinterpret_cast<egalax_touch_t*>(r));
touchscreen_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
if (egalax_pressed_flags(report.button_pad)) {
fuchsia::ui::input::Touch touch;
touch.finger_id = 0;
touch.x = report.x;
touch.y = report.y;
touch.width = 5;
touch.height = 5;
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches->at(0) = std::move(touch);
} else {
// if the button isn't pressed, send an empty report, this will terminate
// the finger session
FXL_VLOG(2) << name() << " parsed: " << *touchscreen_report_;
return true;
template <typename ReportT>
bool InputInterpreter::ParseParadiseTouchpadReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(ReportT)) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "paradise wrong size " << len;
return false;
mouse_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
const auto& report = *(reinterpret_cast<ReportT*>(r));
if (!report.fingers[0].tip_switch) {
mouse_report_->mouse->rel_x = 0;
mouse_report_->mouse->rel_y = 0;
mouse_report_->mouse->pressed_buttons = 0;
mouse_abs_x_ = -1;
return true;
// Each axis has a resolution of .00078125cm. 5/32 is a relatively arbitrary
// coefficient that gives decent sensitivity and a nice resolution of .005cm.
mouse_report_->mouse->rel_x =
mouse_abs_x_ != -1 ? 5 * (report.fingers[0].x - mouse_abs_x_) / 32 : 0;
mouse_report_->mouse->rel_y =
mouse_abs_x_ != -1 ? 5 * (report.fingers[0].y - mouse_abs_y_) / 32 : 0;
mouse_report_->mouse->pressed_buttons =
report.button ? fuchsia::ui::input::kMouseButtonPrimary : 0;
// Don't update the abs position if there was no relative change, so that
// we don't drop fractional relative deltas.
if (mouse_report_->mouse->rel_y || mouse_abs_x_ == -1) {
mouse_abs_y_ = report.fingers[0].y;
if (mouse_report_->mouse->rel_x || mouse_abs_x_ == -1) {
mouse_abs_x_ = report.fingers[0].x;
return true;
// Writes out result to sensor_report_ and sensor_idx_.
bool InputInterpreter::ParseParadiseSensorReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(paradise_sensor_vector_data_t) &&
len != sizeof(paradise_sensor_scalar_data_t)) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "paradise sensor data: wrong size " << len << ", expected "
<< sizeof(paradise_sensor_vector_data_t) << " or "
<< sizeof(paradise_sensor_scalar_data_t);
return false;
sensor_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
sensor_idx_ = r[0]; // We know sensor structs start with sensor ID.
switch (sensor_idx_) {
case kParadiseAccLid:
case kParadiseAccBase: {
const auto& report =
fidl::Array<int16_t, 3> data;
data[0] = report.vector[0];
data[1] = report.vector[1];
data[2] = report.vector[2];
} break;
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
// TODO(SCN-626): Expose other sensors.
return false;
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "paradise sensor unrecognized: " << sensor_idx_;
return false;
FXL_VLOG(2) << name()
<< " parsed (sensor=" << static_cast<uint16_t>(sensor_idx_)
<< "): " << *sensor_report_;
return true;
bool InputInterpreter::ParseParadiseStylusReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(paradise_stylus_t)) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "paradise wrong stylus report size " << len;
return false;
auto report = reinterpret_cast<paradise_stylus_t*>(r);
stylus_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
stylus_report_->stylus->x = report->x;
stylus_report_->stylus->y = report->y;
stylus_report_->stylus->pressure = report->pressure;
stylus_report_->stylus->is_in_contact =
paradise_stylus_status_inrange(report->status) &&
(paradise_stylus_status_tswitch(report->status) ||
stylus_report_->stylus->in_range =
if (paradise_stylus_status_invert(report->status) ||
paradise_stylus_status_eraser(report->status)) {
stylus_report_->stylus->is_inverted = true;
if (paradise_stylus_status_barrel(report->status)) {
stylus_report_->stylus->pressed_buttons |=
FXL_VLOG(2) << name() << " parsed: " << *stylus_report_;
return true;
// Writes out result to sensor_report_ and sensor_idx_.
bool InputInterpreter::ParseAmbientLightSensorReport() {
HidDecoder::HidAmbientLightSimple data;
if (!hid_decoder_.Read(&data)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << " failed reading from ambient light sensor";
return false;
sensor_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
sensor_idx_ = kAmbientLight;
FXL_VLOG(2) << name()
<< " parsed (sensor=" << static_cast<uint16_t>(sensor_idx_)
<< "): " << *sensor_report_;
return true;
bool InputInterpreter::ParseButtonsReport() {
HidDecoder::HidButtons data;
if (!hid_decoder_.Read(&data)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << " failed reading from buttons";
return false;
buttons_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
FXL_VLOG(2) << name() << " parsed buttons: " << *buttons_report_
<< " volume: " << static_cast<int32_t>(data.volume)
<< " mic mute: " << (data.mic_mute ? "yes" : "no");
return true;
bool InputInterpreter::ParseEyoyoTouchscreenReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(eyoyo_touch_t)) {
return false;
const auto& report = *(reinterpret_cast<eyoyo_touch_t*>(r));
touchscreen_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
size_t index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(report.fingers); ++i) {
auto fid = report.fingers[i].finger_id;
if (!eyoyo_finger_id_tswitch(fid))
fuchsia::ui::input::Touch touch;
touch.finger_id = eyoyo_finger_id_contact(fid);
touch.x = report.fingers[i].x;
touch.y = report.fingers[i].y;
// Panel does not support touch width/height.
touch.width = 5;
touch.height = 5;
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches.resize(index + 1);
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches->at(index++) = std::move(touch);
return true;
bool InputInterpreter::ParseFt3x27TouchscreenReport(uint8_t* r, size_t len) {
if (len != sizeof(ft3x27_touch_t)) {
return false;
const auto& report = *(reinterpret_cast<ft3x27_touch_t*>(r));
touchscreen_report_->event_time = InputEventTimestampNow();
size_t index = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(report.fingers); ++i) {
auto fid = report.fingers[i].finger_id;
if (!ft3x27_finger_id_tswitch(fid))
fuchsia::ui::input::Touch touch;
touch.finger_id = ft3x27_finger_id_contact(fid);
touch.x = report.fingers[i].x;
touch.y = report.fingers[i].y;
touch.width = 5;
touch.height = 5;
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches.resize(index + 1);
touchscreen_report_->touchscreen->touches->at(index++) = std::move(touch);
FXL_VLOG(2) << name()
<< " parsed (sensor=" << static_cast<uint16_t>(touch.finger_id)
<< ") x=" << touch.x << ", y=" << touch.y;
return true;
} // namespace mozart