blob: 31157dedae1bc3f8052701076d8ac216aeb44bd1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <vector>
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/core/segment.h"
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/graph/graph.h"
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace media_player {
// Abstract base class for a graph segment that produces elementary streams.
// Note that the update callback supplied in Segment::Provision is used to
// notify of changes to the values returned by duration_ns(), can_pause(),
// can_seek() and metadata().
// TODO(dalesat): Consider moving metadata out of this definition. Not all
// sources will provide metadata, and there's no reason why Player should be
// concerned with metadata.
class SourceSegment : public Segment {
// Describes a stream.
struct Stream {
// Indicates whether this stream is valid. An invalid stream is a
// placeholder for a removed stream.
bool valid() const {
FXL_DCHECK((stream_type_ != nullptr) == static_cast<bool>(output_));
return stream_type_ != nullptr;
// Gets the type of the stream. This method must not be called on an invalid
// |Stream|.
const StreamType& type() const {
return *stream_type_;
// The output that produces the stream. This method must not be called on
// an invalid |Stream|.
const OutputRef output() const {
return output_;
std::unique_ptr<StreamType> stream_type_;
OutputRef output_;
friend class SourceSegment;
// Callback type used to inform the owner of stream changes. Stream adds
// and updated are indicated by non-null |stream| value. Stream removes are
// indicated by null |stream| value. |more| is true during initial stream
// enumeration when the segment knows there are more streams to report.
using StreamUpdateCallback =
fit::function<void(size_t index, const Stream* stream, bool more)>;
~SourceSegment() override;
// Provides the graph, async and callbacks for this source segment.
// |updateCallback| and |stream_update_callback| are both optional. If the
// segment can decide when streams are enumerated, it does so immediately
// after this method is called.
void Provision(Graph* graph, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
fit::closure updateCallback,
StreamUpdateCallback stream_update_callback);
// Revokes the graph, task runner and callbacks provided in a previous call
// to |Provision|.
void Deprovision() override;
// Sets the stream update callback. |stream_update_callback| may be null.
void SetStreamUpdateCallback(StreamUpdateCallback stream_update_callback);
const std::vector<Stream>& streams() { return streams_; }
// Indicates whether the addition of one or more streams is imminent. A false
// value is no guarantee that more streams won't be added.
bool stream_add_imminent() const { return stream_add_imminent_; }
// Returns the duration of the content in nanoseconds or 0 if the duration is
// currently unknown.
virtual int64_t duration_ns() const = 0;
// Indicates whether this segment can pause.
virtual bool can_pause() const = 0;
// Indicates whether this segment can seek.
virtual bool can_seek() const = 0;
// Returns the metadata for the current content or nullptr if no metadata
// has been obtained.
virtual const Metadata* metadata() const = 0;
// Flushes the source.
virtual void Flush(bool hold_frame, fit::closure callback) = 0;
// Seeks to the specified position.
virtual void Seek(int64_t position, fit::closure callback) = 0;
// Test only.
// Returns a reference to the source node.
virtual NodeRef source_node() const { return NodeRef(); }
// Called by subclasses when a stream is updated.
void OnStreamUpdated(size_t index, const StreamType& type, OutputRef output,
bool more);
// Called by subclasses when a stream is removed.
void OnStreamRemoved(size_t index, bool more);
bool stream_add_imminent_ = true;
StreamUpdateCallback stream_update_callback_;
// TODO(dalesat): Do we really need to maintain this or can we just have an
// abstract GetStreams()?
std::vector<Stream> streams_;
} // namespace media_player