blob: 3beb83a4e6c9731ef4cb1487721f7c4c3c82d4dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/core/sink_segment.h"
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/core/source_segment.h"
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/graph/graph.h"
#include "garnet/bin/mediaplayer/graph/metadata.h"
#include "lib/media/timeline/timeline.h"
#include "lib/media/timeline/timeline_function.h"
namespace media_player {
// A graph that delivers content one origin to many destinations.
class PlayerCore {
PlayerCore(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
// Sets the callback to be called when the status of the player is updated.
// This callback notifies of changes to end_of_stream(), duration_ns(),
// metadata() and/or problem().
void SetUpdateCallback(fit::closure update_callback) {
update_callback_ = std::move(update_callback);
// Sets the current source segment. |source_segment| must be provisioned. The
// callback is called when the initial set of streams supplied by the segment
// have been connected.
void SetSourceSegment(std::unique_ptr<SourceSegment> source_segment,
fit::closure callback);
// Removes the current source segment, if there is one.
void ClearSourceSegment();
// Sets the current sink segment for the specified medium. |sink_segment| may
// be null, indicating there is no sink segment for the specified medium.
void SetSinkSegment(std::unique_ptr<SinkSegment> sink_segment,
StreamType::Medium medium);
// Indicates whether the player has a source segment.
bool has_source_segment() const { return !!source_segment_; }
// Indicates whether the player has a sink segment for the specified medium.
bool has_sink_segment(StreamType::Medium medium) const {
if (GetParkedSinkSegment(medium)) {
return true;
const Stream* stream = GetStream(medium);
return stream && stream->sink_segment_;
// Indicates whether the currently-loaded content has a stream with the
// specified medium.
bool content_has_medium(StreamType::Medium medium) const {
return !!GetStream(medium);
// Indicates whether the indicated medium is connected to a sink segment. This
// will be false if no sink segment for the specified medium has been supplied
// or the provided sink segment could not handle the stream type.
bool medium_connected(StreamType::Medium medium) const {
const Stream* stream = GetStream(medium);
return stream && stream->sink_segment_ &&
// Prepares the graph for playback by satisfying initial renderer demand.
// |callback| will never be called synchronously.
void Prime(fit::closure callback);
// Flushes packets from the graph. |callback| will never be called
// synchronously.
void Flush(bool hold_frame, fit::closure callback);
// Sets the timeline function. |callback| will never be called synchronously.
void SetTimelineFunction(media::TimelineFunction timeline_function,
fit::closure callback);
const media::TimelineFunction& timeline_function() {
return timeline_function_;
// Sets a program range for the renderers.
void SetProgramRange(uint64_t program, int64_t min_pts, int64_t max_pts);
// Seeks to the specified position. |callback| will never be called
// synchronously.
void Seek(int64_t position, fit::closure callback);
// Indicates whether the player has reached end of stream.
bool end_of_stream() const;
// Returns the duration of the content in nanoseconds or 0 if the duration is
// currently unknown.
int64_t duration_ns() const;
// Indicates whether the player can pause. Returns false if this information
// is currently unknown.
bool can_pause() const;
// Indicates whether the player can seek. Returns false if this information
// is currently unknown.
bool can_seek() const;
// Returns the metadata for the current content or nullptr if no metadata
// has been obtained.
// TODO(dalesat): Remove metadata concerns from the player and source
// segment.
const Metadata* metadata() const;
// Returns the current problem preventing intended operation or nullptr if
// there is no such problem.
const fuchsia::mediaplayer::Problem* problem() const;
// Returns a pointer to the graph.
Graph* graph() { return &graph_; }
// Test only.
// Returns a reference to the source node.
NodeRef source_node() const {
return source_segment_ ? source_segment_->source_node() : NodeRef();
// Generates an introspection report.
void Dump(std::ostream& os) const;
static constexpr int64_t kMinimumLeadTime = media::Timeline::ns_from_ms(30);
struct Stream {
std::unique_ptr<SinkSegment> sink_segment_;
std::unique_ptr<StreamType> stream_type_;
OutputRef output_;
// Calls the update callback.
void NotifyUpdate();
// Gets the stream for the specified medium. Returns nullptr if there is no
// stream for that medium.
const Stream* GetStream(StreamType::Medium medium) const;
// Gets the stream for the specified medium. Returns nullptr if there is no
// stream for that medium.
Stream* GetStream(StreamType::Medium medium);
// Sets a parked sink segment for the specified medium. Returns nullptr if
// there is no parked sink segment for that medium.
SinkSegment* GetParkedSinkSegment(StreamType::Medium medium) const;
// Called when the source segment signals that a stream has been updated.
void OnStreamUpdated(size_t index, const SourceSegment::Stream& stream);
// Called when the source segment signals that a stream has been removed.
void OnStreamRemoved(size_t index);
// Called when an action kicked off by a call to |SetSourceSegment| completes.
// If |set_source_segment_callback_| is set, |set_source_segment_countdown_|
// is decremented. If it transitions to zero, |set_source_segment_callback_|
// is called and cleared.
void MaybeCompleteSetSourceSegment();
// Takes a sink segment for the specified medium from |parked_sink_segments_|
// or a stream. Returns null if no sink segment has been registered for the
// specified medium.
std::unique_ptr<SinkSegment> TakeSinkSegment(StreamType::Medium medium);
// Takes the sink segment from a stream.
std::unique_ptr<SinkSegment> TakeSinkSegment(Stream* stream);
// Connects the specified stream.
void ConnectStream(Stream* stream);
Graph graph_;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
fit::closure update_callback_;
fit::closure set_source_segment_callback_;
size_t set_source_segment_countdown_;
std::unique_ptr<SourceSegment> source_segment_;
std::vector<Stream> streams_;
std::unordered_map<StreamType::Medium, std::unique_ptr<SinkSegment>>
media::TimelineFunction timeline_function_;
} // namespace media_player