blob: 1c61c0c193c20c86f7a43e1709150112d81e0a0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-mapper.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace media {
namespace audio {
class AudioCoreImpl;
// TODO(johngro): Consider moving instances of this class to a slab allocation
// pattern. They are the most frequently allocated object in the mixer (easily
// 100s per second) and they do not live very long at all (300-400mSec at most),
// so they could easily be causing heap fragmentation issues.
class AudioPacketRef
: public fbl::RefCounted<AudioPacketRef>,
public fbl::Recyclable<AudioPacketRef>,
public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<fbl::unique_ptr<AudioPacketRef>> {
AudioPacketRef(fbl::RefPtr<fzl::RefCountedVmoMapper> vmo_ref,
fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer::SendPacketCallback callback,
fuchsia::media::StreamPacket packet, AudioCoreImpl* server,
uint32_t frac_frame_len, int64_t start_pts);
// Accessors for starting and ending presentation time stamps expressed in
// units of audio frames (note, not media time), as signed 50.13 fixed point
// integers (see kPtsFractionalBits). At 192KHz, this allows for ~186.3
// years of usable range when starting from a media time of 0.
// AudioPackets consumed by the AudioCore are all expected to have
// explicit presentation time stamps. If packets sent by the user are
// missing timestamps, appropriate timestamps will be synthesized at this
// point in the pipeline.
// Note, the start pts is the time at which the first frame of audio in the
// packet should be presented. The end_pts is the time at which the frame
// after the final frame in the packet would be presented.
// TODO(johngro): Reconsider this. It may be best to keep things expressed
// simply in media time instead of converting to fractional units of renderer
// frames. If/when outputs move away from a single fixed step size for output
// sampling, it will probably be best to just convert this back to media time.
int64_t start_pts() const { return start_pts_; }
int64_t end_pts() const { return end_pts_; }
uint32_t frac_frame_len() const { return frac_frame_len_; }
void Cleanup() {
FXL_DCHECK(callback_ != nullptr);
void* payload() {
auto start = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(vmo_ref_->start());
return (start + packet_.payload_offset);
uint32_t flags() { return packet_.flags; }
friend class fbl::RefPtr<AudioPacketRef>;
friend class fbl::Recyclable<AudioPacketRef>;
friend class fbl::unique_ptr<AudioPacketRef>;
~AudioPacketRef() = default;
// Check to see if this packet has a valid callback. If so, when it gets
// recycled for the first time, it needs to be kept alive and posted to the
// service's cleanup queue so that the user's callback gets called on the main
// service dispatcher thread.
bool NeedsCleanup() { return callback_ != nullptr; }
fbl::RefPtr<fzl::RefCountedVmoMapper> vmo_ref_;
fuchsia::media::AudioRenderer::SendPacketCallback callback_;
fuchsia::media::StreamPacket packet_;
AudioCoreImpl* const service_;
uint32_t frac_frame_len_;
int64_t start_pts_;
int64_t end_pts_;
bool was_recycled_ = false;
void fbl_recycle();
} // namespace audio
} // namespace media