blob: c08d837a37d50677b68e66f75d19ade992eec4b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/audio_input.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/audio_device_manager.h"
namespace media {
namespace audio {
constexpr zx_duration_t kMinFenceDistance = ZX_MSEC(200);
constexpr zx_duration_t kMaxFenceDistance = kMinFenceDistance + ZX_MSEC(20);
// static
fbl::RefPtr<AudioInput> AudioInput::Create(zx::channel channel,
AudioDeviceManager* manager) {
return fbl::AdoptRef(new AudioInput(std::move(channel), manager));
AudioInput::AudioInput(zx::channel channel, AudioDeviceManager* manager)
: AudioDevice(Type::Input, manager),
initial_stream_channel_(std::move(channel)) {}
zx_status_t AudioInput::Init() {
zx_status_t res = AudioDevice::Init();
if (res != ZX_OK) {
return res;
res = driver_->Init(fbl::move(initial_stream_channel_));
if (res == ZX_OK) {
state_ = State::Initialized;
return res;
void AudioInput::OnWakeup() {
// We were poked. Are we just starting up?
if (state_ == State::Initialized) {
if (driver_->GetDriverInfo() != ZX_OK) {
} else {
state_ = State::FetchingFormats;
void AudioInput::OnDriverInfoFetched() {
state_ = State::Idle;
uint32_t pref_fps = 48000;
uint32_t pref_chan = 1;
fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat pref_fmt =
zx_status_t res = SelectBestFormat(driver_->format_ranges(), &pref_fps,
&pref_chan, &pref_fmt);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
<< "Audio input failed to find any compatible driver formats. Req was "
<< pref_fps << " Hz " << pref_chan << " channel(s) sample format(0x"
<< std::hex << static_cast<uint32_t>(pref_fmt) << ")";
const auto& hw_gain = driver()->hw_gain_state();
if (hw_gain.min_gain > hw_gain.max_gain) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Audio input has invalid gain limits ["
<< hw_gain.min_gain << ", " << hw_gain.max_gain << "].";
FXL_LOG(INFO) << "AudioInput Configuring for " << pref_fps << " Hz "
<< pref_chan << " channel(s) sample format(0x" << std::hex
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(pref_fmt) << ")";
// Send the configuration request, the recompute the distance between our
// start and end sampling fences.
driver_->Configure(pref_fps, pref_chan, pref_fmt, kMaxFenceDistance);
int64_t dist = TimelineRate(pref_fps, ZX_SEC(1)).Scale(kMinFenceDistance);
FXL_DCHECK(dist < std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// Let the AudioDeviceManager know that we are ready to be added to the set of
// active audio devices.
void AudioInput::OnDriverConfigComplete() {
void AudioInput::OnDriverStartComplete() {
// If we were unplugged while starting, stop now.
if (!driver_->plugged()) {
void AudioInput::OnDriverStopComplete() {
// If we were plugged while stopping, start now.
if (driver_->plugged()) {
void AudioInput::OnDriverPlugStateChange(bool plugged, zx_time_t plug_time) {
if (plugged && (driver_->state() == AudioDriver::State::Configured)) {
} else if (!plugged && (driver_->state() == AudioDriver::State::Started)) {
// Reflect this message to the AudioDeviceManager so it can deal with the
// routing consequences of the plug state change.
manager_->ScheduleMainThreadTask([manager = manager_,
output = fbl::WrapRefPtr(this), plugged,
plug_time]() {
manager->HandlePlugStateChange(output, plugged, plug_time);
void AudioInput::ApplyGainLimits(::fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfo* in_out_info,
uint32_t set_flags) {
// By the time anyone is calling "ApplyGainLimits", we need to have our basic
// audio gain control capabilities established.
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(driver()->state() != AudioDriver::State::Uninitialized);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(driver()->state() != AudioDriver::State::MissingDriverInfo);
const auto& caps = driver()->hw_gain_state();
// If someone is trying to enable mute, but our hardware does not support
// enabling mute, clear the flag.
// TODO(johngro): It should always be possible to mute. We should maintain a
// SW flag for implementing mute in case the hardware cannot.
if (!caps.can_mute) {
in_out_info->flags &= ~(::fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfoFlag_Mute);
// Don't allow AGC unless HW supports it.
if (!caps.can_agc) {
in_out_info->flags &= ~(::fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfoFlag_AgcEnabled);
// If the user is attempting to set gain, enforce the gain limits.
if (set_flags & fuchsia::media::SetAudioGainFlag_GainValid) {
// This should have been enforced in OnDriverInfoFetched.
FXL_DCHECK(caps.min_gain <= caps.max_gain);
// If the hardware has not supplied a valid gain step size, or an
// ridiculously small step size, just apply a clamp based on min/max.
constexpr float kStepSizeLimit = 1e-6;
if (caps.gain_step <= kStepSizeLimit) {
in_out_info->gain_db =
fbl::clamp(in_out_info->gain_db, caps.min_gain, caps.max_gain);
} else {
int32_t min_steps = static_cast<int32_t>(caps.min_gain / caps.gain_step);
int32_t max_steps = static_cast<int32_t>(caps.max_gain / caps.gain_step);
int32_t steps = fbl::clamp(
static_cast<int32_t>(in_out_info->gain_db / caps.gain_step),
min_steps, max_steps);
in_out_info->gain_db = static_cast<float>(steps) * caps.gain_step;
void AudioInput::UpdateDriverGainState() {
if ((state_ != State::Idle) || (device_settings_ == nullptr)) {
AudioDeviceSettings::GainState state;
audio_set_gain_flags_t dirty_flags =
if (!dirty_flags) {
driver()->SendSetGain(state, dirty_flags);
} // namespace audio
} // namespace media