blob: 861145e946e2813f29965a0a74fcf50a4e1da1f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include "garnet/bin/mdns/service/interface_monitor.h"
#include "garnet/bin/mdns/service/mdns_interface_transceiver.h"
#include "lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace mdns {
// Sends and receives mDNS messages on any number of interfaces.
class MdnsTransceiver {
using LinkChangeCallback = fit::closure;
using InboundMessageCallback =
fit::function<void(std::unique_ptr<DnsMessage>, const ReplyAddress&)>;
// Enables the specified interface and family. Should be called before calling
// |Start|. If |EnableInterface| isn't called prior to |Start|, the
// transceiver will use all available interfaces. Otherwise it uses just the
// interfaces that have been enabled.
void EnableInterface(const std::string& name, sa_family_t family);
// Starts the transceiver.
void Start(std::unique_ptr<InterfaceMonitor> interface_monitor,
fit::closure link_change_callback,
InboundMessageCallback inbound_message_callback);
// Stops the transceiver.
void Stop();
// Determines if this transceiver has interfaces.
bool has_interfaces() { return !interface_transceivers_.empty(); }
// Sends a messaage to the specified address. A V6 interface will send to
// |MdnsAddresses::kV6Multicast| if |reply_address.socket_address()| is
// |MdnsAddresses::kV4Multicast|.
void SendMessage(DnsMessage* message, const ReplyAddress& reply_address);
// Writes log messages describing lifetime traffic.
void LogTraffic();
struct InterfaceId {
InterfaceId(const std::string& name, sa_family_t family)
: name_(name), family_(family) {}
std::string name_;
sa_family_t family_;
// Returns the interface transceiver at |index| if it exists, nullptr if not.
MdnsInterfaceTransceiver* GetInterfaceTransceiver(size_t index);
// Sets the interface transceiver at |index|. |interface_transceiver| may be
// null.
void SetInterfaceTransceiver(
size_t index,
std::unique_ptr<MdnsInterfaceTransceiver> interface_transceiver);
// Determines if the interface is enabled.
bool InterfaceEnabled(const InterfaceDescriptor& interface_descr);
// Ensures that the collection of |MdnsInterfaceTransceiver|s is up-to-date
// with respect to the current set of interfaces.
void OnLinkChange();
// Adds an interface transceiver for the described interface at the given
// index. The interface transceiver must not exist already. Returns true if
// the interface transceiver was added successfully, false if it couldn't be
// started.
bool AddInterfaceTransceiver(size_t index,
const InterfaceDescriptor& interface_descr);
// Replace an interface transceiver for the described interface at the given
// index. The interface transceiver must exist.
void ReplaceInterfaceTransceiver(size_t index,
const InterfaceDescriptor& interface_descr);
// Remove the interface transceiver with the given index. The interface
// transceiver must exist.
void RemoveInterfaceTransceiver(size_t index);
std::unique_ptr<InterfaceMonitor> interface_monitor_;
std::vector<InterfaceId> enabled_interfaces_;
LinkChangeCallback link_change_callback_;
InboundMessageCallback inbound_message_callback_;
std::string host_full_name_;
} // namespace mdns