blob: db5874710ca44bc39bcd12d2d1985cfe26327d05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/guest/device/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <virtio/gpu.h>
#include "garnet/lib/machina/device/gpu.h"
class GpuResource;
// A scanout represents a display that GPU resources can be flushed to.
class GpuScanout {
virtio_gpu_rect_t extents() { return extents_; }
void SetConfigChangedHandler(fit::closure config_changed_handler);
// Set a source-update handler for this scanout. On receiving a SetScanout
// command from the guest (e.g. resulting from a manual mode change), the
// handler will be called with the new source dimensions from the VirtioGpu
// device thread.
void SetUpdateSourceHandler(
fit::function<void(uint32_t, uint32_t)> update_source_handler);
// Set a flush handler for this scanout. On receiving a Flush command from
// the guest, the handler will be called with the flushed subrect from the
// VirtioGpu device thread. The contents of the target will not be
// subsequently modified until this handler returns.
void SetFlushHandler(fit::function<void(virtio_gpu_rect_t)> flush_handler);
// Set the flush target location for this scanout. On receiving a flush
// command, the scanout will copy data from the source resource into the
// target. The target will be written using the native pixel format of the
// guest driver.
// TODO(MAC-168): expose pixel format to scanout clients
zx_status_t SetFlushTarget(zx::vmo vmo, uint64_t size, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, uint32_t stride);
// Called in response to VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_SET_SCANOUT. This command associates
// a particular GpuResource and subrect with the scanout.
void OnSetScanout(const GpuResource* source_resource,
const virtio_gpu_rect_t& source_rect);
// Called in response to VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_RESOURCE_FLUSH. This command notifies
// the device that the resource's contents should be flushed to any attached
// scanouts whose source rect overlaps the flushed rect.
void OnResourceFlush(const GpuResource* resource,
const virtio_gpu_rect_t& rect);
// Called in response to VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_UPDATE_CURSOR. This command
// associates a particular cursor GpuResource metadata with the scanout.
void OnUpdateCursor(const GpuResource* cursor_resource, uint32_t hot_x,
uint32_t hot_y);
// Called in response to VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_MOVE_CURSOR. This command notifies
// the device that the cursor resource position should be updated. Also
// called in response to VIRTIO_GPU_CMD_UPDATE_CURSOR as position updates are
// included in that message.
void OnMoveCursor(uint32_t x, uint32_t y);
fit::closure config_changed_handler_;
fit::function<void(uint32_t, uint32_t)> update_source_handler_;
fit::function<void(virtio_gpu_rect_t)> flush_handler_;
uint64_t target_size_;
uint32_t target_width_;
uint32_t target_height_;
uint32_t target_stride_;
zx::vmo target_vmo_;
uintptr_t target_vmo_addr_;
// Scanout parameters.
virtio_gpu_rect_t extents_{0, 0, machina::kGpuStartupWidth,
const GpuResource* source_resource_ = nullptr;
virtio_gpu_rect_t source_rect_;
const GpuResource* cursor_resource_ = nullptr;
uint32_t cursor_x_;
uint32_t cursor_y_;
uint32_t cursor_hot_x_;
uint32_t cursor_hot_y_;