blob: bb7997969be598a41ec462ef70d8ca50ce8ff5b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use super::font_info;
use super::manifest;
use fidl_fuchsia_fonts as fonts;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::sync::Arc;
pub type LanguageSet = BTreeSet<String>;
pub struct Font {
pub asset_id: u32,
pub font_index: u32,
pub slant: fonts::Slant,
pub weight: u32,
pub width: u32,
pub language: LanguageSet,
pub info: font_info::FontInfo,
pub fallback_group: fonts::FallbackGroup,
impl Font {
pub fn new(
asset_id: u32, manifest: manifest::Font, info: font_info::FontInfo,
fallback_group: fonts::FallbackGroup,
) -> Font {
Font {
font_index: manifest.index,
weight: manifest.weight,
width: manifest.width,
slant: manifest.slant,
language: manifest
.map(|x| x.to_ascii_lowercase())
struct FontAndLangScore<'a> {
font: &'a Font,
lang_score: usize,
// Returns value in the range [0, 2*request_lang.len()]. First half is used
// for exact matches, the second half is for partial matches.
fn get_lang_match_score(font: &Font, request_lang: &[String]) -> usize {
let mut best_partial_match_pos = None;
for i in 0..request_lang.len() {
let lang = &request_lang[i];
// Iterate all language in the font that start with |lang|.
for font_lang in font
.range::<String, std::ops::RangeFrom<&String>>(lang..)
if !font_lang.starts_with(lang.as_str()) {
if font_lang.len() == lang.len() {
// Exact match.
return i;
// Partial match is valid only when it's followed by '-' character
// (45 in ascii).
if (font_lang.as_bytes()[lang.len()] == 45) & best_partial_match_pos.is_none() {
best_partial_match_pos = Some(i);
best_partial_match_pos.unwrap_or(request_lang.len()) + request_lang.len()
impl<'a> FontAndLangScore<'a> {
fn new(font: &'a Font, request: &fonts::Request) -> FontAndLangScore<'a> {
FontAndLangScore {
lang_score: get_lang_match_score(font, &request.language),
const FONT_WIDTH_NORMAL: u32 = 5;
// Selects between fonts |a| and |b| for the |request|. Fonts are passed in
// FontAndLangScore so the language match score is calculated only once for each
// font. If |a| and |b| are equivalent then |a| is returned.
// The style matching logic follows the CSS3 Fonts spec (see Section 5.2,
// Item 4: ) with 2
// additions:
// 1. Fonts with higher language match score are preferred. The score value
// is expected to be pre-calculated by get_lang_match_score(). Note that if
// the request specifies a character then the fonts are expected to be
// already filtered based on that character, i.e. they both contain that
// character, so this function doesn't need to verify it.
// 2. If the request specifies |fallback_group| then fonts with the same
// |fallback_group| are preferred.
fn select_best_match<'a, 'b>(
mut a: FontAndLangScore<'a>, mut b: FontAndLangScore<'a>, request: &'b fonts::Request,
) -> FontAndLangScore<'a> {
if a.lang_score != b.lang_score {
if a.lang_score < b.lang_score {
return a;
} else {
return b;
if (request.fallback_group != fonts::FallbackGroup::None)
& (a.font.fallback_group != b.font.fallback_group)
if a.font.fallback_group == request.fallback_group {
return a;
} else if b.font.fallback_group == request.fallback_group {
return b;
// If fallback_group of a and b doesn't match the request then
// fall-through to compare them based on style parameters.
// Select based on width, see CSS3 Section 5.2, Item 4.a.
if a.font.width != b.font.width {
// Reorder a and b, so a has lower width.
if a.font.width > b.font.width {
std::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b)
if request.width <= FONT_WIDTH_NORMAL {
if b.font.width <= request.width {
return b;
} else {
return a;
} else {
if a.font.width >= request.width {
return a;
} else {
return b;
// Select based on slant, CSS3 Section 5.2, Item 4.b.
match (request.slant, a.font.slant, b.font.slant) {
// If both fonts have the same slant then fall through to select based
// on weight.
(_, a_s, b_s) if a_s == b_s => (),
// If we have a font that matches the request then use it.
(r_s, a_s, _) if r_s == a_s => return a,
(r_s, _, b_s) if r_s == b_s => return b,
// In case italic or oblique font is requested pick italic or
// oblique.
(fonts::Slant::Italic, fonts::Slant::Oblique, _) => return a,
(fonts::Slant::Italic, _, fonts::Slant::Oblique) => return b,
(fonts::Slant::Oblique, fonts::Slant::Italic, _) => return a,
(fonts::Slant::Oblique, _, fonts::Slant::Italic) => return b,
// In case upright font is requested, but we have only italic and
// oblique then fall through to select based on weight.
(fonts::Slant::Upright, _, _) => (),
// Patterns above cover all possible inputs, but exhaustiveness
// checker doesn't see it.
_ => (),
// Select based on weight, CSS3 Section 5.2, Item 4.c.
if a.font.weight != b.font.weight {
// Reorder a and b, so a has lower weight.
if a.font.weight > b.font.weight {
std::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b)
if a.font.weight == request.weight {
return a;
if b.font.weight == request.weight {
return b;
if request.weight < 400 {
// If request.weight < 400, then fonts with
// weights <= request.weight are preferred.
if b.font.weight <= request.weight {
return b;
} else {
return a;
} else if request.weight > 500 {
// If request.weight > 500, then fonts with
// weights >= request.weight are preferred.
if a.font.weight >= request.weight {
return a;
} else {
return b;
} else {
// request.weight is 400 or 500.
if b.font.weight <= 500 {
if (a.font.weight as i32 - request.weight as i32).abs()
< (b.font.weight as i32 - request.weight as i32).abs()
return a;
} else {
return b;
} else {
return a;
// If a and b are equivalent then give priority according to the order in
// the manifest.
pub struct FontCollection {
// Some fonts may be in more than one collections. Particularly fallback fonts
// are added to the family collection and also to the fallback collection.
fonts: Vec<Arc<Font>>,
impl FontCollection {
pub fn new() -> FontCollection {
FontCollection { fonts: vec![] }
pub fn match_request<'a, 'b>(&'a self, request: &'b fonts::Request) -> Option<&'a Font> {
if (request.flags & fonts::REQUEST_FLAG_EXACT_MATCH) > 0 {
return self
.find(|font| {
(font.width == request.width)
& (font.weight == request.weight)
& (font.slant == request.slant)
& (request.language.is_empty() || request
.find(|lang| font.language.contains(*lang))
& ((request.character == 0) |
}).map(|f| f as &Font);
fn fold<'a, 'b>(
best: Option<FontAndLangScore<'a>>, x: &'a Font, request: &'b fonts::Request,
) -> Option<FontAndLangScore<'a>> {
let x = FontAndLangScore::new(x, request);
match best {
Some(b) => Some(select_best_match(b, x, request)),
None => Some(x),
.filter(|f| (request.character == 0) |
.fold(None, |best, x| fold(best, x, request))
.map(|a| a.font)
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn add_font(&mut self, font: Arc<Font>) {
pub fn get_styles<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = fonts::Style> + 'a {
fonts::Style { width: f.width, slant: f.slant, weight: f.weight}
mod tests {
use super::font_info::{CharSet, FontInfo};
use super::*;
use fidl_fuchsia_fonts::{self as fonts, FallbackGroup, Slant::*};
fn make_fake_font_collection(mut fonts: Vec<Font>) -> FontCollection {
let mut result = FontCollection::new();
for (i, mut font) in fonts.drain(..).enumerate() {
// Assign fake asset_id to each font
font.asset_id = i as u32;
fn make_fake_font(
width: u32, slant: fonts::Slant, weight: u32, lang: &[&str], charset: &[u32],
fallback_group: FallbackGroup,
) -> Font {
manifest::Font {
asset: std::path::PathBuf::new(),
index: 0,
language: lang.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(),
FontInfo {
charset: CharSet::new(charset.to_vec()),
fn request_font<'a, 'b>(
collection: &'a FontCollection, width: u32, slant: fonts::Slant, weight: u32,
lang: &'b [&'b str], flags: u32, fallback_group: FallbackGroup,
) -> Option<&'a Font> {
let request = fonts::Request {
family: String::new(),
weight: weight,
width: width,
slant: slant,
character: 0,
language: lang.iter().map(|s| s.to_ascii_lowercase()).collect(),
fallback_group: fallback_group,
flags: flags,
fn make_fake_font_style(width: u32, slant: fonts::Slant, weight: u32) -> Font {
make_fake_font(width, slant, weight, &[], &[], FallbackGroup::None)
fn request_style(
collection: &FontCollection, width: u32, slant: fonts::Slant, weight: u32,
) -> &Font {
fn test_font_matching_width() {
let collection = make_fake_font_collection(vec![
make_fake_font_style(2, Upright, 600),
make_fake_font_style(3, Italic, 100),
make_fake_font_style(8, Oblique, 400),
// width is more important than other style parameters.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Italic, 400).width == 3);
// For width <= 5 lower widths are preferred.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 2, Italic, 400).width == 2);
assert!(request_style(&collection, 4, Italic, 400).width == 3);
// For width > 4 higher widths are preferred.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 6, Italic, 400).width == 8);
// Otherwise expect font with the closest width.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 1, Italic, 400).width == 2);
assert!(request_style(&collection, 9, Italic, 400).width == 8);
fn test_font_matching_slant() {
let collection = make_fake_font_collection(vec![
make_fake_font_style(5, Upright, 600),
make_fake_font_style(5, Italic, 100),
make_fake_font_style(5, Oblique, 400),
// slant is more important than weight.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Upright, 400).slant == Upright);
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Italic, 400).slant == Italic);
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Oblique, 400).slant == Oblique);
let collection = make_fake_font_collection(vec![
make_fake_font_style(5, Upright, 600),
make_fake_font_style(5, Oblique, 400),
// Oblique is selected when Italic is requested.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Italic, 400).slant == Oblique);
fn test_font_matching_weight() {
let collection = make_fake_font_collection(vec![
make_fake_font_style(5, Upright, 700),
make_fake_font_style(5, Upright, 200),
make_fake_font_style(5, Upright, 400),
// Exact match.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Upright, 200).weight == 200);
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Upright, 400).weight == 400);
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Upright, 700).weight == 700);
// For weight < 400 lower weights are preferred.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Upright, 300).weight == 200);
// For weight > 500 higher weights are preferred.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Upright, 600).weight == 700);
// For request.weight = 500 the font with weight == 400 is preferred.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Upright, 500).weight == 400);
// Otherwise expect font with the closest weight.
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Upright, 100).weight == 200);
assert!(request_style(&collection, 3, Upright, 800).weight == 700);
fn request_style_exact(
collection: &FontCollection, width: u32, slant: fonts::Slant, weight: u32,
) -> Option<&Font> {
fn test_font_matching_exact() {
let collection = make_fake_font_collection(vec![
make_fake_font_style(2, Upright, 600),
make_fake_font_style(3, Italic, 100),
make_fake_font_style(8, Oblique, 400),
request_style_exact(&collection, 3, Italic, 100)
== 1
assert!(request_style_exact(&collection, 4, Italic, 100).is_none());
assert!(request_style_exact(&collection, 3, Upright, 100).is_none());
assert!(request_style_exact(&collection, 3, Italic, 300).is_none());
fn make_fake_font_lang(lang: &[&str]) -> Font {
make_fake_font(5, Upright, 400, lang, &[], FallbackGroup::None)
fn request_lang<'a, 'b>(collection: &'a FontCollection, lang: &'b [&'b str]) -> &'a Font {
request_font(collection, 5, Upright, 400, lang, 0, FallbackGroup::None).unwrap()
fn test_font_matching_lang() {
let collection = make_fake_font_collection(vec![
make_fake_font_lang(&["b-D", "b-E"]),
// Exact matches.
assert!(request_lang(&collection, &["a"]).asset_id == 0);
assert!(request_lang(&collection, &["b-C"]).asset_id == 1);
assert!(request_lang(&collection, &["b-E"]).asset_id == 2);
// Verify that request language order is respected.
assert!(request_lang(&collection, &["b-C", "a"]).asset_id == 1);
// Partial match: the first matching font is returned first.
assert!(request_lang(&collection, &["b"]).asset_id == 1);
// Exact match overrides preceding partial match.
assert!(request_lang(&collection, &["b", "a"]).asset_id == 0);
// Partial match should match a whole BCP47 segment.
assert!(request_lang(&collection, &["foo"]).asset_id == 4);
fn make_fake_font_fallback_group(fallback_group: FallbackGroup) -> Font {
make_fake_font(5, Upright, 400, &[], &[], fallback_group)
fn request_fallback_group(collection: &FontCollection, fallback_group: FallbackGroup) -> &Font {
request_font(collection, 5, Upright, 400, &[], 0, fallback_group).unwrap()
fn test_font_matching_fallback_group() {
let collection = make_fake_font_collection(vec![
assert!(request_fallback_group(&collection, FallbackGroup::Serif).asset_id == 0);
assert!(request_fallback_group(&collection, FallbackGroup::SansSerif).asset_id == 1);
assert!(request_fallback_group(&collection, FallbackGroup::Monospace).asset_id == 2);
// First font is returned when there is no exact match.
assert!(request_fallback_group(&collection, FallbackGroup::Cursive).asset_id == 0);