blob: ba3ab205efad0654f3c590b53162f53984215960 [file] [log] [blame]
use fuchsia_syslog::{fx_log_warn, fx_log_info};
use fuchsia_vfs_watcher as vfs_watcher;
use fuchsia_vfs_watcher::{WatchEvent, WatchMessage};
use std::fs::File;
use failure::{Error, err_msg};
use std::io;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use futures::{Stream, TryStreamExt};
use crate::host::{FidlHost, open_host_fidl};
// This module defines a watcher that subscribes to the device filesystem and
// produces a stream of messages when bt-host devices are added or removed from
// the system
static BT_HOST_DIR: &str = "/dev/class/bt-host";
fn bt_host_path() -> &'static Path { Path::new(BT_HOST_DIR) }
pub enum AdapterEvent {
use self::AdapterEvent::*;
/// Watch the VFS for host adapter devices being added or removed, and produce
/// a stream of AdapterEvent messages
pub fn watch_hosts() -> impl Stream<Item = Result<AdapterEvent, Error>> {
let dev = File::open(&BT_HOST_DIR);
let watcher = vfs_watcher::Watcher::new(&dev.unwrap())
.expect("Cannot open vfs watcher for bt-host device path");
watcher.try_filter_map(as_adapter_msg).map_err(|e| e.into())
pub async fn as_adapter_msg(msg: WatchMessage) -> Result<Option<AdapterEvent>, io::Error> {
let path = bt_host_path().join(&msg.filename);
Ok(match msg.event {
WatchEvent::EXISTING | WatchEvent::ADD_FILE => Some(AdapterAdded(path)),
WatchEvent::REMOVE_FILE => Some(AdapterRemoved(path)),
WatchEvent::IDLE => None,
e => {
fx_log_warn!("Unrecognized host watch event: {:?}", e);