blob: 1fa9a200735b2f80a6279b412bb747b1c322530e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/machina/virtio_console.h"
#include <virtio/virtio_ids.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace machina {
// Represents an single, unidirectional serial stream.
class Stream {
Stream(async_t* async, VirtioQueue* queue, zx_handle_t socket)
: async_(async),
queue_wait_(async, queue,
fbl::BindMember(this, &Stream::OnQueueReady)) {}
zx_status_t Start() { return WaitOnQueue(); }
void Stop() {
zx_status_t WaitOnQueue() { return queue_wait_.Begin(); }
void OnQueueReady(zx_status_t status, uint16_t index) {
if (status == ZX_OK) {
head_ = index;
status = queue_->ReadDesc(head_, &desc_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
OnStreamClosed(status, "reading descriptor");
status = WaitOnSocket();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
OnStreamClosed(status, "waiting on socket");
zx_status_t WaitOnSocket() {
zx_signals_t signals = ZX_SOCKET_PEER_CLOSED;
signals |= desc_.writable ? ZX_SOCKET_READABLE : ZX_SOCKET_WRITABLE;
return socket_wait_.Begin(async_);
void OnSocketReady(async_t* async, async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal) {
if (status != ZX_OK) {
status = queue_->Return(head_, 0);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to return descriptor " << status;
status = WaitOnQueue();
const bool do_read = desc_.writable;
bool short_write = false;
size_t actual = 0;
if (do_read) {
status = zx_socket_read(socket_, 0, static_cast<void*>(desc_.addr),
desc_.len, &actual);
} else {
status = zx_socket_write(socket_, 0, static_cast<const void*>(desc_.addr),
desc_.len, &actual);
// It's possible only part of the descriptor has been written to the
// socket. If so we need to wait on ZX_SOCKET_WRITABLE again to write the
// remainder of the payload.
if (status == ZX_OK && desc_.len > actual) {
desc_.addr = reinterpret_cast<void*>(
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(desc_.addr) + actual);
desc_.len -= actual;
short_write = true;
if (status == ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT || short_write) {
status = wait->Begin(async);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
OnStreamClosed(status, "async wait on socket");
if (status != ZX_OK) {
OnStreamClosed(status, do_read ? "read from socket" : "write to socket");
status = queue_->Return(head_, do_read ? actual : 0);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FXL_LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to return descriptor " << status;
status = WaitOnQueue();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
OnStreamClosed(status, "wait on queue");
void OnStreamClosed(zx_status_t status, const char* action) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Stream closed during step '" << action << "' (" << status
<< ")";
async_t* async_;
zx_handle_t socket_;
VirtioQueue* queue_;
VirtioQueueWaiter queue_wait_;
async::WaitMethod<Stream, &Stream::OnSocketReady> socket_wait_{this};
uint16_t head_;
virtio_desc_t desc_;
class VirtioConsole::Port {
Port(async_t* async, VirtioQueue* rx_queue, VirtioQueue* tx_queue,
zx::socket socket)
: socket_(fbl::move(socket)),
rx_stream_(async, rx_queue, socket_.get()),
tx_stream_(async, tx_queue, socket_.get()) {}
zx_status_t Start() {
zx_status_t status = rx_stream_.Start();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return tx_stream_.Start();
zx::socket socket_;
Stream rx_stream_;
Stream tx_stream_;
VirtioConsole::VirtioConsole(const PhysMem& phys_mem, async_t* async,
zx::socket socket)
: VirtioDeviceBase(phys_mem) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&config_mutex_);
config_.max_nr_ports = kVirtioConsoleMaxNumPorts;
ports_[0] =
std::make_unique<Port>(async, queue(0), queue(1), std::move(socket));
VirtioConsole::~VirtioConsole() = default;
zx_status_t VirtioConsole::Start() {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&mutex_);
return ports_[0]->Start();
} // namespace machina