blob: 91e7412fc1c21805353a67e20c82ac4a5285905c [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
const defaultCategories = "app,benchmark,gfx,input,kernel:meta,kernel:sched,ledger,magma,modular,motown,view,flutter,dart"
type captureTraceConfig struct {
Categories string
BufferSize uint // [MB]
Duration time.Duration
BenchmarkResultsFile string
SpecFile string
func newCaptureTraceConfig(f *flag.FlagSet) *captureTraceConfig {
config := &captureTraceConfig{}
// TODO(TO-400): It would be nice to be able to specify +category or
// -category to add or subtract from the default set.
f.StringVar(&config.Categories, "categories", defaultCategories,
"Comma separated list of categories to trace. \"all\" for all categories.")
f.UintVar(&config.BufferSize, "buffer-size", 0,
"Size of trace buffer in MB.")
f.DurationVar(&config.Duration, "duration", 0,
"Duration of trace capture (e.g. '10s'). Second resolution.")
f.StringVar(&config.SpecFile, "spec-file", "",
"Tracing specification file.")
"Relative filepath for storing benchmark results.",
return config
func captureTrace(config *captureTraceConfig, conn *TargetConnection) error {
cmd := []string{"trace", "record"}
if config.Categories == "" {
config.Categories = defaultCategories
if len(config.SpecFile) > 0 {
cmd = append(cmd, "--spec-file="+config.SpecFile)
if len(config.BenchmarkResultsFile) > 0 {
cmd = append(cmd, "--benchmark-results-file="+config.BenchmarkResultsFile)
if config.Categories != "all" {
cmd = append(cmd, "--categories="+config.Categories)
if config.BufferSize != 0 {
cmd = append(cmd, "--buffer-size="+
strconv.FormatUint(uint64(config.BufferSize), 10))
if config.Duration != 0 {
cmd = append(cmd, "--duration="+
strconv.FormatUint(uint64(config.Duration.Seconds()), 10))
// TODO(TO-401): The target `trace` command's output is misleading.
// Specifically it says "Trace file written to /tmp/trace.json" which
// references where the file is written to on the target not on the host.
// We should wrap this and offer less confusing status.
return conn.RunCommand(strings.Join(cmd, " "))
func convertTrace(generator string, inputPath string, outputPath string,
title string) error {
fmt.Printf("Converting %s to %s... ", inputPath, outputPath)
var args []string
args = append(args, "--output=" + outputPath)
if title != "" {
args = append(args, "--title=" + title)
args = append(args, inputPath)
err := runCommand(generator, args)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed: %s\n", err.Error())
fmt.Printf("Invoked as: %s %s\n", generator, args);
} else {
return err