blob: 3ce0dcb3ddc1ff1c9715d0e1d33dc39e5c9ff890 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <zircon/syscalls/exception.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include "lib/fxl/strings/string_view.h"
namespace debugserver {
namespace util {
// The escape character used in the GDB Remote Protocol.
constexpr char kEscapeChar = '}';
// Potential Errno values used by GDB (see
// reference). We don't rely on macros from errno.h because some of the integer
// definitions don't match.
// TODO(armansito): The error code definitions from GDB aren't really granular
// enough to aid debug various error conditions that packet handling potentially
// produces. Since GDB always ignores the error codes, perhaps we should come up
// with some of our own.
enum class ErrorCode {
PERM = 1,
NOENT = 2,
INTR = 4,
BADF = 9,
ACCES = 13,
FAULT = 14,
BUSY = 16,
EXIST = 17,
NODEV = 19,
NOTDIR = 20,
ISDIR = 21,
INVAL = 22,
NFILE = 23,
MFILE = 24,
FBIG = 27,
NOSPC = 28,
SPIPE = 29,
ROFS = 30,
UNKNOWN = 9999
// Builds an error response packet based on |error_code|. For example, if
// |error_code| is EPERM then the return value is "E01".
std::string BuildErrorPacket(ErrorCode error_code);
// Parses a thread ID (and optionally a process ID). Returns true if the given
// expression is parsed successfully and returns the process and thread IDs in
// |out_pid| and |out_tid|. If a process ID is present, then the value of
// |out_has_pid| is set to true, and to false otherwise.
// Note that we are not using zx_koid_t here because it is defined as uint64_t
// and the GDB remote protocol allows a value of "-1" to refer to "all"
// processes/threads. So we do our best and use int64_t.
// Returns false if the values cannot be parsed or if they cannot be represented
// as an int64_t.
// (See
// for reference).
bool ParseThreadId(const fxl::StringView& bytes,
bool* out_has_pid,
int64_t* out_pid,
int64_t* out_tid);
// Encodes the given thread and process IDs using the GDB remote protocol thread
// ID syntax
// (See
// for reference).
std::string EncodeThreadId(zx_koid_t pid, zx_koid_t tid);
// Finds and returns the index of the first occurence of |val| within |packet|,
// such that it is not preceded by an escape character.
bool FindUnescapedChar(const char val,
const fxl::StringView& packet,
size_t* out_index);
// Verifies that the given command is formatted correctly and that the checksum
// is correct. Returns false verification fails. Otherwise returns true, and
// returns a pointer to the beginning of the packet data and the size of the
// packet data in the out parameters. A GDB Remote Protocol packet is defined
// as:
// $<packet-data>#<2-digit checksum>
bool VerifyPacket(fxl::StringView packet, fxl::StringView* out_packet_data);
// Extracts the prefix and the parameters from |packet| and returns them in the
// |out_*| variables. The prefix and the parameters should be separated by a
// colon (':'). If |packet| does not contain a colon, or if there are no
// characters following a colon, the returned parameters will be an empty
// string. |packet| cannot be empty.
void ExtractParameters(const fxl::StringView& packet,
fxl::StringView* out_prefix,
fxl::StringView* out_params);
} // namespace util
} // namespace debugserver