blob: 0133c7f8c4bbf952dd5e8bc766545286a7ab17e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_server/fwd_decls.h"
#include "lib/media/fidl/timeline_controller.fidl.h"
#include "lib/media/transport/media_packet_consumer_base.h"
namespace media {
namespace audio {
class AudioPipe : public MediaPacketConsumerBase {
class AudioPacketRef;
// TODO(dalesat): Preferred style eschews these aliases - remove them.
using AudioPacketRefPtr = std::shared_ptr<AudioPacketRef>;
using SuppliedPacketPtr =
class AudioPacketRef {
// Accessors for starting and ending presentation time stamps expressed in
// units of audio frames (note, not media time), as signed 51.12 fixed point
// integers (see kPtsFractionalBits). At 192KHz, this allows for ~372.7
// years of usable range when starting from a media time of 0.
// AudioPackets consumed by the AudioServer are all expected to have
// explicit presentation time stamps. If packets sent by the user are
// missing timestamps, appropriate timestamps will be synthesized at this
// point in the pipeline.
// Note, the start pts is the time at which the first frame of audio in the
// packet should be presented. The end_pts is the time at which the frame
// after the final frame in the packet would be presented.
// TODO(johngro): Reconsider this. It may be best to keep things expressed
// simply in media time instead of converting to fractional units of
// renderer frames. If/when outputs move away from a single fixed step size
// for output sampling, it will probably be best to just convert this back
// to media time.
const int64_t& start_pts() const { return start_pts_; }
const int64_t& end_pts() const { return end_pts_; }
uint32_t frac_frame_len() const { return frac_frame_len_; }
uint32_t frame_count() const { return frame_count_; }
const SuppliedPacketPtr& supplied_packet() const {
return supplied_packet_;
friend class AudioPipe;
AudioPacketRef(SuppliedPacketPtr supplied_packet,
AudioServerImpl* server,
uint32_t frac_frame_len,
int64_t start_pts,
int64_t end_pts,
uint32_t frame_count);
SuppliedPacketPtr supplied_packet_;
AudioServerImpl* server_;
uint32_t frac_frame_len_;
int64_t start_pts_;
int64_t end_pts_;
uint32_t frame_count_;
AudioPipe(AudioRendererImpl* owner, AudioServerImpl* server);
~AudioPipe() override;
// Indicates a program range was set.
void ProgramRangeSet(uint64_t program, int64_t min_pts, int64_t max_pts);
// Indicates the priming was requested. The pipe is responsible for calling
// the callback when priming is complete.
void PrimeRequested(const MediaTimelineControlPoint::PrimeCallback& callback);
void OnPacketSupplied(SuppliedPacketPtr supplied_packet) override;
void OnFlushRequested(bool hold_frame, const FlushCallback& cbk) override;
static constexpr uint32_t kDemandMinPacketsOutstanding = 4;
void UpdateMinPts(int64_t min_pts);
AudioRendererImpl* owner_;
AudioServerImpl* server_;
MediaTimelineControlPoint::PrimeCallback prime_callback_;
int64_t min_pts_ = kMinTime;
bool min_pts_dirty_ = false;
// State used for timestamp interpolation
bool next_pts_known_ = 0;
int64_t next_pts_;
} // namespace audio
} // namespace media