blob: 53464c5fcb4cb840251f3ab6a3336376a98f0427 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "lib/escher/util/image_formats.h"
namespace escher {
namespace image_formats {
namespace {
uint8_t clip(int in) {
uint32_t out = in < 0 ? 0 : (uint32_t)in;
return out > 255 ? 255 : (out & 0xff);
// Takes 4 bytes of YUY2 and writes 8 bytes of RGBA
// TODO(garratt): do this better with a lookup table
void Yuy2ToBgra(uint8_t* yuy2, uint8_t* bgra1, uint8_t* bgra2) {
int u = yuy2[1] - 128;
int y1 = 298 * (yuy2[0] - 16);
int v = yuy2[3] - 128;
int y2 = 298 * (yuy2[2] - 16);
bgra1[0] = clip(((y1 + 516 * u + 128) / 256)); // blue
bgra1[1] = clip(((y1 - 208 * v - 100 * u + 128) / 256)); // green
bgra1[2] = clip(((y1 + 409 * v + 128) / 256)); // red
bgra1[3] = 0xff; // alpha
bgra2[0] = clip(((y2 + 516 * u + 128) / 256)); // blue
bgra2[1] = clip(((y2 - 208 * v - 100 * u + 128) / 256)); // green
bgra2[2] = clip(((y2 + 409 * v + 128) / 256)); // red
bgra2[3] = 0xff; // alpha
void ConvertYuy2ToBgra(uint8_t* out_ptr,
uint8_t* in_ptr,
uint64_t buffer_size) {
// converts to BGRA
// uint8_t addresses:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// | Y | U | Y | V |
// | B | G | R | A | B | G | R | A
// We have 2 bytes per pixel, but we need to convert blocks of 4:
uint32_t num_double_pixels = buffer_size / 4;
// Since in_ptr and out_ptr are uint8_t, we step by 4 (bytes)
// in the incoming buffer, and 8 (bytes) in the output buffer.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_double_pixels; i++) {
Yuy2ToBgra(&in_ptr[4 * i], &out_ptr[8 * i], &out_ptr[8 * i + 4]);
void ConvertYuy2ToBgraAndMirror(uint8_t* out_ptr,
uint8_t* in_ptr,
uint32_t out_width,
uint32_t out_height) {
uint32_t double_pixels_per_row = out_width / 2;
uint32_t in_stride = out_width * 2;
uint32_t out_stride = out_width * 4;
// converts to BGRA and mirrors left-right
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < out_height; ++y)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < double_pixels_per_row; ++x) {
uint64_t out = 8 * ((double_pixels_per_row - 1 - x)) + y * out_stride;
Yuy2ToBgra(&in_ptr[4 * x + y * in_stride], &out_ptr[out + 4],
void MirrorBgra(uint32_t* out_ptr,
uint32_t* in_ptr,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height) {
// converts to BGRA and mirrors left-right
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
uint64_t out = ((width - 1 - x)) + y * width;
out_ptr[out] = in_ptr[x + y * width];
} // anonymous namespace
size_t BytesPerPixel(const scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat& pixel_format) {
switch (pixel_format) {
case scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat::BGRA_8:
return 4u;
case scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat::YUY2:
return 2u;
// TODO(garratt): throw fatal error. All formats should be enumerated here
return 0;
size_t PixelAlignment(const scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat& pixel_format) {
switch (pixel_format) {
case scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat::BGRA_8:
return 4u;
case scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat::YUY2:
return 2u;
// TODO(garratt): throw fatal error. All formats should be enumerated here
return 0;
ImgConvertFunc GetConversionFunction(const scenic::ImageInfo& image_info) {
size_t bpp = BytesPerPixel(image_info.pixel_format);
switch (image_info.pixel_format) {
case scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat::BGRA_8:
if (image_info.transform ==
scenic::ImageInfo::Transform::FLIP_HORIZONTAL) {
return [](void* out, void* in, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(in), width, height);
} else {
// no conversion needed.
return [bpp](void* out, void* in, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
memcpy(out, in, width * height * bpp);
// TODO(garratt): support vertical flipping
case scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat::YUY2:
if (image_info.transform ==
scenic::ImageInfo::Transform::FLIP_HORIZONTAL) {
return [](void* out, void* in, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(in), width,
} else {
return [bpp](void* out, void* in, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
width * height * bpp);
return nullptr;
} // namespace image_formats
} // namespace escher