blob: b2394320d4c863f437e5279cc58c3e1be9cf08e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/resources/gpu_image.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/engine/session.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/resources/gpu_memory.h"
#include "garnet/lib/ui/scenic/resources/host_memory.h"
#include "lib/escher/util/image_utils.h"
namespace scene_manager {
const ResourceTypeInfo GpuImage::kTypeInfo = {
ResourceType::kGpuImage | ResourceType::kImage | ResourceType::kImageBase,
GpuImage::GpuImage(Session* session,
scenic::ResourceId id,
GpuMemoryPtr memory,
uint64_t memory_offset,
escher::ImageInfo image_info,
vk::Image vk_image)
: Image(session, id, GpuImage::kTypeInfo), memory_(std::move(memory)) {
image_ = escher::Image::New(session->engine()->escher_resource_recycler(),
image_info, vk_image, memory_->escher_gpu_mem(),
GpuImagePtr GpuImage::New(Session* session,
scenic::ResourceId id,
GpuMemoryPtr memory,
const scenic::ImageInfoPtr& image_info,
uint64_t memory_offset,
mz::ErrorReporter* error_reporter) {
vk::Format pixel_format = vk::Format::eUndefined;
size_t bytes_per_pixel;
size_t pixel_alignment;
switch (image_info->pixel_format) {
case scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat::BGRA_8:
pixel_format = vk::Format::eB8G8R8A8Unorm;
bytes_per_pixel = 4u;
pixel_alignment = 4u;
case scenic::ImageInfo::PixelFormat::YUY2:
<< "GpuImage::CreateFromMemory(): PixelFormat must be BGRA_8.";
return nullptr;
if (image_info->width <= 0) {
<< "GpuImage::CreateFromMemory(): width must be greater than 0.";
return nullptr;
if (image_info->height <= 0) {
<< "GpuImage::CreateFromMemory(): height must be greater than 0.";
return nullptr;
auto& caps = session->engine()->escher()->device()->caps();
if (image_info->width > caps.max_image_width) {
<< "GpuImage::CreateFromMemory(): image width exceeds maximum ("
<< image_info->width << " vs. " << caps.max_image_width << ").";
return nullptr;
if (image_info->height > caps.max_image_height) {
<< "GpuImage::CreateFromMemory(): image height exceeds maximum ("
<< image_info->height << " vs. " << caps.max_image_height << ").";
return nullptr;
escher::ImageInfo escher_image_info;
escher_image_info.format = pixel_format;
escher_image_info.width = image_info->width;
escher_image_info.height = image_info->height;
escher_image_info.sample_count = 1;
escher_image_info.usage =
vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eTransferDst | vk::ImageUsageFlagBits::eSampled;
escher_image_info.memory_flags = vk::MemoryPropertyFlagBits::eDeviceLocal;
vk::Device vk_device = session->engine()->vk_device();
vk::Image vk_image =
escher::image_utils::CreateVkImage(vk_device, escher_image_info);
// Make sure that the image is within range of its associated memory.
vk::MemoryRequirements memory_reqs;
vk_device.getImageMemoryRequirements(vk_image, &memory_reqs);
if (memory_offset >= memory->size()) {
<< "GpuImage::CreateFromMemory(): the offset of the Image must be "
<< "within the range of the Memory";
return nullptr;
if (memory_offset + memory_reqs.size > memory->size()) {
<< "GpuImage::CreateFromMemory(): the Image must fit within the size "
<< "of the Memory";
return nullptr;
return fxl::AdoptRef(new GpuImage(session, id, std::move(memory),
memory_offset, escher_image_info,
bool GpuImage::UpdatePixels() {
return false;
} // namespace scene_manager